Aug 27, 2007

Running With Your Shoelaces Untied…

I'm writing you from beautiful Figure 8 Island,
just outside of Wilmington, NC. My family and
I are on vacation, which explains why you haven't
heard much from me in the past few days. But I
had to share something with you from the other day,
so I saddled up my old laptop at the beach house.

Many of you may be aware that we've had ALL-TIME
record heat here in the Southeastern US during the
month of August. Never in recorded history have we
seen as many 100+ degree days as we have here this
month. Nevertheless, I'm still working hard to stay
in shape, so I trudged out for another morning run

Despite the fact that I was out during the sunrise,
the heat and humidity were already oppressive. I say
this only because if there were a day that I wouldn't
feel bad about holding back, it would've been yesterday.

At the halfway point I was already winded, and every
breath I took in felt like it came straight from a
steam room. I kept pushing though, thinking less about
my "time" and more about just finishing!

Then, about 1/2 mile from my finish, wouldn't ya know shoelace began to unravel, as I felt the normal
snugness of my running shoe go away. Soon enough it was
untied completely. Then, as if on cue, the other one went
too. With a little less than 5 tenths to go, I was running
with untied shoes.

Make that: tired, overheated, winded, breathing steam, feet
on fire...with untied shoes!

What were we all taught to do when our shoes are untied?
Stop and tie them so you don't trip up, right? After all,
it makes good sense. And on a day like yesterday, it would
certainly give me a good excuse to "take a knee" and catch my
breath while I tied my laces. I had every reason to stop
for a moment...but I didn't.


Yes, I was beat. But I knew that if I had stopped, I would
have lost any momentum I had. Plus, it would be that much
harder to restart. But my laces were long, and if I kept
running my current pace, I risked catching a lace and doing
a SPLAT right on the hot asphalt.

The only other solution was to OUTRUN my untied laces, and
stretch out my stride so I wouldn't trip on them. That's
exactly what I did. I ignored the fact that I felt like
(variation of the word "CARP"). Like Nike in past tense,
I "Just Did It".

Can you guess the result? My best time for that distance in
TWO YEARS! I never would've run that hard if my shoes had
stayed tied...or if I had stopped to tie them. My "roadblock",
or challenge, actually became the IMPETUS for my success!

There's the lesson I learned as I was huffing and puffing my
way back into the house, at max heart rate and just short of

More often than not, the obstacles we encounter in our businesses
and our lives can stop us dead in our tracks if we let them.
In adverse conditions it's especially dangerous. HOWEVER, if
you turn the tables on your challenges, many times you'll
find the OPPORTUNITIES hidden in them. When you ACT, you'll
find yourself achieving at levels you never dreamed of hitting.

Often this requires simply being more persistent. Other
times, a new or different approach is needed. And occasionally
the hurdle itself transforms into the REASON why you succeeded
so wildly. All it takes is "proper" perspective.

What you must do when faced with such circumstances is STAY
FOCUSED on your intended outcomes and goals. Do not be deterred
by distractions or perceived roadblocks. When you keep your
"eyes on the prize", not only can you not be
can also achieve so much more!

All my best,

PS: I'm considering opening up a few more slots in my
Power Hours Formula / Instant Team Meetings program. We've
completed 3 "Fast Start" Tele-Coaching Calls already, and
the feedback has been nothing short of incredible!

My customer service team has informaed me that things are
running VERY smoothly with the doctors and practices that
are currently enrolled. At this point I feel confident that
we can accommodate a limited number of additional doctors and
their practices.

I'm going to look at the numbers a little more, then make a
decision this week. Keep your eyes peeled for further info.
Of course, any "new" enrollees will get immediate and total
access to all previously complete calls!

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