Dec 24, 2007

Wishing You the Happiest of Holidays!

I'd like to take this opportunity to send my
deepest and most heartfelt holiday wishes to

...from my family - Elizabeth, Reid, Kenan, Olivia,
and myself...

...from my Dental Insiders Alliance family -
Vanessa, Roxane, Camille, Randy, and myself... YOU and your family, your team, your patients!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! And here's to the coming NEW YEAR!
We've got alot of great things in store for 2008.
See you 'round the bend!

All my best,

Dec 19, 2007

3 Ways To Lose Your Patients, Part 3

This is the third of my 3-part series focusing on the
leading reasons why patients fail to return to your office,
or worse yet CHOOSE to go elsewhere.

Understanding these will help you make the necessary changes
reduce their effects on your practice.

Reason #3: Failure to CONNECT with your patients.

This one's BIG...partly because it's somewhat subtle.
I could approach this concept from many different angles.
One of the best ways to view this idea is to consider this

What type of business are you REALLY in?

Over 95% of dentists, when asked this question, will immediately
answer, "I'm in the dentistry business". WRONG!

Sure, you "do" dentistry, provide dental services. But that's
not the TRUE defninition of your business. Here it is:

You are in the MARKETING and RELATIONSHIP business!

Dental services are what you market (or sell), and the
relationship is with your patients!

By the way, it's the same thing no matter what industry
you're in. Banker, restauranteur, clothing store owner,
doesn't matter. The THING you do or sell is NOT the BUSINESS
that you're in!

How much dentistry would you do if you could not ATTRACT the
patients that need and/or want it? Even if by accident, you
attract people who want your services. Whether or not you attract
a FEW or MANY depends on your ability to MARKET...and SELL.

How many patients would you have if there were no RELATIONSHIP
with them? (Note: it doesn't always have to be can
be a team member too) If they don't know WHO you are, and know
ABOUT you, they usually won't stick around very long.

You see...the dentistry you "do" is dependent upon the marketing
and the relationship. Good marketing and good relationships =
lots of patients and dentistry for you. Lack thereof = lack

Tying all this together, your ability to CONNECT with your patients
on a physical AND emotional level is the KEY to winning their
loyalty. You do that through the relationship you build with them.
Part of that relationship is built through savvy internal marketing
that shows them how much you appreciate them.

Failing to connect will stunt growth and KILL your business.

All my best,

PS: If you haven't already, get your 2 free months Preferred
Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance...PLUS $2173.00 worth
of practice pumping bonuses! The offer expires VERY soon.
Go here for all the details:

Dec 14, 2007

3 Ways To Lose Your Patients, Part 2

This is the second of my 3-part series focusing on the
leading reasons why patients fail to return to your office,
or worse yet CHOOSE to go elsewhere.

Understanding these will help you make the necessary changes
reduce their effects on your practice.

Reason #2: Failing to provide excellent NON-DENTAL service.

One of the biggest myths in dentistry is that the "quality"
of your dentistry is THE secret to success...and THE reason
why your patients remain loyal to you.


Need proof? OK. Do you know of a dentist who has a BOOMING
practice, yet his/her dentistry is mediocre at best? Or how
'bout an obvious EXPERT clinician of a dentist whose practice
is quiet as a church mouse? I'll bet you know more than one
of each!

How can that be if it's all about the dentistry? Well, it ain't!
Don't get me wrong...OF COURSE...clinical excellence is indeed
a component of success, and a requirement in my view. But it's
"the other stuff" that will help you build the practice of your

When I say "non-dental service", I'm referring to ALL the things
you and your team do in your practice for your patients...
beyond the dentistry.

It's the way you treat them on the phone. The way you handle
their insurance issues (not whether you "accept" it or not).
The way you make them feel when they're in your office. The way
you calm them if they're anxious or fearful.

It's the manner in which you handle their concerns and complaints.
The speed with which you return their calls. The consistency
you have in accommodating their needs, including financial ones.

It's (partly so) the appearance and decor of your office. The
amenities they experience there. The "creature comforts" you
provide. The music, the lighting, the atmosphere, etc.

It's all that...and more. Lack of or deficiency in any of the
above may be overlooked by some of your patients. But if you
ignore these things too long, you'll be seeing the backs of
many of your patients' heads...walking out your door...never
to return.

For every hour spent learning clinical techniques, AT LEAST
the same amount of time should be spent working on the
levels of PATIENT SERVICE that you provide.

Optimize these details and your practice will FLOURISH!
Ignore them at your peril.

All my best,

PS: If you haven't already, be sure to take advantage of
my offer for a 2-month "test drive" of Preferred
Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance. I'm giving away
tons of valuable bonuses too, worth over $ joke!

You'll pay NOTHING more than the paltry $5.97 shipping
charge during the entire 2 month period, And you should only
continue if you like what you get.

You can learn about it all here:

PPS: In 2008 I'll be launching several new services and
resources for my members. Only DIA members will have exclusive
access...all others will be left out in the cold. Go to
that link above and join now, and you'll be IN!

Dec 10, 2007

3 Ways To Lose Your Patients, Part 1

OK, this may not be exactly the inspirational
topic that you would normally expect from me,
but stick with me, because this IS important.

Knowing why you LOSE patients is one of the best
ways to understand better how to KEEP patients.
Make sense? Good.

In the next 3 emails I'll uncover 3 of the biggest
reasons why your patients choose to either leave
your practice, or simply not return.

Reason #1- Not staying in touch with them.

This is HUGE. Studies have shown that your relationship
with your clients, customers, or patients deteriorates
10% PER MONTH that you fail to communicate with them.

Clearly, 2 hygiene visits per year ain't gonna cut it!
Your patients need to hear from you MUCH more often to
feel "connected" to your practice.

I hate to break it to you, but your patients are not
sitting around thinking about their dental health very
often. We dentists are lucky to keep them focused on their
teeth, gums, and smile while they're in our office!

If you don't remain in "constant contact" with your
patients, many will easily forget about their relationship
with you. They will be more susceptible to an offer from
another dentist, simply because it was right there in
front of them...and you were not.

There are numerous ways that you can "stay in front" of
your patients, and maintain that "top of mind awareness"
that keeps them loyal to you.

Here's a partial list:

- Phone calls, including follow-ups from the doctor
- Patient Newsletters
- Emails, including "E-letters"
- Voice Blasts
- Letters
- Postcards
- Birthday/Anniversary/Holiday/Referral Cards
- Sending Gifts
- Faxes
- Events, Parties, Celebrations that you host
- Your external marketing (patients see it too!)
- ...and more!

Believe it or not, I recommend a BARE MINIMUM of 12 to
a more appropriate 48 "touches" per year! Using a creative
mixture of the methods above, it's actually easier
than you think to pull it off.

One word of caution. As you increase your contact with your
patients, be sure to have no more than 50% of your messages
containing "pitches", or offers for your services. You don't
want to always look like you're selling something. That said,
most dentists promote way to LITTLE. Having a good balance
is key.

Reach out to your patients more often, and watch your retention
numbers SOAR.

All my best,

PS: If you haven't already, be sure to take advantage of
my offer for a 2-month "test drive" of Preferred
Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance. I'm giving away
tons of valuable bonuses too, worth over $ joke!

You'll pay NOTHING more than the paltry $5.97 shipping
charge during the entire 2 month period, And you should only
continue if you like what you get.
You can learn about it all here:

PPS: In 2008 I'll be launching several new services and
resources for my members. Only DIA members will have
access...all others will be left out in the cold. Go to
that link above and join now, and you'll be IN!

Dec 3, 2007

Are You A Wimp Or A Warrior?

NOTE: I debated whether I should include "Wimp" in the title. Too aggressive? Maybe. But then again, it would've been "wimpy" for me not to do it. And, I know that if you're actually a warrior, then you know you're not a wimp.

If you aren't a warrior, well...As I write this, the college football regular season is over, and the biggest bowl games have just selected their teams from among the best in the country. Interestingly, the only undefeated team remaining in Division 1 college football is the University of Hawaii...the WARRIORS. They used to be called the "Rainbows". Not very intimidating, huh? But in 2000 all U. of Hawaii sports teams were given the choice of being called the "Rainbows", "Rainbow Warriors", or "Warriors". The football team chose "Warriors", and they've been getting better ever since.

Coincidence? I think not. They CHOSE to be Warriors...then they BECAME Warriors! I doubt they would've ever been undefeated as the "Rainbows". If you're wondering where I'm going with this, here are my two take-home points.

First, to succeed in the dentistry business today, you MUST be a "Warrior" wimps allowed!

Second, the first step toward becoming a Warrior is the CHOICE made to do so.

Warriors have clearly defined goals, acquire the necessary mentors, resources, and tools to achieve those goals, and attack their objectives strategically and tactically. They do their homework, make a plan, and TAKE ACTION. Wimps don't. Most importantly, Warriors don't back down when faced with challenges or obstacles...which they understand will appear. They fight through them, and refuse to quit until they have succeeded. Wimps don't.

It takes great courage to become a Warrior...and even more to remain one. Our society is getting "wimpier" every day, and it's increasingly difficult to find other Warriors with whom you can associate. However, there's more success to be had for those who stick it out. So keep "fighting". Heck, paint your face if you have to! In the end it'll pay off BIG TIME.

All my best,

Nov 23, 2007

The Best View On Marketing EVER!

If you're here in the U.S., I hope you're having
a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday week. If you're in Canada,
the UK, Australia, Belgium, South Africa, New Zealand,
and any other countries represented by members of
this list of savvy dentists...I hope you're having
a spectacular week as well.

The other day I came across an outstanding quote by
one of the 20th century's top management experts,
Peter Drucker. Originally from Austria, Mr. Drucker
studied many of the world's top corporations of the
post-WWII era. His writings on business and management
are brilliant.

Here's the quote:
"Marketing is not a function. It is the whole business
seen from the customer's point of view."

That's the BEST perspective on marketing I've ever seen!

Think about that one good and hard for a minute or two.
Drucker's saying that marketing isn't just something
that you "do" for your's the way people
SEE your practice. That's BIG.

Your IDENTITY to your patients, and those who are not
yet your patients,is what they see (or don't see) in
your marketing. OK, now let me define "marketing" from a
slightly different, yet parallel, angle:

"Marketing is ANY communication with your customers and/or
prospects that influences them to do more OR less business
with you."
- Me

Hopefully that makes you VERY conscious of the decisions you
make in your practice on a daily basis...the things you and
your team say to your phone calls are handled...
how your patients are treated...etc.

Also, you should be VERY careful considering whom you allow
to design ANY of your ads or marketing materials! Whether
they know it or not--and most don't--they are DEFINING
who you are to the world.

So...look around your practice. Look at your current marketing.
Listen to what you and your team are saying to your patients.
Observe how you and your team are acting toward your patients.

Be OBJECTIVE. Ask your team to do the same. Then meet with
them and discuss your findings. Don't focus on the negative.
When you uncover a problem, focus on POSITIVE solutions that
will get you better results. There's your opportunity.

All my best,

PS: This may be one of THE most important messages I ever
send to you. Be sure to keep this one in a safe place. Read
it to your team...get them involved!

PPS: The solution is NOT "pretty", image based marketing! It's
not about how your marketing's how it communicates
that matters! More on that in the future.

PPPS: If you liked this and other messages, please forward it
to dentist colleagues whom you think might enjoy them too.
They can join my Dental Insiders E-Alert List for free at:

This E-Alert subscription is separate from Preferred or Elite
Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance. It's a great way
for an interested colleague to "dip a toe in the water" and
get a taste of what DIA is all about.

Nov 20, 2007

Don’t Please The Turkeys, Part 2

Last time in Part 1 of "Don't Please The Turkeys", I
outlined what you should NOT do when your systems, policies,
and philosophy are challenged by a "turkey" dental patient.
By "turkey", of course I mean those that SUCK the lifeblood
right out of you and your team and your practice.

Clearly, they're not ALL that bad. In fact, many turkeys...
if you intervene quickly enough...can be transformed into
some of your best patients. Here in Part 2 I'll reveal
my 3-step process you can use to handle the turkeys in YOUR

-->Step 1 - Give them the benefit of the doubt...BEND a little.
Okay, I'm not that much of a Nazi with our protocols. There is
a time when it's good practice to be flexible with a challenging
patient, and the ONLY time to do so is at the START of the

As long as we don't violate our principles, we actually do go
quite far to please every patient in the beginning...even if
it means bending a policy a little to meet them in the MIDDLE.
However, we do gently explain our protocols, and that we're
making an exception at this time. The implied message is that
next time we expect them to reciprocate by fitting into OUR

Many times "dental turkeys" act the way they do because of
prior negative dental experiences. I want to give ALL patients
the OPPORTUNITY to become a great patient...and many of them
do if given that chance. Being generous with courtesy is
the best front-end strategy.

-->Step 2- The next time...HOLD YOUR GROUND with CALM CONFIDENCE!
Only a turkey will try a second time to overcome your systems
and policies to get what they want. If their requests are
unreasonable, don't give in. Use my favorite verbal skill
for this situation instead:

"I wish I could do that for you, but what I can offer is..."

That's our way of saying NO! Again, only the true turkeys
will try to continuously buck your system. If you hold your
ground, the better patients will comply, while most of the
turkeys will "self select" themselves OUT of your practice.

Many times the right thing is NOT done because the team FEARS
that the doctor will be angry at them for "losing" a patient.
If you articulate to your team that you're OK with losing a
TURKEY patient (you MUST be clear to define that), then they'll
feel more confident in letting them go by sticking to their guns!

-->Step 3- FIRE the stubborn turkeys! Eliminate them EARLY!
Dan Kennedy refers to "time and energy vampires" as those who
continuously try to SUCK everything they can from you. His
solution: "Drive a STAKE through their heart"! Similar here.

You don't have to endure the headaches that turkeys generate.
You can't afford to let the turkeys in your practice dominate
your attention and energy. Given the chance they'll do just
that. So cut it off at the pass...get rid of your turkeys.

NOTE: You know I'm not an attorney, so I'm not giving official
legal advice. Confirm your state laws regarding patient
dismissal, and abide fully by those laws. Once clear, cut the

There you have it. I hope this helps you in dealing with
your most difficult, unreasonable patients. Once, given
the chance to be good patients, they PROVE to you that they
won't, then they don't deserve to be a part of your practice.

Remember, "Turkeys are for EATING, not for TREATING"!

All my best,

PS: If you're not a Dental Insiders Alliance member, you're
missing out. I'm going to leave my expired "Too Good To Be True"
Bonus Package offer (worth over $2173.00) up for a few more days,
then I'm taking it down. You'll get that plus 2 months of
Preferred Membership in DIA for no monthly'll only pay
the tiny $5.97 shipping fee. All the info is here:

Nov 18, 2007

Don’t Please The Turkeys, Part 1

As my family and I are preparing to host 19
relatives for another busy but wonderful
Thanksgiving dinner, my thoughts turn to

But being the "dentaholic" that I am, I can't
resist the urge to discuss a different kind of
"turkey"...the dental kind...and what to do
about them.

I'm speaking of course about those patients
in your practice who are your most troublesome
patients. The ones who cancel, no show, whine,
complain, are overly demanding, or for some other
reason just a big pain in the you-know-what.

You know who I'm talking about. If you're like me,
about 4 or 5 names come to mind almost immediately!

This is Part 1 of 2 about the turkeys in your practice,
and what to do about them. Actually, this message
is about what NOT to do FOR them.

Don't PLEASE them IF it involves altering your
policies or systems in any way! In other words,
don't allow them to influence you to "bend the rules"
for them over and over again.

The turkeys seem to be unusually good at stretching
the limits of your "laws". They take advantage of
your intentions to make your patients happy. And in their
efforts to be made happy, they make you and your team

For your sanity, don't let it happen. Be sure that your
protocols are appropriate for 80-90% of your patients, but
not so "loosy-goosy" that they placate everyone...including
the turkeys.

You're gonna get complaints from some of your patients, no
matter what your policies are. Better for the complaints to
come from your WORST patients instead of your BEST patients!

So you might as well have the systems in place that are most
suitable for MASSIVE practice growth. Keep in mind that
this implies EXTREME satisfaction of the vast majority of
your patients!

In Part 2, coming very soon, I'll outline exactly what you
need to do with those TURKEYS!

All my best,

PS: If you're not a member of Dental Insiders Alliance yet,
you're missing out. You can get 2 months of Preferred
Membership with the monthly fees waived...all you'll pay is
the paltry $5.97 shipping fee. Plus "Dentistry's Too Good To
Be True" Bonus Package, worth over $2173.00. I've extended the
expiration date beyond the date posted, but I plan on pulling
the offer down sometime you may want to go there now:

Nov 12, 2007

Greetings From…Baltimore??

Greetings from Baltimore! No, I haven't moved my
family away from beautiful Charlotte, NC. I'm here
for just 2 days, but it's a VERY important 2 days.

I'm meeting with an ultra-high level mastermind
group of millionaire business builders and marketers,
led by master marketer Bill Glazer. Bill is Dan
Kennedy's right hand man, and he actually owns and
runs the Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle (formerly
the Dan Kennedy Inner Circle).

Bill has "TEN-TIMESED" Dan's previous business over
the last 5 years! It's truly amazing to be in a room
with him and 19 other heavyweights to share our best
profit producing strategies.

Please note that I'm the ONLY dentist in this group.
Only 20 members are invited into this mastermind
group from thousends of members, and they come from
all sorts of different businesses and industries.

There are a couple of real estate experts, an internet
marketing KINGPIN, a martial arts SENSEI, even a
cosmetics EMPIRE owner from Spain! Plus more. This
group is phenomenal...and I've learned more from them
than from ANY other source EVER (and still learning).

During these meetings we have BIG BREAKTHROUGHS...
revolutionary ideas that quickly result in
MASSIVE increases in business.

Why am I telling you all this? Simple. The BEST
ideas and strategies for building and growing an
ultra-successful dental practice actually come
from OUTSIDE of dentistry! When applied to our
profession, the concepts can literally CATAPULT
your practice to its next level of success.

My commitment to you...and to to
bring all the best information about creating your
"Shortcut To Success" straight into your hot little hands.
I'm converting it into applicable ideas for dentistry
FOR you, so you can use it for your practice, and watch
your numbers grow!

Stay tuned...there's more coming later this week.
Gotta go for now.

All my best,

Nov 9, 2007

It’s Already Christmas at Starbucks!

"Fa la la la laah, la la, la, LATTE!"
(And what this means for YOU)

Yes, it's official...the holiday season HAS started.
I walked into my neighborhood Starbucks yesterday,
November 8th no less, and the whole place was "decked"
out for the holidays. Not just holly, by the way.
Christmas blends of coffee, holiday cookies, CD's,
you name it. Even the menus are switched out to RED!

This is VERY important to you and your practice. It
signifies the beginning of the massive American mental
shift that is the holidays...earlier each year.

Translated, it's even MORE difficult now to get your
patients thinking about YOU, their dentist, and all
the dental work they should be getting done before
the end of the year. To be quite blunt, they ain't
usually thinking about you anyway. Between now and
January 10th or so, it's worse.

So...what can you do about it? Reach out to them,
that's what. Literally PREVENT them from forgetting
that you're there. Granted, it's a little late in
the pre-holiday marketing cycle, but it's not TOO late.

Although it's best to set up for a great November and
December in September and October, you can still have a
positive impact on your holiday numbers this year.

There's still time to send out your End Of Year Insurance
Letter, which reminds your patients that they'll leave
a bunch of THEIR insurance money on the table if they
don't use it up by your last working day in December.
Dental Insiders Alliance members have access to my version
of this killer internal marketing tool.

If you hurry you can send out Thanksgiving cards to your
patient base. Online services such as Amazing Mail
( can upload your patient list and
send out the card you select within 2 business days!
Include a special offer for the holidays, like $97
Whitening, or $100 Savings Certificate, expiring
December a gesture of THANKS.

Similarly, a "White Christmas" promotion can allow your
patients to purchase a "Smile Certificate", which they can
use themselves or gift to someone else.

My Dental Insiders Alliance members recently received
perhaps my best seasonal marketing CD ever: "3 Magical
Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!" It contains
EVERY detail involved in the above 3 campaigns, plus

If you're not a member yet, you need to jump in NOW
if you still want to benefit from the information.
I only have 18 CD's left from my original allotment,
and I'm not going to produce any more.

By the way, the same strategies will work just as well
NEXT year too...and you'll already have the CD! The best
part is that I'm virtually giving it away, along with over
$2173.00 worth of other bonuses, including 2 months of
Preferred Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance.

All the details can be found here:

What will you be doing on December 31? Scratching your head,
wondering why December was slow AGAIN? Or CELEBRATING a
RECORD MONTH, because you grabbed the bull by the horns
and MADE your dental practice a part of your patients'
holiday plans? I hope the latter!

All my best,

PS: This is NOT the time of year to start marketing "cold"
to non-patients! External marketing projects are typically
not as productive until January/February. Stick with internal

PS2: The above-mentioned CD also includes details about
VOICE-BLASTING, EMAIL-BLASTING, multi-stepped campaigns,
and how to coordinate them. Either "blasting" technique can
be accomplished with LIGHTNING's not too late!

Nov 6, 2007

Was I Abducted By Aliens?

Hi...I hope all is well with you and your practice.

You may have wondered why you haven't heard from me
in a while. Well, that's a good question. After all,
this is the "Weekly E-Alert Letter", right?

Well, I wish I could give you a dramatic story like:

"I was ABDUCTED by ALIENS! They took me to a galaxy far
far away, where all the dentistry is ideal, and all of
the aliens LOVE their dentist! I spent 14 years with
them while not aging one "Earth day". Then I returned to
Earth unharmed."

But I can't. Fact is, I've been buried deep in a dental
practice that's busier than it's ever been. Plus, my family
has kept me ultra-busy as well, and rightly so! But that's
really no excuse. Instead, I can offer you this "damaging

I simply haven't kept up with this E'Letter like I should've.
I let other distractions get in my way, and for that I take
complete responsibility. that that's out of the way, I have an announcement
to make. Not only will I be getting back on track with the
Dental Insiders Alliance E-Alert Update; I'm going to DOUBLE
the frequency!

That's right...your Weekly E-Alert Update will now be delivered
TWICE weekly! Once on or about Monday morning, and once on or
about Friday morning. I'm doubling my output for you, so you
can look forward to more great stuff from me.

Granted, it's not the level of access to me that my Preferred and
Elite Dental Insiders Alliance members have. But it does give
you a great "glimpse behind the curtain", so you can get to know me

If you're already a member, you'll get these E-Alerts too as an
added membership benefit. It's your icing on the cake.

I'm excited about this renewed commitment to you, as I have
so much to share. And I invite your feedback at:

Have an AMAZING week!

All my best,

Oct 12, 2007

Last Chance For Best 4th Quarter Marketing CD Ever

It's mid-October, and this is your LAST CHANCE to get
"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A Bang!"

I know I haven't been in touch in a little while...I hope
you're doing well. We've been SO busy lately in my practice
that I haven't had much time to breathe easy. That plus
3 little ones at home, well, you get the idea.

One reason why I've been so busy is because we've been
IMPLEMENTING the strategies that I outlined in my CD:

"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"

This new release is being hailed by many of my Dental Insiders
Alliance members as one of my best presentations ever!

It was actually one of my "Executive Insider" tele-seminars,
typically reserved for Dental Insiders Alliance members only.
I spared no detail as I revealed my secrets to making the 4th
quarter of the year uncommonly profitable.

I offered the CD recently as an added bonus for taking a
2-month "test drive" of Preferred Membership in Dental Insiders
Alliance...along with the other bonuses totaling over $2173.00
in value (not a misprint). The response has been tremendous!

Now I've got a handful left, and I don't want them gathering dust
in storage when they could be helping dentists like you have their
best 4th quarter EVER. It's not too late to do this...but it
ALMOST is. All the details are here:

If you wait any longer, you'll miss out on this window of
opportunity. Whether your practice is really busy or less so this
time of year, it's a no-brainer for your numbers to improve if
you utilize even just one of the 3 strategies I cover.

Want more information? OK. Here's a sampling of what I shared
on this recording of my recent tele-seminar:

* How you can help your patients FIND MONEY that's available
for them to help pay for their dentistry (2 ways!)

* My "secret formula" that MULTIPLIES the revenues generated
from any typical end-of-year promotions.

* My advanced techniques that SQUEEZE the best response rate
from my end-of-year promotions

* How to maximize PATIENT LOYALTY among your patients

* How to generate SCORES of referrals from your patients in just
one day

* How to take advantage of the upcoming holiday season and
LEVERAGE it for your practice

* Step-by step formulas for implemeting each of these three
marketing strategies with EASE

* Bonus: the BEST holiday card to send your patients, and why
(plus, what you absolutely SHOULDN'T send your patients!)

* ...and much much MORE!

I've certainly said enough by now. Go ahead and check it out,
before you lose the option to do so:

All my best,

PS: You are NOT a "victim" of the economy, your patients' whims,
or any outside influences. The fact is that YOU control the flow
of business in your practice. Don't let this chance to make a
HUGE difference this year slip through your fingers. Act now!

PPS: "3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
won't just help you in 2007. This "evergreen" information can
be applied in 2008, 2009, 2010 and beyond. You'll benefit over
and over, and likely get better results each successive year!

Sep 27, 2007

How You Can End 2007 With A BANG!

This one's HOT! I recently received the CD's from my September
Dental Insiders Alliance Tele-Seminar, titled:

"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
(details of this amazing call are below)

This CD, and the powerful information contained on it, is reserved
for only my Dental Insiders Alliance Preferred and Elite Members.
They've all just received it via first class mail.

However, I've got a few left, and I'd like for you to have one.
Since you've got to be a DIA Member to get one, I decided to give
you a new opportunity to join without any risk...and at virtually
NO COST for 2 full months (there's only a tiny $5.97 shipping fee).

So, for the next 34 doctors that sign up for a *free* Test Drive of
Preferred Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance, you'll get a
copy of the CD that can help you turn your 4th Quarter of 2007 into
3 RECORD MONTHS! Why only 34? That's all the CD's I have left.

Sign up by going to:

You'll get 2 months of Dental Insiders Alliance Preferred Membership
and all its benefits, which are outlined on the above webpage.
Included with your Membership is "Dentistry's Too Good To Be True"
Bonus Package, worth over $2173.00. And now you can get the
groundbreaking CD: "3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007
With A BANG!" (while I still have them to send)

During this powerful tele-seminar I uncovered three of my
most impactful marketing strategies that I reserve for the
last 3 months of the year.

Many doctors complain about certain months of the year being
"slower" than normal. Problem is, they don't do anything about it.

Listen, YOU control the "flow" of business in your practice! It's
all about how you market your potential new patients
AND your own existing patients. During this special tele-seminar,
I'm spared no detail in sharing my late-year marketing secrets.

Here's what I exposed on the call:

- How you can help your patients FIND MONEY that's available
for them to help pay for their dentistry (2 ways!)

- My "secret formula" that MULTIPLIES the revenues generated
from any typical end-of-year promotions.

- My advanced techniques that SQUEEZE the best response rate
from my end-of-year promotions

- How to maximize PATIENT LOYALTY among your patients

- How to generate SCORES of referrals from your patients in just
one day

- How to take advantage of the upcoming holiday season and
LEVERAGE it for your practice

- Step-by step formulas for implemeting each of these three
marketing strategies with EASE

- Bonus: the BEST holiday card to send your patients, and why
(plus, what you DON'T want to send your patients!)

- ...and much much more.

Remember, these secrets apply not only to this year, but also
EVERY YEAR! It's truly an "evergreen" marketing strategy CD. In
fact, one strategy I outline in detail can be done ANY time of the

Don't miss your chance to get your hands on this little CD that
can make a HUGE difference in your bottom line. Take your
"test drive" of Dental Insiders Alliance Preferred Membership now!

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

PS: Will YOU be one of the "final 34" to get this KILLER CD?

PPS: Don't forget all the other benefits of membership too...and
dentistry's "Too Good To Be True" Bonus Package, worth over $2173.00.
It's a no-brainer!

Aug 27, 2007

Running With Your Shoelaces Untied…

I'm writing you from beautiful Figure 8 Island,
just outside of Wilmington, NC. My family and
I are on vacation, which explains why you haven't
heard much from me in the past few days. But I
had to share something with you from the other day,
so I saddled up my old laptop at the beach house.

Many of you may be aware that we've had ALL-TIME
record heat here in the Southeastern US during the
month of August. Never in recorded history have we
seen as many 100+ degree days as we have here this
month. Nevertheless, I'm still working hard to stay
in shape, so I trudged out for another morning run

Despite the fact that I was out during the sunrise,
the heat and humidity were already oppressive. I say
this only because if there were a day that I wouldn't
feel bad about holding back, it would've been yesterday.

At the halfway point I was already winded, and every
breath I took in felt like it came straight from a
steam room. I kept pushing though, thinking less about
my "time" and more about just finishing!

Then, about 1/2 mile from my finish, wouldn't ya know shoelace began to unravel, as I felt the normal
snugness of my running shoe go away. Soon enough it was
untied completely. Then, as if on cue, the other one went
too. With a little less than 5 tenths to go, I was running
with untied shoes.

Make that: tired, overheated, winded, breathing steam, feet
on fire...with untied shoes!

What were we all taught to do when our shoes are untied?
Stop and tie them so you don't trip up, right? After all,
it makes good sense. And on a day like yesterday, it would
certainly give me a good excuse to "take a knee" and catch my
breath while I tied my laces. I had every reason to stop
for a moment...but I didn't.


Yes, I was beat. But I knew that if I had stopped, I would
have lost any momentum I had. Plus, it would be that much
harder to restart. But my laces were long, and if I kept
running my current pace, I risked catching a lace and doing
a SPLAT right on the hot asphalt.

The only other solution was to OUTRUN my untied laces, and
stretch out my stride so I wouldn't trip on them. That's
exactly what I did. I ignored the fact that I felt like
(variation of the word "CARP"). Like Nike in past tense,
I "Just Did It".

Can you guess the result? My best time for that distance in
TWO YEARS! I never would've run that hard if my shoes had
stayed tied...or if I had stopped to tie them. My "roadblock",
or challenge, actually became the IMPETUS for my success!

There's the lesson I learned as I was huffing and puffing my
way back into the house, at max heart rate and just short of

More often than not, the obstacles we encounter in our businesses
and our lives can stop us dead in our tracks if we let them.
In adverse conditions it's especially dangerous. HOWEVER, if
you turn the tables on your challenges, many times you'll
find the OPPORTUNITIES hidden in them. When you ACT, you'll
find yourself achieving at levels you never dreamed of hitting.

Often this requires simply being more persistent. Other
times, a new or different approach is needed. And occasionally
the hurdle itself transforms into the REASON why you succeeded
so wildly. All it takes is "proper" perspective.

What you must do when faced with such circumstances is STAY
FOCUSED on your intended outcomes and goals. Do not be deterred
by distractions or perceived roadblocks. When you keep your
"eyes on the prize", not only can you not be
can also achieve so much more!

All my best,

PS: I'm considering opening up a few more slots in my
Power Hours Formula / Instant Team Meetings program. We've
completed 3 "Fast Start" Tele-Coaching Calls already, and
the feedback has been nothing short of incredible!

My customer service team has informaed me that things are
running VERY smoothly with the doctors and practices that
are currently enrolled. At this point I feel confident that
we can accommodate a limited number of additional doctors and
their practices.

I'm going to look at the numbers a little more, then make a
decision this week. Keep your eyes peeled for further info.
Of course, any "new" enrollees will get immediate and total
access to all previously complete calls!

Aug 15, 2007

How’s Your Energy Today?

How's your energy today? How was it yesterday? What about tomorrow?

I'm not talking about your physical energy, like whether you feel tired or not. I'm talking here about your MENTAL energy. There's a BIG difference. In fact, the former is often a product of the condition of the latter!

Here's a simple, down 'n' dirty way to take inventory of your mental energy. Just ask yourself: "Do I feel POSITIVE or NEGATIVE today?" Yes, it's that easy.

Please don't dismiss this exercise as unimportant. It's a CRITICAL step you must take DAILY if you want to get the MOST out of your practice...and your life.

Your TEAM'S mental energy will often mirror YOUR mental energy. Similarly, your PATIENTS will instinctively pick up on your energy levels, and react accordingly. As the dentist, you set the tone for your entire practice every day, like it or not.

Negative energy emanating from you will pervade your practice. Like a virus, it'll spread among your team AND your patients. Even worse, negative energy will SABOTAGE your outcomes and thrust you into a "negative feedback cycle".

However, when you radiate POSITIVE energy it's equally contageous! Your team will be motivated and inspired, and your patients will find themselves magnetically ATTRACTED to you and your practice. Positive energy PROPELS you toward IMMINENT SUCCESS!

Here's the best's YOUR CHOICE. That's right, you decide whether you want to be filled with positive or negative energy. Please, please, always remember that.

So...given the decision...and the outcomes that stem from it...

How's your energy today?

All my best,

If you haven't done so already, join the growing number of savvy dentists who are embarking on their "Shortcut To Success"! Take your 2-Month "Test Drive" of Dental Insiders Alliance Preferred Membership. Details can be found at:

Aug 1, 2007

WHY MY SON DOESN’T LIKE MY OFFICE (and what we can all learn from it)

Yesterday my oldest son Reid, who's almost 4, had his teeth cleaned in my office for the first time by one of my hygienists. Even he was nervous (son of a dentist...sheesh), but everything went well...until he told me later that night:

"Daddy, I don't like your office."

I was stunned. Here's my own son, my pride and joy, who told me that he wants to be dentist when he grows up. And he says he doesn't like my office. I had to get to the bottom of this.

"Why not, Reid?" I asked.

His answer surprised me, and it speaks to 2 BIG LESSONS that I want to reveal here. He said:

"Because you don't have Superman and Spiderman and Batman toothbrushes. I don't like Winnie the Pooh toothbrushes."

Hmmmm, I thought. We just bought 12 DOZEN Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, etc. brushes! No one asked for them specifically...we just ordered 'em. I know other kids will love them, but one of my kids doesn't, and that's important.

What are the BIG PICTURE lessons?

Lesson #1- Reid made a GENERAL judgement about my whole practice based on just one little SEEMINGLY insignificant detail!

Guess what? Many of your patients are doing the same thing, every day. They will decide whether to do more or less business with you based on "little" things that mean a lot TO THEM. How much you pay attention to that will go a long way toward determining how successful you are at:

- KEEPING them for the long term
- getting REFERRALS from them

2- Lesson #2- Reid didn't GET what he wanted...because we never ASKED him what he wanted! Thus his "opinion" of us was unfavorable.

How often do you PREVENT your patients from getting what they want? Do you even know what they REALLY want? And WHY they want it? Aye, there's the rub!

You see, it's MOST important to not only find out what our patients want...but to also learn WHY they want it. Usually there's an EMOTIONAL reason behind them wanting a certain service. Cater to their prferences (the more the better), and you'll have patients FOR LIFE! Better yet, they'll REFER their friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to you over and over again!

So, ASK your patients what's most important to them with regard to your practice. Why did they choose you? What do they like about your office? What would they rather see more of, less of, or just different?

Find the answers to those questions, make the appropriate adjustments, and watch your practice SOAR ever higher!

All my best,

PS: If you haven't already, embark on your "Shortcut To Success" today. Get your FREE 2 Month "Test-Drive" of Preferred Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance. All the details are here:

Jul 23, 2007

Should You Add Capacity?

Should You Add Capacity? See if you can find the answer in this update from me about my practice.

I hope you've been doing well! July has been an especially WACKY (but GREAT) month for me. A long vacation with the family at beautiful Figure 8 Island, NC...a 2-day meeting with my "Marketing Millionaires Mastermind" group...and a rare speaking engagement at Dr Tom Orent's annual GEMS Super-Conference jammed my already busy schedule.

On top of that, Rachel (my 2-day hygienist) just gave birth to her first baby, little Anna Grace, on July 7! So we've added a wonderful new hygienist, Jennifer, to our team, who will actually continue as a 2-day hygienist even when Rachel returns. Added to Mary Catherine (4 days/wk), this will increase our hygiene capacity by 33%! And it's a good thing, because...

...We now have a new DENTIST, Dr. Ryan, working with us one day per week. A recent graduate of dental school, he (ironically) LOVES endo. That's a match made in heaven for me, 'cause I'm quite frankly not a fan of "cleaning out the pipes"! He's already getting rave reviews from our patients. This addition will add 25% of "doctor time" to our schedule...until I feel he's ready to run the show while I back down to 3 days per week.

With him doing endo regularly and my less productive procedures as well, my eventual 3 days will become just as productive as my current 4-day schedule. Then Dr. Ryan may add a day!

Why am I making all these changes at once? Because we're overdue for them. New patient appointments are 4-6 weeks out... longer treatment appointments are just as far out. Although many practices brag about such backlogs, they are NOT good. Instead, they give patients a great reason to cancel, or find another dentist who is more accommodating...even if they SEEM to love you.

So I'm adding capacity. Perhaps even more than I may need right now? Why? Because I want to GROW the practice 30% this year. Besides, I've got to have somewhere to put all the new patients that April is going to drive into the practice. Did I forget to tell you about her? She's my NEW "marketing implementer", and she starts TODAY!

You see, even if you already have an ultra-successful practice, you can grow it further still. And one great way to do that is to ADD CAPACITY...even BEFORE you think you need it.

Most doctors think you need to have a jammed schedule before you add hygiene days, for example. It's actually the opposite. Adding hygiene days CREATES a jammed schedule! But there is a big "IF". And that is, IF the practice marketing and business systems are in place and humming along.

Look at any well-run retail store or restaurant and you'll notice that they all have more "points of sale" than they need the majority of the time. More cash registers, more tables, etc. But at PEAK hours, they're full. It's a good lesson for us, when we get "stuck" on our current level of capacity. The "extra" chair time doesn't have to be full ALL of the time at the beginning...but eventually it will be!

Opening up your schedule is like opening up the floodgates. So examine your current situation, and look for opportunities to add capacity. Then POUNCE on them...and watch your practice grow!

All my best,

Jun 21, 2007

Your Most Valuable Business Asset

I hope this message finds you well.

What's the most valuable, meaningful asset in your practice?

Is it your equipment? No.
Your building (if you own one)? No.
What about your team? With all due respect, No.

Without question, your most valuable, meaningful asset in your practice is your PATIENT LIST. The actual list of your patients, active AND inactive, if utilized properly, can literally build wealth. Problem is, it also is often the most neglected asset in your business.

You can harness the power of your patient list relatively easily, but it does take some effort, diligence, and consistency. How can you do that?


That's right! Simple as it sounds, ask yourself if you're staying in touch with your patients on a consistent basis. I myself have been guilty of not maintaining enough regular contact with my own patients. And I know better! Well, if you didn't before, now you do too! often should you "touch" your patients? My answer may surprise you. Nowadays our population is so transient, their minds cluttered with so much "mental garbage", that what worked yesterday won't even make a dent today in your patients' lives.

My recommendation is, at a BARE MINIMUM, that you contact your patients at least once monthly to keep your name and practice at the top of their "dental consciousness". However, WEEKLY is far better! That's right, 52 contacts per year! And recall cards don't count!

You may be thinking that 52 contacts per year is way too much. Well, it's not, as long as you can adhere to 2 simple rules:

1- Don't be boring
2- Mix it up...use various means of contact

In your next E-Alert I'll review several different methods that you can use to keep things interesting and stay in touch with your patients on a consistent basis. You'll build loyalty among your patients, not to mention multiples more referrals, if you do it right!

All my best,

PS: If you're not a member of Dental Insiders Alliance, then you're missing out on what current members are calling their "Shortcut To Success". Now's your opportunity to take a free 2-month "test-drive" of Preferred Membership in DIA. Click this link to check out all the guaranteed benefits you'll get, including "The Most Amazing Free Gift Ever", worth over $2173.00!

Jun 15, 2007

Happy Father’s Day Wishes!

With Father's Day rapidly approaching, I've whisked the family away to the beach for a long weekend of fun and sun and relaxation...not that you can actually relax that much when you've got 3 kids under 4 years old!

But it's soooo worth it, isn't it? If you're a DAD, Happy Father's Day! If you're not, then Happy Father's Day to YOUR dad, or your husband if he's a dad. If I still haven't covered you yet, well...there's a dad in your life somehow, so send him my best!

Just 6 1/2 years ago I met my lovely wife Elizabeth. Back then I couldn't imagine life with one kid, much less the three we have now. Today I can't imagine my life without them! Reid, Kenan, and Olivia are my inspiration, along with Elizabeth of course. It's so wonderful to be a dad.

I wish you a MAGICAL weekend, whether you're a dad or not!

All my best,

PS: Want to turn your dental team meetings into true "Power Hours"? Starting Tuesday, July 24, 2007, you can! That's when I'm starting the "Power Hours Formula / Instant Team Meetings System for participating member practices.

I will be conducting scheduled "Instant Team Meetings" via the telephone, each covering one primary practice building topic that can have an IMMEDIATE impact on your bottom line.

These tele-coaching calls are for the doctor AND the team. This is the ONLY comprehensive, LIVE tele-coaching series in dentistry that is delivered during business hours! And if enrolled you'll have 24/7 access to all completed calls, so you and your team can listen to them ANY TIME!

Special premium bonuses are currently offered, and the fee has been slashed, but the offer expires TODAY. Click the following link for complete information, including call topics and to enroll, while there are still slots available!

Jun 12, 2007

Weekly E-Alert: “I can help you!”

This week I want to share with you a little secret that can have a BIG impact on your practice. But I've got to build up to it with a little "rant". Enjoy!

I have to admit that there are a bunch of things that really BUG me. At 39 I'm relatively young, yet sometimes when I repeatedly encounter things that bother me I feel like a crotchety old man.

Here's one thing that really sends my blood pressure soaring:

"Indifferent Service"

This is a phrase I recently coined that represents 95+% of what we're all getting nowadays in most service oriented businesses. And if you're keeping score, dentistry IS a service business.

What is "Indifferent Service"? Well, let me define it by simply saying it is service with indifference, or a complete lack of motivation or passion to exceed expectations in any way. It's often not "bad" service, but it's not "good" either...which makes it BAD.

The worst thing about "Indifferent Service" is that it sneaks up on you, most commonly when you or your team is performing a service that you consider as very mundane or routine...maybe even a little boring in your eyes. Problem is, it's none of the above for your patients, or your prospective patients either.

OK, here's the secret I promised you.

In order to prevent "Indifferent Service", you must continually look for ways to do routine things DIFFERENTLY, even if slightly so. That's what keeps things interesting, even fun. Here's an example.

Answering the phone, perhaps THE most critical task in your entire practice, can become very boring for those who do it most often. And that's the LAST thing you want anyone on your team to become indifferent about! Most good dental practices have a decent greeting that goes like this:

"Thank you for calling Dr. Chris's office, this is Kim, how may I help you?"

There's really (yawn) nothing wrong with this, except for (yawn) the fact that (yawn) it's plain, normal, BORING! It's not bad, it's just not GREAT. Isn't that what you're looking for?

So, change up your greeting a bit to differentiate your practice. How about this:

"Thank you for calling Dr. Chris's office, this is Kim, I CAN HELP YOU!"

WOW, now that's a greeting! Just 2-3 words were changed, yet this greeting takes on a whole new feel.

1- It's UNIQUE

You're stating that you can help them before they even ask. Like the late great Walter Hailey said: "The answer is what's the question?!"

We've been using this greeting for over 5 years, and we still get tons of positive feedback from our patients and prospects who call. In fact, most of our new patients tell us that they chose us because of how they were addressed and treated on the phone!

Go ahead, give it a through the initial discomfort of saying something new...and just watch how your callers react. You won't believe how they'll perk up when they hear it!

All my best,

PS: Now's the time to take your "Shortcut To Success"! You can now "test-drive" Preferred Membership in Dental Insiders Alliance for *FREE*...all the details can be found by clicking here:

Jun 1, 2007

Are You On Track?

Can you believe that we are almost halfway through the year? How are you doing towards reaching your goals that you set at the beginning of the year? Are you on track? Ahead of where you projected? Behind a little? Wondering where you put that list? Asking yourself "What list?" Whatever your answer, it's OK. Don't focus on what you haven't done...focus on what you CAN do.

NOW is the time to refocus, redefine, reset and set some more goals. In just 30 days the first half of 2007 will be OVER, DONE, CAPUT. Spend these 30 days "loading the spring" so you can LAUNCH into the second half of 2007 with some serious momentum!

As author and speaker Jim Rohn says, "Every disciplined effort leads to multiple rewards." Remember also that every discipline effects every other discipline.

So, when you work hard on achieving one goal, it can help you achieve your other goals...provided that you engage in the disciplines and take the actions necessary to achieve those goals.

Are you ready to make it happen? I'll bet you are!

All my best,

PS: Join Dr. Larry Brooks of Smile-Vision as he interviews yours truly in a unique new tele-seminar on Wednesday, June 6th. Click the following link for details, and to register:

May 30, 2007

Why so many people ask about “PRICE”

A belated Happy Memorial Day to you! I hope you had a wonderful long weekend.

As you know, it's my mission as founder of Dental Insiders Alliance to help you grow your practice beyond your wildest expectations. These messages deliver hard hitting content to you that will either reinforce "proper" thinking, or perhaps even open your eyes to concepts you may not yet have considered.

In this message I'll reveal why so many dental prospects (potential patients) and existing patients ask about "price"... and what you can do about it.

Understanding the concepts in this message could well be worth hundreds of thousands to you in new business for your practice. That is IF you apply them! So, let's get started.

OK, there are two main reasons why people ask about your fees. First, they are at least partially INTERESTED in BUYING what they're asking about! That's a good thing. Think about it. Who would ask how much a crown is if that person didn't need or want one?

Second, they are often comparing your fees with other dentists' fees. This is not necessarily a good thing, but that doesn't mean that it must have a negative effect on your practice...even if your fees are among the highest in your area.

Here's the "secret". The more SIMILAR people perceive a product or service to be, the more sensitive they become to differences in price. The same is true in dentistry. Very little if anything is done by ANY dental practice to differentiate itself from all the other practices. Services are listed in ads as commodities, with no explanations that describe those services as uniquely distinctive in any way.

If people perceive all dentists to be about the same (which they DO), and thus all crowns to be about the same (which they DO), then all they have to use as a basis of comparison is PRICE. Hence the famous question: "How much is a __________?"

So what can you do about it? The answer lies in the previous two paragraphs. When you can DIFFERENTIATE your practice from the others in your area, you immediately become the desirable office for those who appreciate and are willing to pay for higher levels of service. Price becomes far less an issue, even eliminated for those who want "the best".

What differentiates your practice from the others in your area? Aye, that's the big question that you need to answer. The sooner you and your team determine what sets you apart from the rest - AND actively get the word out about it - the more likely you'll become the "go to" practice in your area. Best of all, you'll develop relative immunity to questions about price!

My mission: your success!

All my best,

May 11, 2007

3 Ways To Grow Your Practice

I hope this message finds you well.

Here's your VERY FIRST Dental Insiders Alliance
E-Alert Network Update. At least once weekly
you'll receive tips, strategies, and concepts
that will help you grow your practice beyond
even your loftiest expectations!

Today: 3 Ways To Grow Your Practice

With all the advice available today for
dentists (most of it bad by the way),
you may be thinking that there are numerous
ways that you can grow you practice.
Well, not really.

If you break things down to their most basic
levels, there are really only 3 ways to
build ANY business...including your dental

1- Add more patients
2- Increase the amount each patient spends
per visit
3- Increase the number and frequency of
patient visits

That's it. Every strategy you employ in
your practice should be designed to achieve
at least one of the above objectives...which
is also the criteria by which you evaluate its

In your next DIA E-Alert, I'll explain why so
many people ask about price in dentistry, and
what you can do about it.

My mission: your success!

All my best,

May 1, 2007

Dentists: Welcome To Your "Shortcut To Success"!

Hi Doctor,

Welcome to the Dental Insiders Alliance Success Blog! I launched this blog today as a companion to my official blog at Be sure to check that out too.

If you're a dentist looking to grow your practice using the latest advances in dental marketing, communications with dental patients, dental practice business systems, and dental patient referrals and retention, you've come to the right place!

Don't miss ANY of the principles, ideas, concepts, and strategies that I share with all my Dental Insiders Alliance members. By joining the DIA E-Alert Network at, you'll be IN on it all.

Subscribe to my feeds, stay connected, and stay informed.

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance