Nov 18, 2007

Don’t Please The Turkeys, Part 1

As my family and I are preparing to host 19
relatives for another busy but wonderful
Thanksgiving dinner, my thoughts turn to

But being the "dentaholic" that I am, I can't
resist the urge to discuss a different kind of
"turkey"...the dental kind...and what to do
about them.

I'm speaking of course about those patients
in your practice who are your most troublesome
patients. The ones who cancel, no show, whine,
complain, are overly demanding, or for some other
reason just a big pain in the you-know-what.

You know who I'm talking about. If you're like me,
about 4 or 5 names come to mind almost immediately!

This is Part 1 of 2 about the turkeys in your practice,
and what to do about them. Actually, this message
is about what NOT to do FOR them.

Don't PLEASE them IF it involves altering your
policies or systems in any way! In other words,
don't allow them to influence you to "bend the rules"
for them over and over again.

The turkeys seem to be unusually good at stretching
the limits of your "laws". They take advantage of
your intentions to make your patients happy. And in their
efforts to be made happy, they make you and your team

For your sanity, don't let it happen. Be sure that your
protocols are appropriate for 80-90% of your patients, but
not so "loosy-goosy" that they placate everyone...including
the turkeys.

You're gonna get complaints from some of your patients, no
matter what your policies are. Better for the complaints to
come from your WORST patients instead of your BEST patients!

So you might as well have the systems in place that are most
suitable for MASSIVE practice growth. Keep in mind that
this implies EXTREME satisfaction of the vast majority of
your patients!

In Part 2, coming very soon, I'll outline exactly what you
need to do with those TURKEYS!

All my best,

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