Feb 27, 2009

OK, "Dr. Smarty"!

Boy, the feedback I got from yesterday's message was super!
(Yesterday's message: "The time is NOW!")
I'm thrilled to see so many were energized and motivated.
There was one response in particular that I really got a
kick out of, and I'll share it with you. Here it is:

"The time is now for what?" (that's the whole reply)

This witty quip came from a dentist whom I've given the
sentimental nickname of "Dr. Smarty".

OK, "Dr. Smarty"... I like your style! You've challenged me,
and you've hit on something that requires attention. And
that is the concept that, even when you may realize that it's
time to do something, you may not be sure of what it is you
need to do!

My "backatcha" answer to "Dr. Smarty's" question is, of course:

"For whatever it takes for you, that's what."

Although it would be incomplete and unfair to leave it at that,
it's a good start to the long answer.

You see, I intentionally left yesterday's message kind of
vague because I know that, deep down, there's a whole list
of things that YOU already know you need to do to keep that
dental practice of yours humming, growing, and thriving. Those
things you need to do may be different than what others need
to do.

But, for whatever reason, you haven't implemented yet. I wanted
"that thing" that's in the front of your mind to be THE thing
you decide NOW to start, to get going, to take advantage of.

"Dr. Smarty's" response, while partly in jest, raised the
issue that many dentists may feel a little uncertain as to
where exactly to start in order to shake things up and hit
new levels of growth and success. Maybe you're not sure?

Well, let's find out! I want YOU to tell me what you think
your BIGGEST CONCERN is right now in your practice. What
is it? What's keeping you perplexed, maybe even awake at
night? Let me know now!

I want you to go to the webpage below and answer the question:

What's the single biggest concern you have right now about
your dental practice?

I'll give you until Tuesday, March 3 to enter your answer
at this webpage:

Once I compile all the responses, I'll share the results
with you. Then I'll begin to plow through each issue
one by one, in the interest of helping you tackle some of
the biggest hurdles you face!

Remember, use the LINK to enter your answers...do not reply
to this message. I appreciate your involvement.

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Feb 26, 2009

The Time is NOW

The time is NOW.

Here's a very pointed quote by someone
you may have heard of:

"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right'.
Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools
you may have at your command, and better tools will
be found as you go along."
- Napolean Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich"

Wow. If you're a self-proclaimed perfectionist like
I am -- and chances are, you are -- those words should
hit you right between the eyes.

In today's economic climate, decisiveness and action
will prove to be the defining characteristics of those
who continue to grow and excel, versus those who struggle
and suffer.

All to often, I feel like I have to get things "perfect"
before moving forward. Next to complete incompetence,
this is perhaps the biggest impediment to success there is.

Unfortunately, others have instilled in us the FEAR
of making mistakes. A scolding, a bad grade in school,
disapproval of a dental school instructor (!), or even
public embarrassment and humiliation are all legitimate
reasons why you or I would want to avoid making mistakes.

Well, I've got news for ya...


So... you might as well make mistakes doing things that
get you closer to your goals, instead of making the BIGGEST
mistake of all:

Failure to take actions that move you toward your goals

Times like these instill fear and uncertainty in us all.
It's not whether or not we have fears, but how we MANAGE
them that makes all the difference!

Go ahead, make some mistakes. Make a mess of things while
moving forward... you can clean up the mess later. But
for the sake of success, MOVE FORWARD!

All my best,

PS: Here's another quote for you:
"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they
are far less than the long-range costs of comfortable inaction."
- John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Feb 17, 2009

"Discover" the basics

This one's interesting today. It was inspired by my
5-year-old son Reid's discovery today that he can
move his eyebrows up and down. He was so thrilled!
It's amazing how something so basic could be magical
to him.

Actually, that's my point today. While all hell
is breaking loose in the world around us, and
the vast majority of people seem to be anxious and
scared about our economic future, it'll serve you
very well to "discover" the basics.

I say "discover" because you probably already know
the basics. In basketball, it's dribbling, passing,
blocking out, moving your feet, free throws, defense
...NOT long three-pointers and slam dunks!

But when things get stressful, many tend to look
for the "magic bullet", the "exotic solution",
that will solve all of your problems.

News flash... there is no ONE magic bullet.

However... you'll find that applying the basics
will work like MAGIC!

- Continuous internal and external marketing
- Proper handling of all phone calls
- Simple yet productive scheduling
- Courteous and effective communications with patients
- Staying in touch regularly with active patients
- Reaching out to inactive patients
- Following up with patients considering treatment
- Making it EASY for patients to say YES
- Making it EASY for patients to pay you
...and so on.

Yes, these are the BASICS! If any of these seem
complex to you, that's OK. It just means that there's
work to do for them to become basic.

Ask any coach in any sport and they'll tell you
that the basics... the FUNDAMENTALS... are the
KEY to success.

Having a coach to help you with your practice is
critically important too. A good coach can keep
you focused on what's most important for you and
your practice, based on your needs.

What basics do you struggle with in your business?
In what areas of practice would good coaching help you?
Let me know. Leave your comments here.

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Feb 2, 2009

Beware the RESISTANCE!

Last time I shouted out to you that
"It's Not "THE Economy...It's YOUR Economy!"

While the information in that message is
critical for you to take to heart, you'll
also want to be aware that you'll likely
face fierce RESISTANCE to this outlook on
several fronts. Your mettle will be tested
every step of the way. Being ready to face
that challenge is paramount to your success!

My major point: There will be many who will
FIGHT your efforts to improve YOUR economy,
both literally and figuratively.

Examples of the RESISTANCE you'll experience:

- Our new President has come out swinging AGAINST
"profits". Every time the word "profit" is
mentioned by Obama or virtually anyone in our
government, descriptive words such as "obscene",
"exorbitant", "unnecessary", etc. are used. The
word "profit" is being assigned a very negative,
even evil, connotation...primarily as a way of
pandering and appealing to the majority who don't
own businesses or whose profits are suffering.
Class warfare at its finest.

Don't think this attitude is relegated only to
large corporations. That's just the beginning!
Be prepared for politicians to begin attacking
more industries other than banking and finance and
oil as being "unfairly" profitable. Health care
professions are NOT exempt!

- Expect the media to follow suit with this negative
approach toward free market capitalism, which is
no doubt under fire already. Having "profit" as
an "enemy" serves the media well, because they can
generate endless stories that play on the jealousy
of those less ambitious and less successful.

- Neighbors and friends...even other dentists...will
try to "pull you back" every time you try to surge
forward. They will try to contagiously spread their
doubts and fears to you, so that your success won't
make their lack thereof look so bad. Misery loves
company. Ignore their negative influence.

- Your own dental TEAM may be harboring the same
sentiments about success and profits. Plus, some
of them may fear failure so much that they inhibit
practice development and growth. This holds true
during good times and bad, but more so when under
economic pressure. Keep your antennae up for negative
emotional cues and SQUASH them instantly with your
positive messages of CONFIDENCE. A solid BONUS
SYSTEM based on hitting challenging goals should
boost their motivation to excel.

- Now, what about YOU? Are you holding yourself back?
Sometimes that hardest thing to do is to fight off
all the negative, paralyzing influences that invade
your psyche on a daily basis.

It's crucial for you to isolate yourself from all of
these obstacles that inhibit your progress...and
aggressively destroy them when they appear in your
path. This is no time for giving in to the prevailing
sentiments of the time!

As the captain of your practice, you guide the mood
of the crew and the direction of your course. Being
sure that your mindset is SET properly is the key to
overcoming any resistance you meet along the way toward
your goals.

One last thought...please don't mistake resistance for
negative feedback. Sometimes when you face resistance,
you may think it's a sign you're on the wrong path. The
fact that you're meeting resistance may actually be the
sign you need that you are PRECISELY on the RIGHT path!

All my best,

PS: If you haven't figured it out already, it's worthy to
mention that being a dentist/entrepreneur/leader can feel
like a very "lonely" job. That said, you're always going
to be better off NOT embarking on this journey ALONE! I'm
here to help, and I highly recommend that you seek and
find mentors and peers that share the success mindset, and
can help you reach higher levels of achievement than you've
ever imagined.

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance