Jun 15, 2007

Happy Father’s Day Wishes!

With Father's Day rapidly approaching, I've whisked the family away to the beach for a long weekend of fun and sun and relaxation...not that you can actually relax that much when you've got 3 kids under 4 years old!

But it's soooo worth it, isn't it? If you're a DAD, Happy Father's Day! If you're not, then Happy Father's Day to YOUR dad, or your husband if he's a dad. If I still haven't covered you yet, well...there's a dad in your life somehow, so send him my best!

Just 6 1/2 years ago I met my lovely wife Elizabeth. Back then I couldn't imagine life with one kid, much less the three we have now. Today I can't imagine my life without them! Reid, Kenan, and Olivia are my inspiration, along with Elizabeth of course. It's so wonderful to be a dad.

I wish you a MAGICAL weekend, whether you're a dad or not!

All my best,

PS: Want to turn your dental team meetings into true "Power Hours"? Starting Tuesday, July 24, 2007, you can! That's when I'm starting the "Power Hours Formula / Instant Team Meetings System for participating member practices.

I will be conducting scheduled "Instant Team Meetings" via the telephone, each covering one primary practice building topic that can have an IMMEDIATE impact on your bottom line.

These tele-coaching calls are for the doctor AND the team. This is the ONLY comprehensive, LIVE tele-coaching series in dentistry that is delivered during business hours! And if enrolled you'll have 24/7 access to all completed calls, so you and your team can listen to them ANY TIME!

Special premium bonuses are currently offered, and the fee has been slashed, but the offer expires TODAY. Click the following link for complete information, including call topics and to enroll, while there are still slots available!


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