Dec 3, 2007

Are You A Wimp Or A Warrior?

NOTE: I debated whether I should include "Wimp" in the title. Too aggressive? Maybe. But then again, it would've been "wimpy" for me not to do it. And, I know that if you're actually a warrior, then you know you're not a wimp.

If you aren't a warrior, well...As I write this, the college football regular season is over, and the biggest bowl games have just selected their teams from among the best in the country. Interestingly, the only undefeated team remaining in Division 1 college football is the University of Hawaii...the WARRIORS. They used to be called the "Rainbows". Not very intimidating, huh? But in 2000 all U. of Hawaii sports teams were given the choice of being called the "Rainbows", "Rainbow Warriors", or "Warriors". The football team chose "Warriors", and they've been getting better ever since.

Coincidence? I think not. They CHOSE to be Warriors...then they BECAME Warriors! I doubt they would've ever been undefeated as the "Rainbows". If you're wondering where I'm going with this, here are my two take-home points.

First, to succeed in the dentistry business today, you MUST be a "Warrior" wimps allowed!

Second, the first step toward becoming a Warrior is the CHOICE made to do so.

Warriors have clearly defined goals, acquire the necessary mentors, resources, and tools to achieve those goals, and attack their objectives strategically and tactically. They do their homework, make a plan, and TAKE ACTION. Wimps don't. Most importantly, Warriors don't back down when faced with challenges or obstacles...which they understand will appear. They fight through them, and refuse to quit until they have succeeded. Wimps don't.

It takes great courage to become a Warrior...and even more to remain one. Our society is getting "wimpier" every day, and it's increasingly difficult to find other Warriors with whom you can associate. However, there's more success to be had for those who stick it out. So keep "fighting". Heck, paint your face if you have to! In the end it'll pay off BIG TIME.

All my best,

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