It's "Crunch Time" if you've been thinking about
getting more new patients through Google Adwords.
Why? Because there are only TWO openings remaining
in the Dental Insiders Alliance Google Adwords Domination
system. That's it...two.
(ignore the number 7 on the website...
my webmaster is away for the holidays)
Kelly, my Google Adwords expert, can only get 15 dentists
started at a time, because of the time intensive nature
of the process. Once your Google Adwords account gets
going, you'll enjoy massive "traffic" to your website.
This traffic represents people who are SEARCHING for
a dentist...more specifically, they're looking for
the exact services and procedures that you prefer to
Kelly will customize your Google Adwords campaigns
for the types of dentistry you want to do. All you
need to do is tell her what you want. You don't even
need to know how Google Adwords works!
I understand Adwords somewhat, but I can't operate
the campaigns like Kelly can. She's SOLELY responsible
for Google Adwords being my #1 external source of
new patients for 18 months running. And in 2009 I'm
pumping even more into Adwords.
I'm not going to let "the economy" slow me down.
While other dentists will be scratching their heads,
wondering where all the new patients are, my team
will be manning the phones and scheduling as many new
patients as we can handle!
All my best,
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: Some doctors have asked when we'll be able to open up
more slots for this service. My honest answer is that
I'm not sure...but it'll be at least 30-60 days.
If you're comfortable waiting another month or two to
boost your new patient numbers, then you can sit back
and let two other dentists jump in now. But if you want
more new patients NOW, it's Crunch Time!
Dec 30, 2008
Dec 26, 2008
More New Patients Going Once, Going Twice...
More new patients going once, going twice...
Well, it's the day after Christmas, and I hope you're
having a wonderful holiday season. We're carting the
kids off to the beach today for a week of relaxation...
if that's what you call it with a 5, 3 1/2, and 2
year old! I'm not sure if we'll be able to fit all
the new presents they want to bring in the 'Burban,
but they'll have plenty to keep them busy. In the
meantime...back to our scheduled programming...
As you may now know, I recently launched the DIA
Google Adwords Domination system, which will be
operated by my external marketing "Secret Weapon",
Kelly Muldoon.
She has a very limited number of openings available
for dentists who want to acquire new patients by the
bunches, and the slots are being snapped up quickly.
As of now Kelly can allow only FIVE MORE DENTISTS
into the program. The website says 7, but two more
dentists jumped in since Christmas Eve! If you want
"in", you need to "get in"
This is NOT an artificial "scarcity" ploy to get
you to "act now". Kelly has a strict limit of 15
dentists that she can help at one time, due to the
time-intensive nature of this Google Adwords service.
As of this morning 9 have committed to take advantage
of one of the fastest ways to acquire large numbers
of new patients. That leaves only 5 openings...period.
The Google Adwords Domination system requires absolutely
no work on your part. Kelly takes care of all the details
for you. All you need to do is have your team ready to
answer more new patient phone calls.
Here's the webpage with all the information about how
it works, including how to sign up:
I'm telling you...Google Adwords is the #1 external
source of new patients in my practice. Kelly's
expertise is the reason why. I don't even touch the
account! She takes care of the whole thing.
By the way, this is a month to month arrangement. There
is no long term contract to sign...the pressure is on
Kelly from the start. BUT, I'll bet the biggest lobster
in Maine that once the new patient flow starts, you won't
want to cut it off!
Don't procrastinate...don't be left out...take advantage of
the Google Adwords Domination system while you still can.
All my best,
PS: I forgot to mention that Kelly can actually "control" the
rate of new patient flow into your practice. Just tell Kelly
what your new patient goals are, and she'll adjust your Adwords
campaign to maximize the ROI on your marketing dollars. So if
you have a limited amount to invest in Google right now, she
can still get you started.
PPS: From my personal experience I can tell you that Kelly
is WORTH EVERY PENNY of her monthly fee! You can run your
own Google Adwords campaign if you choose, but it does require
considerable time to do the research and climb the steep
learning curve. Also, you'll actually SAVE BIG because Kelly
knows how to ELIMINATE WASTEFUL BIDS from your campaign.
That benefit alone more than pays for her services, not
including the time savings!
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Well, it's the day after Christmas, and I hope you're
having a wonderful holiday season. We're carting the
kids off to the beach today for a week of relaxation...
if that's what you call it with a 5, 3 1/2, and 2
year old! I'm not sure if we'll be able to fit all
the new presents they want to bring in the 'Burban,
but they'll have plenty to keep them busy. In the
meantime...back to our scheduled programming...
As you may now know, I recently launched the DIA
Google Adwords Domination system, which will be
operated by my external marketing "Secret Weapon",
Kelly Muldoon.
She has a very limited number of openings available
for dentists who want to acquire new patients by the
bunches, and the slots are being snapped up quickly.
As of now Kelly can allow only FIVE MORE DENTISTS
into the program. The website says 7, but two more
dentists jumped in since Christmas Eve! If you want
"in", you need to "get in"
This is NOT an artificial "scarcity" ploy to get
you to "act now". Kelly has a strict limit of 15
dentists that she can help at one time, due to the
time-intensive nature of this Google Adwords service.
As of this morning 9 have committed to take advantage
of one of the fastest ways to acquire large numbers
of new patients. That leaves only 5 openings...period.
The Google Adwords Domination system requires absolutely
no work on your part. Kelly takes care of all the details
for you. All you need to do is have your team ready to
answer more new patient phone calls.
Here's the webpage with all the information about how
it works, including how to sign up:
I'm telling you...Google Adwords is the #1 external
source of new patients in my practice. Kelly's
expertise is the reason why. I don't even touch the
account! She takes care of the whole thing.
By the way, this is a month to month arrangement. There
is no long term contract to sign...the pressure is on
Kelly from the start. BUT, I'll bet the biggest lobster
in Maine that once the new patient flow starts, you won't
want to cut it off!
Don't procrastinate...don't be left out...take advantage of
the Google Adwords Domination system while you still can.
All my best,
PS: I forgot to mention that Kelly can actually "control" the
rate of new patient flow into your practice. Just tell Kelly
what your new patient goals are, and she'll adjust your Adwords
campaign to maximize the ROI on your marketing dollars. So if
you have a limited amount to invest in Google right now, she
can still get you started.
PPS: From my personal experience I can tell you that Kelly
is WORTH EVERY PENNY of her monthly fee! You can run your
own Google Adwords campaign if you choose, but it does require
considerable time to do the research and climb the steep
learning curve. Also, you'll actually SAVE BIG because Kelly
knows how to ELIMINATE WASTEFUL BIDS from your campaign.
That benefit alone more than pays for her services, not
including the time savings!
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 24, 2008
Merry Christmas...Happy Hannukah...Happy Holidays...THANKS!
As Christmas approaches tomorrow, and people
from around the world are celebrating Christmas
and many other religious holidays, I want to
take this brief moment to wish you and your
family and friends a very:
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hannukah!
Happy Holidays of ALL varieties!
And I also want to THANK YOU for connecting with
me and being a part of my professional and personal
community. Whether you are a Preferred or Elite
Member of Dental Insiders Alliance, a long-time
subscriber, or a relatively new subscriber, I
wish you all the blessings and joy of a wonderful
holiday season!
I look forward to communicating with you even more
after Christmas, and into 2009 and beyond.
Take care...and keep your eyes peeled for Santa tonight!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
from around the world are celebrating Christmas
and many other religious holidays, I want to
take this brief moment to wish you and your
family and friends a very:
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hannukah!
Happy Holidays of ALL varieties!
And I also want to THANK YOU for connecting with
me and being a part of my professional and personal
community. Whether you are a Preferred or Elite
Member of Dental Insiders Alliance, a long-time
subscriber, or a relatively new subscriber, I
wish you all the blessings and joy of a wonderful
holiday season!
I look forward to communicating with you even more
after Christmas, and into 2009 and beyond.
Take care...and keep your eyes peeled for Santa tonight!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 22, 2008
Want More New Patients in 2009?
(12/22 Update: 7 openings left)
Do you want more new patients in 2009?
I'll bet you do. I do too, and I know how to get them.
In fact, you can get more new patients than you can
handle in 2009! I'm not kidding. How?
Google Adwords.
Every day, all day, people in your area are searching
for a dentist. And Google is where 70% of the internet
searches are made. You can now tap into that abundant
source of new patients almost "overnight"...AND you can
"lock out" other dentists in your area from prime
positioning on the world's most dominant search engine.
Last week I hosted a teleseminar with my external
marketing "secret weapon". She has been steadily
delivering new patients to my practice for over 18
months, and I'm actually INCREASING the flow from this
source for 2009.
That's right...I (really, she) can literally "control"
the number of potential new patients that call my office
to schedule with me. She (really, I) can also control
how much I invest monthly -- even daily -- with Google
During our teleseminar my "Secret Agent G" shared her
best Google Adwords secrets. The recording of the call
can be found here:
Whether you know how Google Adwords works or not, you
can enjoy the benefits of PRIME POSITIONING for SPECIFIC
SERVICES AND PROCEDURES when potential new patients are
looking for a dentist. My "Secret Agent G" will do it
all for you...IF you act quickly!
The new Dental Insiders Alliance "Google Adwords Domination"
system is now available for only 15 dentists, and just one
per geographic area. By working with a small number of
dentists at a time, "Secret Agent G" can ensure that you
get the fastest results possible. Once she gets your Adwords
account going, your website will get traffic almost immediately.
You can see actual screenshots of some of her clients'
positioning, including mine (the Charlotte, NC screenshot)...
and you can learn how the service works, by going to:
As of this morning 8 doctors have already decided
to take action and fill their chairs with more new patients
through Google Adwords. So there are only 7 openings left.
I'm not sure when the doors will open again for this service,
so if you're looking for more new patients, you may want to
JUMP on this now!
All my best,
PS: If you're still not sure what this is all about, just
listen to the teleseminar through the above link. But
don't procrastinate, or you'll miss your chance to
capitalize on the local searches for dentists in your area.
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Do you want more new patients in 2009?
I'll bet you do. I do too, and I know how to get them.
In fact, you can get more new patients than you can
handle in 2009! I'm not kidding. How?
Google Adwords.
Every day, all day, people in your area are searching
for a dentist. And Google is where 70% of the internet
searches are made. You can now tap into that abundant
source of new patients almost "overnight"...AND you can
"lock out" other dentists in your area from prime
positioning on the world's most dominant search engine.
Last week I hosted a teleseminar with my external
marketing "secret weapon". She has been steadily
delivering new patients to my practice for over 18
months, and I'm actually INCREASING the flow from this
source for 2009.
That's right...I (really, she) can literally "control"
the number of potential new patients that call my office
to schedule with me. She (really, I) can also control
how much I invest monthly -- even daily -- with Google
During our teleseminar my "Secret Agent G" shared her
best Google Adwords secrets. The recording of the call
can be found here:
Whether you know how Google Adwords works or not, you
can enjoy the benefits of PRIME POSITIONING for SPECIFIC
SERVICES AND PROCEDURES when potential new patients are
looking for a dentist. My "Secret Agent G" will do it
all for you...IF you act quickly!
The new Dental Insiders Alliance "Google Adwords Domination"
system is now available for only 15 dentists, and just one
per geographic area. By working with a small number of
dentists at a time, "Secret Agent G" can ensure that you
get the fastest results possible. Once she gets your Adwords
account going, your website will get traffic almost immediately.
You can see actual screenshots of some of her clients'
positioning, including mine (the Charlotte, NC screenshot)...
and you can learn how the service works, by going to:
As of this morning 8 doctors have already decided
to take action and fill their chairs with more new patients
through Google Adwords. So there are only 7 openings left.
I'm not sure when the doors will open again for this service,
so if you're looking for more new patients, you may want to
JUMP on this now!
All my best,
PS: If you're still not sure what this is all about, just
listen to the teleseminar through the above link. But
don't procrastinate, or you'll miss your chance to
capitalize on the local searches for dentists in your area.
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 17, 2008
The "Google Adwords Domination" call is TONIGHT!
How would you like to be at the TOP of Google?
What if I told you that you could, within hours,
be on the top half of PAGE ONE of the world's
leading search engine? Well, it's possible, now!
On Wednesday, December 17th at 9:00pm EST
(8:00pm CST, 7:00pm MST; 6:00pm PST), I'm going
to show you how...with a little help from a
friend of can dominate the Google
listings for dental search terms in your area,
guaranteed. Best of all, there's no charge
to listen in.
If you have a website, you MUST be privy to this
"Dental Insiders" information. I've created an
audio postcard for you that explains everything:
Go now!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
What if I told you that you could, within hours,
be on the top half of PAGE ONE of the world's
leading search engine? Well, it's possible, now!
On Wednesday, December 17th at 9:00pm EST
(8:00pm CST, 7:00pm MST; 6:00pm PST), I'm going
to show you how...with a little help from a
friend of can dominate the Google
listings for dental search terms in your area,
guaranteed. Best of all, there's no charge
to listen in.
If you have a website, you MUST be privy to this
"Dental Insiders" information. I've created an
audio postcard for you that explains everything:
Go now!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 16, 2008
How'd you like to be at the TOP of Google?
How would you like to be at the TOP of Google?
What if I told you that you could, within hours,
be on the top half of PAGE ONE of the world's
leading search engine? Well, it's possible, now!
On Wednesday, December 17th at 9:00pm EST
(8:00pm CST, 7:00pm MST; 6:00pm PST), I'm going
to show you how...with a little help from a
friend of can dominate the Google
listings for dental search terms in your area,
guaranteed. Best of all, there's no charge
to listen in.
If you have a website, you MUST be privy to this
"Dental Insiders" information. I've created an
audio postcard for you that explains everything:
Go now!
All my best,
PS: No jokes about the old stamp, please!
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
What if I told you that you could, within hours,
be on the top half of PAGE ONE of the world's
leading search engine? Well, it's possible, now!
On Wednesday, December 17th at 9:00pm EST
(8:00pm CST, 7:00pm MST; 6:00pm PST), I'm going
to show you how...with a little help from a
friend of can dominate the Google
listings for dental search terms in your area,
guaranteed. Best of all, there's no charge
to listen in.
If you have a website, you MUST be privy to this
"Dental Insiders" information. I've created an
audio postcard for you that explains everything:
Go now!
All my best,
PS: No jokes about the old stamp, please!
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 12, 2008
Do you KNOW you'll be rich?
Do you KNOW you'll be rich?
More on that in a minute...but first:
The response to Brevity Small Business has been
amazing! In just a few weeks, my friend Rick
Raddatz has already posted five incredible,
actionable reviews on the following leading
business books:
- Good To Great - It's Not Luck
- The E-Myth Revisited - Predictably Irrational
- The Ultimate Sales Machine
And the price is insanely low. You MUST check
this out if you haven't already. Go here:
OK, now back to today's topic. Do you KNOW you'll
be rich? If not, you've got an uphill battle on
your hands. Listen to what Warren Buffett has to
say about this:
"I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't
think I ever doubted it for a minute."
What's most striking to me about this quote is
Buffett's CERTAINTY. He may not have known how,
or when, but he surely knew. How about you?
And I'm not talking just about economic wealth...
use your own definition of "rich"!
Yes, this is about that "soft topic" word MINDSET.
But in this "hard knocks" world, your mindset is
the basis for establishing your position and place
in the world.
If you already are rich, I'll bet you knew you'd
be rich! If not, I've got a two-step formula for
ensuring that you're on the right track:
Step 1: Firmly implant the belief that you WILL be
rich. Believe it or not, this only takes an
instant...but maintaining it requires you to...
Step 2: Abolish any DOUBTS about whether you will
become rich. This is the trickier part. You've
got to eliminate the barriers that have impeded
your progress to this point, and BREAK FREE of any
limitations you've placed on yourself. this includes
any perceived external forces!
As you continue your journey to "rich", remember
that it's always best to have COACHES and MENTORS
who can help to keep you on the proper path. There
is no doubt that those who utilize coaches and
mentors achieve their goals much more rapidly.
That said, in the end, it's up to YOU! Things will
certainly come up to delay or impede your progress.
But whether you view them as "speedbumps"...or
"roadblocks" entirely your responsibility.
All my best,
Dental Insiders Alliance
More on that in a minute...but first:
The response to Brevity Small Business has been
amazing! In just a few weeks, my friend Rick
Raddatz has already posted five incredible,
actionable reviews on the following leading
business books:
- Good To Great - It's Not Luck
- The E-Myth Revisited - Predictably Irrational
- The Ultimate Sales Machine
And the price is insanely low. You MUST check
this out if you haven't already. Go here:
OK, now back to today's topic. Do you KNOW you'll
be rich? If not, you've got an uphill battle on
your hands. Listen to what Warren Buffett has to
say about this:
"I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't
think I ever doubted it for a minute."
What's most striking to me about this quote is
Buffett's CERTAINTY. He may not have known how,
or when, but he surely knew. How about you?
And I'm not talking just about economic wealth...
use your own definition of "rich"!
Yes, this is about that "soft topic" word MINDSET.
But in this "hard knocks" world, your mindset is
the basis for establishing your position and place
in the world.
If you already are rich, I'll bet you knew you'd
be rich! If not, I've got a two-step formula for
ensuring that you're on the right track:
Step 1: Firmly implant the belief that you WILL be
rich. Believe it or not, this only takes an
instant...but maintaining it requires you to...
Step 2: Abolish any DOUBTS about whether you will
become rich. This is the trickier part. You've
got to eliminate the barriers that have impeded
your progress to this point, and BREAK FREE of any
limitations you've placed on yourself. this includes
any perceived external forces!
As you continue your journey to "rich", remember
that it's always best to have COACHES and MENTORS
who can help to keep you on the proper path. There
is no doubt that those who utilize coaches and
mentors achieve their goals much more rapidly.
That said, in the end, it's up to YOU! Things will
certainly come up to delay or impede your progress.
But whether you view them as "speedbumps"...or
"roadblocks" entirely your responsibility.
All my best,
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 3, 2008
In case you weren't looking, part 2...
Yesterday I reviewed the first of two killer resources that
can immediately boost your practice revenues. Resource #1
is Brevity Small Business (see Dec. 2nd email from me)...
Here's Resource #2: The "Referral Webinar" and SendOutCards
A few weeks ago I interviewed master marketer David Frey
for my monthly Dental Insiders Alliance teleseminar/webinar.
David spilled the beans on how to get "endless referrals
on autopilot", using perhaps the most powerful direct mail
resource ever developed.
Here's the link to the webinar:
(be sure to wait a few moments for the webinar to load)
On the webinar David gave me his private contact for his famous
"billboard postcards" that he uses so successfully. Plus,
he offered to share his popular "referral cards" with those
dentists who join SendOutCards through the link below.
I've been using SendOutCards successfully in my practice
for almost 2 years. In a nutshell, it's easy, inexpensive,
versatile, efficient, professional, and EFFECTIVE. When
you join SOC through me, you'll enjoy all of the above plus
any custom cards that I develop myself.
Here's one more important benefit. Currently I'm working on
several multi-step card-sending CAMPAIGNS that can be initiated
within minutes. You can begin sending regularly scheduled
communications with your patients and set them on auto-pilot!
This will build strong relationships with them, and their loyalty
to you will grow. Done right, your referrals will skyrocket.
Here's where you go to join:
You'll gain access to all campaigns I develop in the future
when you join SendOutCards through my referral. Further, you
can even get help from one of my Implementation Specialists to
get these campaigns up and running in your own practice.
(Optional service for those who need extra help...there is a
fee for this.)
But you really won't need extra help, because the quick online
tutorials on SendOutCards are clear and easy to understand.
Everything you need is on their website.
One warning: Don't sign up for the "Retail" package. The cards
are much more expensive than with the "Wholesale" or "Entrepreneur" options.
Go here to join, and start sending cards today:
One more note: SendOutCards is an online, done for you, card sending service that eliminates trips to expensive Hallmark stores and bothersome mass ordering of piles of cards for your practice... not to mention the labor involved in printing and sending them... if that ever even gets done!
Instead of paying millions for national advertising, SendOutCards
pays its members for referring others to the business. Although
this multi-level structure carries with it a "stigma" for some
(unwarranted in my opinion), I can assure you that NO ONE will
bug or bother you about this once you join...including me.
Their company policy is to be a resource for those who want to
use it, and a business for those who want it to be a business.
That's it. You've got nothing to worry about if you just want to
send postcards, greeting cards, and even tri-fold cards for less.
OK...that's it for now. You'll find out more on the webinar,
and at the SendOutCards website:
All my best,
PS: Don't forget all the extra stuff you get for joining now.
I'm taking these bonuses off the table in the near future, so
don't delay.
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
can immediately boost your practice revenues. Resource #1
is Brevity Small Business (see Dec. 2nd email from me)...
Here's Resource #2: The "Referral Webinar" and SendOutCards
A few weeks ago I interviewed master marketer David Frey
for my monthly Dental Insiders Alliance teleseminar/webinar.
David spilled the beans on how to get "endless referrals
on autopilot", using perhaps the most powerful direct mail
resource ever developed.
Here's the link to the webinar:
(be sure to wait a few moments for the webinar to load)
On the webinar David gave me his private contact for his famous
"billboard postcards" that he uses so successfully. Plus,
he offered to share his popular "referral cards" with those
dentists who join SendOutCards through the link below.
I've been using SendOutCards successfully in my practice
for almost 2 years. In a nutshell, it's easy, inexpensive,
versatile, efficient, professional, and EFFECTIVE. When
you join SOC through me, you'll enjoy all of the above plus
any custom cards that I develop myself.
Here's one more important benefit. Currently I'm working on
several multi-step card-sending CAMPAIGNS that can be initiated
within minutes. You can begin sending regularly scheduled
communications with your patients and set them on auto-pilot!
This will build strong relationships with them, and their loyalty
to you will grow. Done right, your referrals will skyrocket.
Here's where you go to join:
You'll gain access to all campaigns I develop in the future
when you join SendOutCards through my referral. Further, you
can even get help from one of my Implementation Specialists to
get these campaigns up and running in your own practice.
(Optional service for those who need extra help...there is a
fee for this.)
But you really won't need extra help, because the quick online
tutorials on SendOutCards are clear and easy to understand.
Everything you need is on their website.
One warning: Don't sign up for the "Retail" package. The cards
are much more expensive than with the "Wholesale" or "Entrepreneur" options.
Go here to join, and start sending cards today:
One more note: SendOutCards is an online, done for you, card sending service that eliminates trips to expensive Hallmark stores and bothersome mass ordering of piles of cards for your practice... not to mention the labor involved in printing and sending them... if that ever even gets done!
Instead of paying millions for national advertising, SendOutCards
pays its members for referring others to the business. Although
this multi-level structure carries with it a "stigma" for some
(unwarranted in my opinion), I can assure you that NO ONE will
bug or bother you about this once you join...including me.
Their company policy is to be a resource for those who want to
use it, and a business for those who want it to be a business.
That's it. You've got nothing to worry about if you just want to
send postcards, greeting cards, and even tri-fold cards for less.
OK...that's it for now. You'll find out more on the webinar,
and at the SendOutCards website:
All my best,
PS: Don't forget all the extra stuff you get for joining now.
I'm taking these bonuses off the table in the near future, so
don't delay.
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Dec 2, 2008
In case you weren't looking...
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend (US doctors).
Canadian docs, I hope yours was great too back in October.
Not to be left out, cheers for a fantastic holiday season
to the international doctors who subscribe to this E-letter!
In case you weren't looking...I've recently unveiled TWO
breakthrough resources that will help you and your practice
continue to grow, regardless of any external economic forces.
I recommend that you take advantage of both now if you haven't
already, before these opportunities go away.
Today I'm going to review Resource #1...tomorrow I'll
cover Resource #2.
Resource #1: Brevity Small Business
My friend Rick Raddatz recently launched this tremendous online
learning center that SHORTCUTS the process of reading and
absorbing the content of the world's best business books.
Here's where you can check it out: [see PS if link doesn't work]
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if
you don't want to see it)
Rick has solved three problems with Brevity. First, his
concise, to-the-point summaries of the world's best business
books save you hours of time. Second, he goes one step
further...he applies big business concepts to SMALL business
(aka YOU). Third, he gives you actionable steps to take for
explosive breakthroughs and rapid growth.
Here are the details of Brevity Small Business:
- Small ONE-TIME fee of $97...NO recurring fees.
- Membership through March 15th of 2010!
- Every WEEK you get a new 10-minute Brevity Brief:
+ Wisdom from a major business book, or guru's product
+ Analysis from a small-business owner's perspective
+ Life-changing A-Ha!!! moments
+ Specific business-building action items
+ Delegation instructions
+ Wisdom & feedback of Brevity members
Join today...don't miss out on the next great book! [see PS if link doesn't work]
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if
you don't want to see it)
All my best,
PS: If the above link didn't work for some reason, try the
"secret back door" link:
PPS: Don't forget to look for tomorrow's message, when I
explore Resource #2. This one is shaping up to be one of
the best practice builders for me EVER...and I'm just now
scratching the surface!
Canadian docs, I hope yours was great too back in October.
Not to be left out, cheers for a fantastic holiday season
to the international doctors who subscribe to this E-letter!
In case you weren't looking...I've recently unveiled TWO
breakthrough resources that will help you and your practice
continue to grow, regardless of any external economic forces.
I recommend that you take advantage of both now if you haven't
already, before these opportunities go away.
Today I'm going to review Resource #1...tomorrow I'll
cover Resource #2.
Resource #1: Brevity Small Business
My friend Rick Raddatz recently launched this tremendous online
learning center that SHORTCUTS the process of reading and
absorbing the content of the world's best business books.
Here's where you can check it out: [see PS if link doesn't work]
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if
you don't want to see it)
Rick has solved three problems with Brevity. First, his
concise, to-the-point summaries of the world's best business
books save you hours of time. Second, he goes one step
further...he applies big business concepts to SMALL business
(aka YOU). Third, he gives you actionable steps to take for
explosive breakthroughs and rapid growth.
Here are the details of Brevity Small Business:
- Small ONE-TIME fee of $97...NO recurring fees.
- Membership through March 15th of 2010!
- Every WEEK you get a new 10-minute Brevity Brief:
+ Wisdom from a major business book, or guru's product
+ Analysis from a small-business owner's perspective
+ Life-changing A-Ha!!! moments
+ Specific business-building action items
+ Delegation instructions
+ Wisdom & feedback of Brevity members
Join today...don't miss out on the next great book! [see PS if link doesn't work]
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if
you don't want to see it)
All my best,
PS: If the above link didn't work for some reason, try the
"secret back door" link:
PPS: Don't forget to look for tomorrow's message, when I
explore Resource #2. This one is shaping up to be one of
the best practice builders for me EVER...and I'm just now
scratching the surface!
Nov 26, 2008
How to “read” the best business books in 10 minutes…
Today: How you can "read" the best business books in just 10 minutes! But first:
My family and I want to extend to you my warmest and most sincere Thanksgiving wishes! I really do appreciate the fact that you are a subscriber to this Dental Insiders Alliance E-Alert Letter. Here's to finishing this year strong and gearing up for a GREAT 2009!
John D. Rockefeller once said:
"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."
Yes, as you adopt new practices and try to turn them into habits, the most difficult part is abandoning the old habits that got you where you are now.
I've recently found an extraordinary resource for you that SHORTCUTS the process of reading and absorbing the content of the world's best business books. Don't have the time it takes to plow through "The E-Myth", or "Good To Great", etc? Well, now there's an answer, and it's not just an "executive summary"'s more.
Introducing BREVITY Small Business, developed by my friend Rick Raddatz. Here's the link, including a ~free sample~:
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if you don't want to see it)
Rick has solved three problems with Brevity. First, his concise, to-the-point summaries of the world's best business books save you hours of time. Second, he goes one step further...he applies big business concepts to SMALL business (aka YOU). Third, he gives you actionable steps to take for explosive breakthroughs and rapid growth.
Join Brevity Small Business Today:
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if you don't want to see it)
Simple participation process forces action & accountability:
In my opinion this is a no-brainer. Brevity has just recently gotten started. Don't miss this rare opportunity to enjoy the best of the best business books in a fraction of the time!
All my best,
PS: No, this won't replace solid dental practice coaching. But remember that many of the best breakthroughs are found from OUTSIDE the profession of dentistry. In fact, I rarely find anyone outside dentistry looking IN dentistry to help them build their businesses!
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if you don't want to see it)
My family and I want to extend to you my warmest and most sincere Thanksgiving wishes! I really do appreciate the fact that you are a subscriber to this Dental Insiders Alliance E-Alert Letter. Here's to finishing this year strong and gearing up for a GREAT 2009!
John D. Rockefeller once said:
"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."
Yes, as you adopt new practices and try to turn them into habits, the most difficult part is abandoning the old habits that got you where you are now.
I've recently found an extraordinary resource for you that SHORTCUTS the process of reading and absorbing the content of the world's best business books. Don't have the time it takes to plow through "The E-Myth", or "Good To Great", etc? Well, now there's an answer, and it's not just an "executive summary"'s more.
Introducing BREVITY Small Business, developed by my friend Rick Raddatz. Here's the link, including a ~free sample~:
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if you don't want to see it)
Rick has solved three problems with Brevity. First, his concise, to-the-point summaries of the world's best business books save you hours of time. Second, he goes one step further...he applies big business concepts to SMALL business (aka YOU). Third, he gives you actionable steps to take for explosive breakthroughs and rapid growth.
Join Brevity Small Business Today:
Small ONE-TIME fee of $97...NO recurring fees
Membership through March 15th of 2010
Every week you get a new Brevity Brief:
+ Wisdom from a major business book, or guru's product
+ Analysis from a small-business owner's perspective
+ Life-changing A-Ha!!! moments
+ Specific business-building action items
+ Delegation instructions
+ Wisdom & feedback of Brevity members
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if you don't want to see it)
Simple participation process forces action & accountability:
Just 10 minutes each week
Eliminates guessing in isolation
Saves you time (what's your time worth to you?)
Proves profitable through application of the concepts.
In my opinion this is a no-brainer. Brevity has just recently gotten started. Don't miss this rare opportunity to enjoy the best of the best business books in a fraction of the time!
All my best,
PS: No, this won't replace solid dental practice coaching. But remember that many of the best breakthroughs are found from OUTSIDE the profession of dentistry. In fact, I rarely find anyone outside dentistry looking IN dentistry to help them build their businesses!
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if you don't want to see it)
Nov 19, 2008
The money is in the…and the…
What is THE most valuable asset in your practice?Is it your equipment? Your employees? Your facility?Nope.Without question, the single most valuable asset in your practice, and EVERY business, is your LIST.
Your patient list, or client/customer list, that is. There is nothing that even comes close. Your list is the source of your appointments, your income, and hopefully your future business. Soooooo...
The money is in the LIST...and the...
You see, your list does you no good unless you care for following up with your patients on a regular basis.
You must communicate with your patient list routinely to establish and maintain a lasting relationship with them. From that comes more business, and if you do the right things...
Last Wednesday I hosted a webinar with referral marketing expert David Frey, author of The Small Business Marketing Bible. He revealed numerous KILLER strategies for effectively communicating and following up with your patients. Plus, he shared several easy techniques for multiplying your referrals that you get from patients AND non-patients!
More importantly, David unveiled the SYSTEM for getting all this done without putting an enormous strain on you, your team, or your wallet. The KEY to success in the communications game is to make it EASY and INEXPENSIVE. That's what we covered on the webinar.
You MUST go see this webinar if you haven't already. If you've seen it, you should watch it again, and have your TEAM watch it too.
Then, just do what it says in the webinar. It's that simple.
Here's the link:
Don't wait...go there now...and uncover the VALUE of your LIST!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Your patient list, or client/customer list, that is. There is nothing that even comes close. Your list is the source of your appointments, your income, and hopefully your future business. Soooooo...
The money is in the LIST...and the...
You see, your list does you no good unless you care for following up with your patients on a regular basis.
You must communicate with your patient list routinely to establish and maintain a lasting relationship with them. From that comes more business, and if you do the right things...
Last Wednesday I hosted a webinar with referral marketing expert David Frey, author of The Small Business Marketing Bible. He revealed numerous KILLER strategies for effectively communicating and following up with your patients. Plus, he shared several easy techniques for multiplying your referrals that you get from patients AND non-patients!
More importantly, David unveiled the SYSTEM for getting all this done without putting an enormous strain on you, your team, or your wallet. The KEY to success in the communications game is to make it EASY and INEXPENSIVE. That's what we covered on the webinar.
You MUST go see this webinar if you haven't already. If you've seen it, you should watch it again, and have your TEAM watch it too.
Then, just do what it says in the webinar. It's that simple.
Here's the link:
Don't wait...go there now...and uncover the VALUE of your LIST!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Nov 13, 2008
WOW…last night’s webinar was awesome!
I've gotta tell you, if you missed last night's webinar
with my guest David Frey, you really missed one of the
BEST presentations on maximizing referrals I've ever seen
or been a part of.
If you missed it, you still have one more chance to see it!
Details below.
We had a HUGE turnout, and just about everyone STAYED ON
until the very end...that's VERY rare in the webinar world.
If you registered and attended the webinar, you will have
unlimited viewing privileges at a private webpage that I'm
working on right now. I'll let you know when it's ready.
If you didn't register, or you registered and were not
able to make it at the scheduled time, I will post the
entire webinar on a public webpage for a limited time.
Once again, I'll send out a message when it's ready too.
David went into great detail as he revealed several
KILLER referral strategies. He also outlined his 5
key elements of success, and the best ways to AUTOMATE
the entire process so it actually GETS DONE.
Referrals are not only generated from patients. They
can come from NON-patients as well. David shared a
few methods of acquiring tons of referrals from people
whom you may not even know...yet.
Using these referral generating techniques and systems,
you actually reduce your need for external marketing...
not that I recommend you stop marketing. But it'll really
let you LEVERAGE your marketing expenses, and the power
of your patient base.
So, be on the lookout for the links to the new webpage
so you can view the webinar in its entirety. Have a
great one.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
with my guest David Frey, you really missed one of the
BEST presentations on maximizing referrals I've ever seen
or been a part of.
If you missed it, you still have one more chance to see it!
Details below.
We had a HUGE turnout, and just about everyone STAYED ON
until the very end...that's VERY rare in the webinar world.
If you registered and attended the webinar, you will have
unlimited viewing privileges at a private webpage that I'm
working on right now. I'll let you know when it's ready.
If you didn't register, or you registered and were not
able to make it at the scheduled time, I will post the
entire webinar on a public webpage for a limited time.
Once again, I'll send out a message when it's ready too.
David went into great detail as he revealed several
KILLER referral strategies. He also outlined his 5
key elements of success, and the best ways to AUTOMATE
the entire process so it actually GETS DONE.
Referrals are not only generated from patients. They
can come from NON-patients as well. David shared a
few methods of acquiring tons of referrals from people
whom you may not even know...yet.
Using these referral generating techniques and systems,
you actually reduce your need for external marketing...
not that I recommend you stop marketing. But it'll really
let you LEVERAGE your marketing expenses, and the power
of your patient base.
So, be on the lookout for the links to the new webpage
so you can view the webinar in its entirety. Have a
great one.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
Nov 12, 2008
Last Chance For Wednesday Night Webinar!
Re: Wednesday's Webinar titled
"The BEST Referral Generator...EVER!
This is your LAST CHANCE to register for tonight's free
webinar with special guest, David Frey, who is a MASTER
marketer...especially for referrals! YOU are invited...
all you need to do is register by clicking below, and then
follow the simple instructions.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
While the webinar format involves viewing the internet
AND an audio component (by phone), you can still
get a ton of info by just listening in on the phone.
This webinar is usually reserved for my Dental Insiders
Alliance members...but I wanted to invite all email
subscribers too. David and I will be discussing how to
use simple, even automated systems to multiply your
referrals in your practice.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
"The BEST Referral Generator...EVER!
This is your LAST CHANCE to register for tonight's free
webinar with special guest, David Frey, who is a MASTER
marketer...especially for referrals! YOU are invited...
all you need to do is register by clicking below, and then
follow the simple instructions.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
While the webinar format involves viewing the internet
AND an audio component (by phone), you can still
get a ton of info by just listening in on the phone.
This webinar is usually reserved for my Dental Insiders
Alliance members...but I wanted to invite all email
subscribers too. David and I will be discussing how to
use simple, even automated systems to multiply your
referrals in your practice.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Nov 10, 2008
Free Referrals Webinar This Wednesday!
On this Wednesday night I'm hosting a free webinar
with a special guest, David Frey, who is a MASTER
marketer...especially for referrals! YOU are invited...
all you need to do is register by clicking below, and then
follow the simple instructions.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
While the webinar format involves viewing the internet
AND an audio component (by phone), you can still
get a ton of info by just listening in on the phone.
This webinar is usually reserved for my Dental Insiders
Alliance members...but I wanted to invite all email
subscribers too. David and I will be discussing how to
use simple, even automated systems to multiply your
referrals in your practice.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
with a special guest, David Frey, who is a MASTER
marketer...especially for referrals! YOU are invited...
all you need to do is register by clicking below, and then
follow the simple instructions.
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
While the webinar format involves viewing the internet
AND an audio component (by phone), you can still
get a ton of info by just listening in on the phone.
This webinar is usually reserved for my Dental Insiders
Alliance members...but I wanted to invite all email
subscribers too. David and I will be discussing how to
use simple, even automated systems to multiply your
referrals in your practice.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Oct 29, 2008
Whoopi Goldberg on Oral Health
Whoopi Goldberg discusses the importances of maintaining oral health and preventing periodontal disease.
Oct 14, 2008
OK, OK, Here’s The Postcard!
Due to overwhelming demand, I decided to go ahead and post my "Dr. Bowman's Economic Stimulus Package 2" postcard here. Thanks a ton to those dentists who forwarded my previous message to at least 2 other docs! For you only, I'm including a thorough review of the rationale behind every detail in this promotion. This will come in handy for future promotions as well!
If you didn't forward yet, all I'm asking is that you spread the word about this blog! Just let them know that there's a ton of great practice building info right here at! When you do, COPY ME on the referral, and I'll send you the extra insights referenced above as well!
With no further adieu, here's the postcard:

That's the front. Now, here's the ad copy written on the back:
Hi (first name)
Announcing Dr. Chris Bowman's
"Economic Stimulus Package 2"!
With things getting a little "dicey" out there,
I decided that you deserve a break. Not a
break in your teeth, but in your wallet! So,
if you call us by October 2nd, I'll give you
$50 PER each $500 worth of dental treatment
you schedule to be completed before November 13.
For example, if you're completing $1500 worth of
treatment, you'll get $150 worth of credit!
Even if you're using your insurance, you'll save big
on your out-of-pocket expenses! Plus you'll get
the treatment you need to get done, DONE!
Don't us at 704-337-8070 today!
Appointment availability is limited, and you must
call by October 2nd.
PS: This offer IS transferrable to new patients
that you may refer! Thanks for your referrals!
All my best,
All my best,
If you didn't forward yet, all I'm asking is that you spread the word about this blog! Just let them know that there's a ton of great practice building info right here at! When you do, COPY ME on the referral, and I'll send you the extra insights referenced above as well!
With no further adieu, here's the postcard:
That's the front. Now, here's the ad copy written on the back:
Hi (first name)
Announcing Dr. Chris Bowman's
"Economic Stimulus Package 2"!
With things getting a little "dicey" out there,
I decided that you deserve a break. Not a
break in your teeth, but in your wallet! So,
if you call us by October 2nd, I'll give you
$50 PER each $500 worth of dental treatment
you schedule to be completed before November 13.
For example, if you're completing $1500 worth of
treatment, you'll get $150 worth of credit!
Even if you're using your insurance, you'll save big
on your out-of-pocket expenses! Plus you'll get
the treatment you need to get done, DONE!
Don't us at 704-337-8070 today!
Appointment availability is limited, and you must
call by October 2nd.
PS: This offer IS transferrable to new patients
that you may refer! Thanks for your referrals!
All my best,
All my best,
Oct 13, 2008
It’s time to act “Presidential”!
It's time to act "Presidential"! Yes, that's right...YOU! It's time for you to step up and LEAD your practice through this wacky, emotionally driven whipsaw that has become "the economy" in recent weeks.
Not to say that you should be acting like either of the American Presidential candidates. I'll stay away from commenting on that. But during these times of frustration, confusion, and outright panic among the masses, those who take command and exert a calming influence over their "followers" will emerge least damaged by the turbulence.
By the way, your "followers" include your dental team AND your patients! Don't forget the influence you have to bring positive outcomes in your patients' lives too, even now.
So, how? How do you act "Presidential"? Well, some aspects of the answer are tangible, and some intangible. I've already mentioned perhaps the most important element of Presidential leadership: CALM GUIDANCE through crisis.
People want reassurance these days. They want to know that "everything's going to be OK". You may be surprised to know that, as their dentist, you can deliver that message and stimulate new business to boot!
Next, reveal your PLAN to make things better in YOUR world...aka your practice. When you become a positive influence for your patients, they will be drawn to you.
Believe it or not, many of your patients may be MORE likely to complete dentistry now than before! They just need a NUDGE, in the form of an irresistible OFFER. And, if you tie that offer to today's tumultuous times, your response rate will dramatically improve.
Your patients are looking for economic "stimulus" right now. Give it to them! I recently used SendOutCards to send my patients my "Dr. Bowman's Economic Stimulus Package 2" promotion! It was a HUGE success, bringing in a 12:1 return and counting! The best part is I created it within one hour, the cards went out the next day, and results started coming in within 3 days.
The ROI was strong for 2 reasons. First, the cost was LOW, because I used SendOutCards. Second, the dentistry generated by the offer was high production.
If you'd like to learn more about SendOutCards or start using this great system right away, go here: .
Every dentist that joins SOC through my referral will have access to ALL custom cards that I create, now and in the future! Don't pass this up.
People worried about their jobs are still looking to use up their insurance benefits, and their flex dollars, which still evaporate at year end. Give them an additional reason to tap into those benefits now, and you're IN!
You can CHOOSE whether or not you want to "participate" in this economic downturn...notice I didn't say the "R" word! I choose not to. What about you?
All my best,
PS: Wanna see the postcard I used for that 12:1 return? You can IF you FORWARD this message to at least two dentists, and COPY me ( on it!
PPS: Remember, to sign up for SendOutCards, go to:
Not to say that you should be acting like either of the American Presidential candidates. I'll stay away from commenting on that. But during these times of frustration, confusion, and outright panic among the masses, those who take command and exert a calming influence over their "followers" will emerge least damaged by the turbulence.
By the way, your "followers" include your dental team AND your patients! Don't forget the influence you have to bring positive outcomes in your patients' lives too, even now.
So, how? How do you act "Presidential"? Well, some aspects of the answer are tangible, and some intangible. I've already mentioned perhaps the most important element of Presidential leadership: CALM GUIDANCE through crisis.
People want reassurance these days. They want to know that "everything's going to be OK". You may be surprised to know that, as their dentist, you can deliver that message and stimulate new business to boot!
Next, reveal your PLAN to make things better in YOUR world...aka your practice. When you become a positive influence for your patients, they will be drawn to you.
Believe it or not, many of your patients may be MORE likely to complete dentistry now than before! They just need a NUDGE, in the form of an irresistible OFFER. And, if you tie that offer to today's tumultuous times, your response rate will dramatically improve.
Your patients are looking for economic "stimulus" right now. Give it to them! I recently used SendOutCards to send my patients my "Dr. Bowman's Economic Stimulus Package 2" promotion! It was a HUGE success, bringing in a 12:1 return and counting! The best part is I created it within one hour, the cards went out the next day, and results started coming in within 3 days.
The ROI was strong for 2 reasons. First, the cost was LOW, because I used SendOutCards. Second, the dentistry generated by the offer was high production.
If you'd like to learn more about SendOutCards or start using this great system right away, go here: .
Every dentist that joins SOC through my referral will have access to ALL custom cards that I create, now and in the future! Don't pass this up.
People worried about their jobs are still looking to use up their insurance benefits, and their flex dollars, which still evaporate at year end. Give them an additional reason to tap into those benefits now, and you're IN!
You can CHOOSE whether or not you want to "participate" in this economic downturn...notice I didn't say the "R" word! I choose not to. What about you?
All my best,
PS: Wanna see the postcard I used for that 12:1 return? You can IF you FORWARD this message to at least two dentists, and COPY me ( on it!
PPS: Remember, to sign up for SendOutCards, go to:
Oct 1, 2008
What’s Your 4th Quarter Marketing Plan?
It's October 1, first day of the 4th quarter of 2008. The US and world financial markets are in turmoil. Americans are angry, apprehensive, and FROZEN. However, you don't have to be, because YOU have control over your own "economy" that is your dental practice!
What's YOUR 4th quarter marketing plan?
Do you have one, or are you just hoping that things will "pick up" or "turn themselves around"?
Would you like to THAW OUT your "frozen" patients?
Would you like your own 4th quarter marketing plan?
Well, here it is, if you haven't gotten it already:
Time to take the bull by the horns! This is my best 1-2-3 (and 4) punch to ramp up your results for October through December.
Over the next several weeks, I'm going to be focusing on how you can TAKE CHARGE of the outcomes in your practice... not just from now through the end of the year, but from here on out.
I'll be holding more teleseminars, scheduling more 1-on-1 coaching calls, and launching more resources for my Dental Insiders Alliance Preferred and Elite members. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you haven't acquired this audio, "3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!" you need to do so now. The clock's ticking...
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
What's YOUR 4th quarter marketing plan?
Do you have one, or are you just hoping that things will "pick up" or "turn themselves around"?
Would you like to THAW OUT your "frozen" patients?
Would you like your own 4th quarter marketing plan?
Well, here it is, if you haven't gotten it already:
Time to take the bull by the horns! This is my best 1-2-3 (and 4) punch to ramp up your results for October through December.
Over the next several weeks, I'm going to be focusing on how you can TAKE CHARGE of the outcomes in your practice... not just from now through the end of the year, but from here on out.
I'll be holding more teleseminars, scheduling more 1-on-1 coaching calls, and launching more resources for my Dental Insiders Alliance Preferred and Elite members. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you haven't acquired this audio, "3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!" you need to do so now. The clock's ticking...
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
Sep 24, 2008
We’re all out of CD’s…but you can still get the audio!
Vanessa just emailed me to tell me that we're SOLD OUT of the CD's of the teleseminar:3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!
So, if you were waiting to order, you won't be able to get a CD. Sorry.
HOWEVER, you CAN still get the entire AUDIO FILE of the teleseminar, with no parts edited out. Vanessa suggested that, for a lower fee, I should offer the digital audio file of the teleseminar to those who now can't get the CD. Now why didn't I think of that?!'s the deal. If you order between now and Friday, October 2, I'll give you INSTANT ACCESS to the complete recording of this outstanding teleseminar!
Once again, here's the link for all the info:
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
So, if you were waiting to order, you won't be able to get a CD. Sorry.
HOWEVER, you CAN still get the entire AUDIO FILE of the teleseminar, with no parts edited out. Vanessa suggested that, for a lower fee, I should offer the digital audio file of the teleseminar to those who now can't get the CD. Now why didn't I think of that?!'s the deal. If you order between now and Friday, October 2, I'll give you INSTANT ACCESS to the complete recording of this outstanding teleseminar!
Once again, here's the link for all the info:
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
Sep 22, 2008
2 Important Things!
I hope you had a great weekend. We spent Saturday morning on the soccer field at Reid's first game. He scored 2 goals! Watch out, David Beckham! It's a blast watching a pack of 5-year-olds follow that ball all over the's like a moving rugby scrum. Anyway...I've got 2 important notes for you today. Please read carefully. First, regarding SPAM emails. Lately I've had one, and then another, subscriber incorrectly label one of my messages as "spam". The frustrating thing is that both, and all, subscribers joined this email list voluntarily! My guess is that they just don't know what to do when they get an email they don't want. But labeling it as "spam" hurts us ALL. I almost never get emails labeled as spam...but even one out of my hundreds of subscribers can potentially block future emails from getting to you all. So please DON'T do that. Here's what to do.
If you don't want to read one of my messages, simply DELETE it... nothing more. This will keep you subscribed, so you'll get messages from me in the future.
If you don't want ANY more messages from me, then use the link at the very bottom of every email I send to UNSUBSCRIBE. Then you won't get any future messages from me...but you won't be able to subscribe again using that same email address.
I know most of you know this, but some don't. Thanks for your help in making sure that this list stays in excellent standing with all the ISP's out there.
Second...I still have just a small handful of CD's left:
"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
Last time I checked at 10:40am EST there were FOUR left. Remember, these will not be reproduced again, so if you want one, go here NOW:
All the information you need, including pricing, is there. Once I've sold out of these CD's, they're gone. Make your October-December a record quarter with this information. It worked last year, so it's proven to work this year!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
If you don't want to read one of my messages, simply DELETE it... nothing more. This will keep you subscribed, so you'll get messages from me in the future.
If you don't want ANY more messages from me, then use the link at the very bottom of every email I send to UNSUBSCRIBE. Then you won't get any future messages from me...but you won't be able to subscribe again using that same email address.
I know most of you know this, but some don't. Thanks for your help in making sure that this list stays in excellent standing with all the ISP's out there.
Second...I still have just a small handful of CD's left:
"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
Last time I checked at 10:40am EST there were FOUR left. Remember, these will not be reproduced again, so if you want one, go here NOW:
All the information you need, including pricing, is there. Once I've sold out of these CD's, they're gone. Make your October-December a record quarter with this information. It worked last year, so it's proven to work this year!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
Sep 19, 2008
Only 9 copies left!
Only 9 copies remain of perhaps my best marketing CD:
"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
This is no joke. If you really want to BOOST your business heading into the last quarter of 2008, you better act fast!
The financial institutions and stock markets are in turmoil. This storm is going to churn a lot more before it settles down. However, YOU are not and will not be a victim of "the economy" if you ACT NOW.
Grab the bull by the horns, and make a BIG difference in your practice! Use this link to go directly to the webpage where you can learn about and order this KILLER CD...if there are any left. Go now.
All my best,
PS: BONUS CD included: "People Hate Dentists...But They'll LOVE You!" An interview with Dr. Mac Lee
PPS: Did I tell you it's GUARANTEED? If for some reason you think the information in this CD won't help you, just let me know and I'll refund your paltry investment. Bu then I'll have to check your pulse, because you'd have to be "brain dead" not to see the benefits!
"3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
This is no joke. If you really want to BOOST your business heading into the last quarter of 2008, you better act fast!
The financial institutions and stock markets are in turmoil. This storm is going to churn a lot more before it settles down. However, YOU are not and will not be a victim of "the economy" if you ACT NOW.
Grab the bull by the horns, and make a BIG difference in your practice! Use this link to go directly to the webpage where you can learn about and order this KILLER CD...if there are any left. Go now.
All my best,
PS: BONUS CD included: "People Hate Dentists...But They'll LOVE You!" An interview with Dr. Mac Lee
PPS: Did I tell you it's GUARANTEED? If for some reason you think the information in this CD won't help you, just let me know and I'll refund your paltry investment. Bu then I'll have to check your pulse, because you'd have to be "brain dead" not to see the benefits!
Sep 17, 2008
Want my end-of-year marketing plan?
No question, things are a little DICEY in the US economy these days. While we're still not in a recession, many Americans are acting like it, and most businesses have experienced somewhat of a slow-down. This includes many dental practices. HOWEVER...I have an ANSWER for you that can pump new energy back into your practice! Whether you're busy or not right now, what I'm going to share with you here will no doubt help boost your business immediately, guaranteed.
On Monday I got a call from Vanessa, my trusty Dental Insiders Alliance member services rep. She told me that she had 39 CD's left over from a tele-seminar I did last year for my DIA members. The name of the CD is:
3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
Actually, it ended up being 4 strategies by the time I was finished...and it's one of the best calls I've ever recorded! Vanessa suggested that I make these CD's available to dentists now, since the feedback was so good last year. So that's what I'm doing...but I've only got you need to JUMP on this.
This CD contains PROVEN marketing strategies that I use in the last quarter of each year...every year. What worked last year has the BEST chance of working this year. You won't have to reinvent the wheel. Just follow the step-by-step details as outlined by me.
Here's where you can get more information, and pick up your copy (click-the-link):
You'll LOVE this CD. It'll give your practice the "shot in the arm" it needs to get to the next level!
All my best,
PS: If you're wondering "how much", I can tell you it's a lot less than you may expect. You'll likely recoup multiples more than your paltry investment with just the first strategy! See for yourself:
PPS: Remember, I only have 39 of these CD's, and I'm not making any more, because they're from last year. So don't hesitate!
PPPS: I wasn't going to mention it here, but there's an EXTRA BONUS CD that I'm throwing in for free. This one alone is worth the "price of admission". Best part is, it's free. Go to the website to find out what it is!
On Monday I got a call from Vanessa, my trusty Dental Insiders Alliance member services rep. She told me that she had 39 CD's left over from a tele-seminar I did last year for my DIA members. The name of the CD is:
3 Magical Marketing Strategies To End 2007 With A BANG!"
Actually, it ended up being 4 strategies by the time I was finished...and it's one of the best calls I've ever recorded! Vanessa suggested that I make these CD's available to dentists now, since the feedback was so good last year. So that's what I'm doing...but I've only got you need to JUMP on this.
This CD contains PROVEN marketing strategies that I use in the last quarter of each year...every year. What worked last year has the BEST chance of working this year. You won't have to reinvent the wheel. Just follow the step-by-step details as outlined by me.
Here's where you can get more information, and pick up your copy (click-the-link):
You'll LOVE this CD. It'll give your practice the "shot in the arm" it needs to get to the next level!
All my best,
PS: If you're wondering "how much", I can tell you it's a lot less than you may expect. You'll likely recoup multiples more than your paltry investment with just the first strategy! See for yourself:
PPS: Remember, I only have 39 of these CD's, and I'm not making any more, because they're from last year. So don't hesitate!
PPPS: I wasn't going to mention it here, but there's an EXTRA BONUS CD that I'm throwing in for free. This one alone is worth the "price of admission". Best part is, it's free. Go to the website to find out what it is!
Sep 4, 2008
2 great questions about testimonials
I've gotten some great questions about testimonials on the heels of my last two messages. I answered one last time, and this time I'll address two more.
PLUS, there's a bonus I'm going to give you a gesture of thanks for your attention, for your continued involvement as a subscriber, and for the relationship that we're developing! It's at the end, but don't miss what's in the middle.
Here are the Q's:
Dr. Doug Shindollar asks:
In the state of Illinois the Dental Practice Act forbids the use of testimonials. Now What???!!!
Well, Doug, things MAY not be as bad as you think. The first thing you'll want to do is VERIFY what the law TRULY is...through an attorney who will actually check the law! You may be surprised to find out what is legal and what's not.
Much more frequently than not, what we hear from others is far, far from the truth...especially regarding legal matters. By the time one colleague tells another and so on, the truth often innocently gets lost. It's natural, it's not our specialty to know the true law.
Even if you find from an attorney that the use of testimonials is in fact not allowed by law, then the next step is to ask the attorney what exactly IS legal? Then do that!
WARNING: I'm not an attorney! Don't break the law! everything that is both ethical and legally allowable...according to a reliable attorney. It'll be the best few hundred bucks you ever spend!
Want some examples? OK. Can you use photos of you and/or your team with one or more of your happy patients? With captions identifying who's in the photo? With a description of the services you provided...but without a direct quote from the patient? What are the true limits of your laws?
How about writing a "profile" story about one or more of your patients in a marketing piece, or your patient newsletter? Can you tell the patient's story, including what you did for them. Their permission to print the story may not be considered a testimonial, but it's the next best thing.
Does the "no testimonials" law pertain only to EXTERNAL advertising? You may be able to use them all you want in your practice, and your newsletter. Who knows...until you have the law checked out by a pro.
With all due respect to our colleagues and buddies, you can't rely on their interpretation of the law to make these critical decisions about your practice. And you can't worry about irritating them when you do find a legal angle and deploy your new strategy. After all, they're not going to be calling to schedule, are they?!
Now, on to question #2. Dr. John Durling asks:
Chris, is there a consent form you recommend or could share for those patient testimonials. Seems like you had one that you shared a while back.
This one's easy. Yep, I do have a form I can share. And it's also the BONUS I mentioned above that I want you all to have...with ONE CONDITION:
I'm NOT legally responsible for it's use in your practice!
In other words, get your attorney to review it too. Be sure that the consent forms you use are thoroughly examined, so you can be confident it's legit.
I currently use a consent form in my practice that includes a section devoted to gaining permission from the patient to use their testimonials in ANY form. Even though I still obtain verbal approval for every form of usage, the signature rests on this form from the beginning.
Today I'm going to upload my consent form to my blog so I can give it to you, with *no*strings*attached*! Actually, my webmaster is going to that since I'm a programming dunce. She'll get it on there for you to download sometime today, and it may be there already. Please check back again if it's not there when you go
to get it.
My consent form will be located at this webpage:
There will be a clearly visible link to download the form near the top of the page. Just click on it and follow the instructions.
If you have any trouble, just let me know at Vanessa or Sarah will get back with you soon and make sure you get the form asap.
Download the Consent Form
Have a SPECTACULAR weekend!
All my best,
PLUS, there's a bonus I'm going to give you a gesture of thanks for your attention, for your continued involvement as a subscriber, and for the relationship that we're developing! It's at the end, but don't miss what's in the middle.
Here are the Q's:
Dr. Doug Shindollar asks:
In the state of Illinois the Dental Practice Act forbids the use of testimonials. Now What???!!!
Well, Doug, things MAY not be as bad as you think. The first thing you'll want to do is VERIFY what the law TRULY is...through an attorney who will actually check the law! You may be surprised to find out what is legal and what's not.
Much more frequently than not, what we hear from others is far, far from the truth...especially regarding legal matters. By the time one colleague tells another and so on, the truth often innocently gets lost. It's natural, it's not our specialty to know the true law.
Even if you find from an attorney that the use of testimonials is in fact not allowed by law, then the next step is to ask the attorney what exactly IS legal? Then do that!
WARNING: I'm not an attorney! Don't break the law! everything that is both ethical and legally allowable...according to a reliable attorney. It'll be the best few hundred bucks you ever spend!
Want some examples? OK. Can you use photos of you and/or your team with one or more of your happy patients? With captions identifying who's in the photo? With a description of the services you provided...but without a direct quote from the patient? What are the true limits of your laws?
How about writing a "profile" story about one or more of your patients in a marketing piece, or your patient newsletter? Can you tell the patient's story, including what you did for them. Their permission to print the story may not be considered a testimonial, but it's the next best thing.
Does the "no testimonials" law pertain only to EXTERNAL advertising? You may be able to use them all you want in your practice, and your newsletter. Who knows...until you have the law checked out by a pro.
With all due respect to our colleagues and buddies, you can't rely on their interpretation of the law to make these critical decisions about your practice. And you can't worry about irritating them when you do find a legal angle and deploy your new strategy. After all, they're not going to be calling to schedule, are they?!
Now, on to question #2. Dr. John Durling asks:
Chris, is there a consent form you recommend or could share for those patient testimonials. Seems like you had one that you shared a while back.
This one's easy. Yep, I do have a form I can share. And it's also the BONUS I mentioned above that I want you all to have...with ONE CONDITION:
I'm NOT legally responsible for it's use in your practice!
In other words, get your attorney to review it too. Be sure that the consent forms you use are thoroughly examined, so you can be confident it's legit.
I currently use a consent form in my practice that includes a section devoted to gaining permission from the patient to use their testimonials in ANY form. Even though I still obtain verbal approval for every form of usage, the signature rests on this form from the beginning.
Today I'm going to upload my consent form to my blog so I can give it to you, with *no*strings*attached*! Actually, my webmaster is going to that since I'm a programming dunce. She'll get it on there for you to download sometime today, and it may be there already. Please check back again if it's not there when you go
to get it.
My consent form will be located at this webpage:
There will be a clearly visible link to download the form near the top of the page. Just click on it and follow the instructions.
If you have any trouble, just let me know at Vanessa or Sarah will get back with you soon and make sure you get the form asap.
Download the Consent Form
Have a SPECTACULAR weekend!
All my best,
Sep 2, 2008
Is JD as good as John Doe?
Well, it seems I didn't offend too many people with my last message about Obama's lack of testimonials. I did get one "you suck!", and another "I don't wanna hear about your politics!"...but that was about it. Like I said to them, I DID warn you!
In fact, most of the feedback was great, and I'm glad that most of you were able to "put on your marketing hat" while reading that post.
I want to share a great question I got from Dr. Bob Korwin. His question is: "Does a testimonial with the initials JD work any less effectively than the full name John Doe?"
Answer: An unequivocal YES! MUCH less!
It's always best to use your patient's FULL name when collecting testimonials. It's just less credible if you don't. The more detail you omit from their names, the more people will think you made it up yourself. I know it sounds cynical, but it's true.
What I've found is that people are much less stingy about revealing their full name in a testimonial than you may think. Especially if you ask them the right way. The key is to develop a string of "yes" answers that get you closer to the goal of not only using their name, but also their testimonial, in ALL of your marketing.
We ask first if we can QUOTE them on the compliments that they just gave us. Then we ask if we can attach their FULL name to it. Then we ask if it's OK to use the quote in our marketing. It's that simple, and it works 98% of the time. When you explain that you need to use the full name because it makes the testimonial believable, most patients will give their full consent. They've seen "JD" testimonials before!
Yes, there are a FEW who don't feel comfortable giving out their full name for their testimonial in our marketing. In my practice it's been literally a small handful. When this happens we ask if we can use their name IN the office, but not in our EXTERNAL marketing to the public. They almost ALL say yes to that!
I simply won't use a testimonial if we can't use the patient's FULL name (first and last). It's that important. I don't want anyone to EVER wonder if I fabricated even a single testimonial, because it would tarnish all of them.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
Join DIA for 2 Months *FREE*
In fact, most of the feedback was great, and I'm glad that most of you were able to "put on your marketing hat" while reading that post.
I want to share a great question I got from Dr. Bob Korwin. His question is: "Does a testimonial with the initials JD work any less effectively than the full name John Doe?"
Answer: An unequivocal YES! MUCH less!
It's always best to use your patient's FULL name when collecting testimonials. It's just less credible if you don't. The more detail you omit from their names, the more people will think you made it up yourself. I know it sounds cynical, but it's true.
What I've found is that people are much less stingy about revealing their full name in a testimonial than you may think. Especially if you ask them the right way. The key is to develop a string of "yes" answers that get you closer to the goal of not only using their name, but also their testimonial, in ALL of your marketing.
We ask first if we can QUOTE them on the compliments that they just gave us. Then we ask if we can attach their FULL name to it. Then we ask if it's OK to use the quote in our marketing. It's that simple, and it works 98% of the time. When you explain that you need to use the full name because it makes the testimonial believable, most patients will give their full consent. They've seen "JD" testimonials before!
Yes, there are a FEW who don't feel comfortable giving out their full name for their testimonial in our marketing. In my practice it's been literally a small handful. When this happens we ask if we can use their name IN the office, but not in our EXTERNAL marketing to the public. They almost ALL say yes to that!
I simply won't use a testimonial if we can't use the patient's FULL name (first and last). It's that important. I don't want anyone to EVER wonder if I fabricated even a single testimonial, because it would tarnish all of them.
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
Join DIA for 2 Months *FREE*
Aug 30, 2008
The Gaping Hole In Obama’s Armor…
OK, I know this is a politically
based message, and these are politically contentious
times. But the THEME of this message is NOT political.
Plus I've never been one to shy away from perceived
"risk" of offending someone. Sorry if it's you.
Please don't miss the HUGE lesson here! And if you
like it, FORWARD this message to your colleagues. I
appreciate it!
<Saturday Special>
The GAPING hole in Barack Obama's "armor" as a Presidential
candidate made itself abundantly apparent during the
Democratic National Convention this week. It's been there
all along, but when surrounded by his biggest supporters,
fans, and groupies, I took the biggest notice of what was
MISSING. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
This gash in Obama's entire campaign is one that cannot
go away. And it's so big that I predict "it" will be the
major force that prevents him from being elected in November.
Why am I writing you about "it". Because "it" is one of
THE most important elements of your ability to build your
own "campaign" (dental practice), and attract people to
you that want what you've got. Without "it", the prospects
of building others' confidence in you are not good.
The air of TENSION this week at the Democratic National
Convention had to do with much more than what the Clintons
were up to. The obvious anxiety I noticed had even
more to do with the "it" that I'm revealing here. The "it"
that Barack Obama doesn't have, can't have at this time.
What is "it" that is lacking, causing even Obama's own
political party to be so uncertain about his ability to
lead? What "it" was glaringly ABSENT from the very convention
where we would expect "it" to be everywhere? What lack of
"it" will be the #1 reason why most Americans will NOT be
able to pull the lever for Obama come November 4th?
Are you ready?
The "it" is...TESTIMONIALS...PROOF! And Obama has NONE of
any significant meaning. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
No question, Barack Obama is one heckuva speaker, a true
natural orator. He's extremely talented at what he does,
which so far has consisted of building an image and a big
following. BUT...
Nowhere to be found were the "witnesses to his ability"
(see Krauthammer, IBD, today's column), and absent were
the testimonials that vouch for his true ability to lead
our nation. Sure, there were many who proclaimed that
Obama "is ready to be President", including President
Clinton himself. But there were no SPECIFIC testimonials
that addressed any influential individual's experiences
in working with the Illinois senator. Without PROOF, the
multitude of vague endorsements rang HOLLOW as nothing more
than "party line accommodation".
Obama's problem of no testimonials is certainly derived
from his lack of "time in the saddle". But whatever the
reason, the lack of prominent people that can speak up for
him, as a result of their experiences with him, is what
will do him in. My own political leanings have NOTHING
to do with this stubborn fact.
The bottom line: Without a substantial collection of
compelling, experience-based TESTIMONIALS, it's extremely
difficult to acquire the TRUST of your prospects, and
impossible to have EARNED it by association! That's why
Obama's most compelling argument for President is "I'm
the NEW agent of CHANGE". "New" in this case is meant to
offset "no testimonials".
This year the Democrats are in the unenviable position of
relying on a very charismatic man who has no compelling
testimonials about his ability to lead to his credit.
They're hoping that "hope" will carry him all the way to
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That's all they've got. That's
why they're nervous, deep down. If they can only make it to
November 4th!
While they may actually pull it off, due in part to big
holes in the Republican armor as well, I personally don't
think they will. When it gets down to the nitty gritty,
it's going to be all about the MEN...and WOMAN! For
Obama, the absence of real, tangible social proof will
seal his fate.
Now, about YOU...are you collecting testimonials? Do you
see how CRITICAL they are in bringing people to understand
that you are the CHOICE for them? Testimonials are THE
biggest influencing force you can ever use in your
marketing. To add my variation of a line from American
Don't "leave home" (market your practice) without them!
All my best,
based message, and these are politically contentious
times. But the THEME of this message is NOT political.
Plus I've never been one to shy away from perceived
"risk" of offending someone. Sorry if it's you.
Please don't miss the HUGE lesson here! And if you
like it, FORWARD this message to your colleagues. I
appreciate it!
<Saturday Special>
The GAPING hole in Barack Obama's "armor" as a Presidential
candidate made itself abundantly apparent during the
Democratic National Convention this week. It's been there
all along, but when surrounded by his biggest supporters,
fans, and groupies, I took the biggest notice of what was
MISSING. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
This gash in Obama's entire campaign is one that cannot
go away. And it's so big that I predict "it" will be the
major force that prevents him from being elected in November.
Why am I writing you about "it". Because "it" is one of
THE most important elements of your ability to build your
own "campaign" (dental practice), and attract people to
you that want what you've got. Without "it", the prospects
of building others' confidence in you are not good.
The air of TENSION this week at the Democratic National
Convention had to do with much more than what the Clintons
were up to. The obvious anxiety I noticed had even
more to do with the "it" that I'm revealing here. The "it"
that Barack Obama doesn't have, can't have at this time.
What is "it" that is lacking, causing even Obama's own
political party to be so uncertain about his ability to
lead? What "it" was glaringly ABSENT from the very convention
where we would expect "it" to be everywhere? What lack of
"it" will be the #1 reason why most Americans will NOT be
able to pull the lever for Obama come November 4th?
Are you ready?
The "it" is...TESTIMONIALS...PROOF! And Obama has NONE of
any significant meaning. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
No question, Barack Obama is one heckuva speaker, a true
natural orator. He's extremely talented at what he does,
which so far has consisted of building an image and a big
following. BUT...
Nowhere to be found were the "witnesses to his ability"
(see Krauthammer, IBD, today's column), and absent were
the testimonials that vouch for his true ability to lead
our nation. Sure, there were many who proclaimed that
Obama "is ready to be President", including President
Clinton himself. But there were no SPECIFIC testimonials
that addressed any influential individual's experiences
in working with the Illinois senator. Without PROOF, the
multitude of vague endorsements rang HOLLOW as nothing more
than "party line accommodation".
Obama's problem of no testimonials is certainly derived
from his lack of "time in the saddle". But whatever the
reason, the lack of prominent people that can speak up for
him, as a result of their experiences with him, is what
will do him in. My own political leanings have NOTHING
to do with this stubborn fact.
The bottom line: Without a substantial collection of
compelling, experience-based TESTIMONIALS, it's extremely
difficult to acquire the TRUST of your prospects, and
impossible to have EARNED it by association! That's why
Obama's most compelling argument for President is "I'm
the NEW agent of CHANGE". "New" in this case is meant to
offset "no testimonials".
This year the Democrats are in the unenviable position of
relying on a very charismatic man who has no compelling
testimonials about his ability to lead to his credit.
They're hoping that "hope" will carry him all the way to
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That's all they've got. That's
why they're nervous, deep down. If they can only make it to
November 4th!
While they may actually pull it off, due in part to big
holes in the Republican armor as well, I personally don't
think they will. When it gets down to the nitty gritty,
it's going to be all about the MEN...and WOMAN! For
Obama, the absence of real, tangible social proof will
seal his fate.
Now, about YOU...are you collecting testimonials? Do you
see how CRITICAL they are in bringing people to understand
that you are the CHOICE for them? Testimonials are THE
biggest influencing force you can ever use in your
marketing. To add my variation of a line from American
Don't "leave home" (market your practice) without them!
All my best,
Aug 27, 2008
“Passie bye bye…”
I just had to send you this quick note about Olivia, my sweet little fireball 19-month-old.
For the past month or so, Elizabeth and I have been "warning" little Livy that her pacifier is going to go bye bye. She has only ever used it when sleeping, but she really likes's part of her nite nite routine.
"Passie bye bye!" she started to say herself, about 2 weeks ago. Pretty cool, I thought. She'll drop the habit no problem, because she understands it, right?
Well, kind of. Even though we're now successfully getting her to sleep quickly without the passie, it still took us several nights of:
It would've been so easy to just plug it back in to keep her "happy" for the short term. But that would've made it much worse later to kick the habit. So we fought through, and she would calm down and sleep great. No thumb sucking either...yeah!
Actually it took us a little less time and was easier than I thought. So it got me thinking.
How many old habits am I hanging onto in my practice?
How many old habits are my team holding onto?
How many old habits are YOU holding onto?
When you get right down to it, it's not THAT bad to get rid of old habits and develop new ones...but it does take some effort and discipline, as well as PERSISTENCE.
But the payoff is often HUGE, and worth the trouble.
So...when you're considering implementing positive changes in your practice, but you're uncomfortable in letting go of the false security of the old way of doing things, just say to yourself:
"Passie Bye Bye!"
All my best,
Dr Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
For the past month or so, Elizabeth and I have been "warning" little Livy that her pacifier is going to go bye bye. She has only ever used it when sleeping, but she really likes's part of her nite nite routine.
"Passie bye bye!" she started to say herself, about 2 weeks ago. Pretty cool, I thought. She'll drop the habit no problem, because she understands it, right?
Well, kind of. Even though we're now successfully getting her to sleep quickly without the passie, it still took us several nights of:
It would've been so easy to just plug it back in to keep her "happy" for the short term. But that would've made it much worse later to kick the habit. So we fought through, and she would calm down and sleep great. No thumb sucking either...yeah!
Actually it took us a little less time and was easier than I thought. So it got me thinking.
How many old habits am I hanging onto in my practice?
How many old habits are my team holding onto?
How many old habits are YOU holding onto?
When you get right down to it, it's not THAT bad to get rid of old habits and develop new ones...but it does take some effort and discipline, as well as PERSISTENCE.
But the payoff is often HUGE, and worth the trouble.
So...when you're considering implementing positive changes in your practice, but you're uncomfortable in letting go of the false security of the old way of doing things, just say to yourself:
"Passie Bye Bye!"
All my best,
Dr Chris Bowman - Dental Insiders Alliance
Aug 26, 2008
Back to school, back to work…
How To Profit When You Least Expect It!
Well, it's that time of year again...the "back to school, back to work" RUSH. Last Thursday we all took Reid to his bus stop for his FIRST bus ride ever! He started Transitional Kindergarten at his new school, and we were all so excited. Even Kenan and Olivia, still in their pajamas, came with Elizabeth and I to see him off.
On Monday it's Labor Day, and most American adults will be mentally thrust back into their working world. Summer's over. "Time to make the doughnuts!" (from Dunkin Donuts)
Chances are that many of your patients WON'T be thinking about you and your dental practice during the next month or so...UNLESS you REACH OUT to them and let them know that YOU are thinking about THEM.
How do you do that? SEND them a card that says "Happy Labor Day"! Think about many times have you gotten a Labor Day card? Your patients will certainly take notice, and they'll appreciate the fact that you thought of them, "just because".
The above is what I call a "no pitch" approach. It's important when staying in touch with your patients to only promote your services overtly about 50% of the time. You want to build the relationship with them, and one of the best ways to do this is by using the "just because" approach.
If you're looking to fill your chairs a little more in September, you could indeed MAKE AN OFFER. That's fine too, as long as you stick to that 50% rule. A good rule of thumb is to promote more BEFORE it gets slower in your practice, and use the "just because" approach when it's busier. That way you'll maintain a more consistent patient flow...and GROW your practice to even higher levels!
Back to sending the cards. Can you do it quickly? Absolutely! Use Send Out Cards.
Send Out Cards is a web-based company that sends REAL, physical postcards, greeting cards, trifold cards, and even gifts and gift cards to any person or group of people you choose. You can use SOC to send cards to your patients, or to prospects, or to your family and friends. All without having to go to the store and pick out stale but expensive cards from their limited supply.
There are THOUSANDS of cards available, and you can also create your own cards. Use photos or images to create custom cards. And you can even use your own handwriting as a font!
What's best is that you can set up automated CAMPAIGNS to send to your patients at predetermined intervals! All from one sitting, and it takes just a few minutes to set it up.
You can have targeted, effective, attractive cards sent to your own patients within just 24-48 hours if you were to start today. No kidding. Best of all, it's VERY reasonably priced.
NOTE: There IS a business here too, if you're interested in that. If you are, you'll want to look into it. As a disclosure, I am involved with growing a Send Out Cards business, but only through ADDING VALUE by showing you how best to use it.
Even if you have no intentions of ever building a Send Out Cards business, the service alone is a stunning deal. The Wholesale account allows you to send top quality, personalized cards for as little as $0.62 each. And you never have to touch the cards! Imagine how much it would cost you to order cards, print them out yourself, address, and stamp them (don't forget the labor). It's the biggest no-brainer in the history of direct mail.
To learn more about Send Out Cards, go here:
All my best,
PS: I have over a dozen CUSTOM CARDS that I can share with you when you join Send Out Cards! Many were created with the sole purpose of building REFERRALS...and I didn't even talk about that! Join today. It's inexpensive, but SO valuable.
Well, it's that time of year again...the "back to school, back to work" RUSH. Last Thursday we all took Reid to his bus stop for his FIRST bus ride ever! He started Transitional Kindergarten at his new school, and we were all so excited. Even Kenan and Olivia, still in their pajamas, came with Elizabeth and I to see him off.
On Monday it's Labor Day, and most American adults will be mentally thrust back into their working world. Summer's over. "Time to make the doughnuts!" (from Dunkin Donuts)
Chances are that many of your patients WON'T be thinking about you and your dental practice during the next month or so...UNLESS you REACH OUT to them and let them know that YOU are thinking about THEM.
How do you do that? SEND them a card that says "Happy Labor Day"! Think about many times have you gotten a Labor Day card? Your patients will certainly take notice, and they'll appreciate the fact that you thought of them, "just because".
The above is what I call a "no pitch" approach. It's important when staying in touch with your patients to only promote your services overtly about 50% of the time. You want to build the relationship with them, and one of the best ways to do this is by using the "just because" approach.
If you're looking to fill your chairs a little more in September, you could indeed MAKE AN OFFER. That's fine too, as long as you stick to that 50% rule. A good rule of thumb is to promote more BEFORE it gets slower in your practice, and use the "just because" approach when it's busier. That way you'll maintain a more consistent patient flow...and GROW your practice to even higher levels!
Back to sending the cards. Can you do it quickly? Absolutely! Use Send Out Cards.
Send Out Cards is a web-based company that sends REAL, physical postcards, greeting cards, trifold cards, and even gifts and gift cards to any person or group of people you choose. You can use SOC to send cards to your patients, or to prospects, or to your family and friends. All without having to go to the store and pick out stale but expensive cards from their limited supply.
There are THOUSANDS of cards available, and you can also create your own cards. Use photos or images to create custom cards. And you can even use your own handwriting as a font!
What's best is that you can set up automated CAMPAIGNS to send to your patients at predetermined intervals! All from one sitting, and it takes just a few minutes to set it up.
You can have targeted, effective, attractive cards sent to your own patients within just 24-48 hours if you were to start today. No kidding. Best of all, it's VERY reasonably priced.
NOTE: There IS a business here too, if you're interested in that. If you are, you'll want to look into it. As a disclosure, I am involved with growing a Send Out Cards business, but only through ADDING VALUE by showing you how best to use it.
Even if you have no intentions of ever building a Send Out Cards business, the service alone is a stunning deal. The Wholesale account allows you to send top quality, personalized cards for as little as $0.62 each. And you never have to touch the cards! Imagine how much it would cost you to order cards, print them out yourself, address, and stamp them (don't forget the labor). It's the biggest no-brainer in the history of direct mail.
To learn more about Send Out Cards, go here:
All my best,
PS: I have over a dozen CUSTOM CARDS that I can share with you when you join Send Out Cards! Many were created with the sole purpose of building REFERRALS...and I didn't even talk about that! Join today. It's inexpensive, but SO valuable.
Aug 22, 2008
Your Olympic Lessons
Well, the Olympics are almost over, and whether you've been watching or not, I'm sure you've heard many of the great stories about the athletes and teams...and also some not so great.
While taking in all the action over the past 2 weeks, I decided to compile a list of lessons that we can all take away from the Beijing games. No way is this a complete list...but a good one to draw from nevertheless.
Lesson #1: "Never give up. Don't EVER give up!" These words were originally spoken by legendary college basketball coach Jim Valvano, shortly before he died of cancer. They rang true during these Olympics.
Countless examples of not giving up abound, but my favorite occurred in the swimming "Cube", where Michael Phelps won a record 8 gold medals. Twice during his quest his back was against the wall, and he faced an almost certain defeat.
In the 100m butterfly, Phelps dug deep in the final 20 meters, behind the Serbian challenger. Even his stroke rhythm was off a bit, but he somehow got his hands to the wall 0.01 seconds earlier than his challenger! That's the slimmest margin possible.
During the 4 x 100 freestyle relay, it was Phelps' teammate Jason Lezak who pulled off the best relay split EVER to save gold for the USA by only 0.08 seconds, beating the trash-talking French team. HAH!
It would've been so easy to give up and accept silver, but the Americans refused, and it paid off big!
Lesson #2: When team is involved, it's ALL about TEAM. The above story is a great example of the good that comes from great teamwork. Here's what can happen if the team doesn't pull together.
On Wednesday night in Beijing, the men's AND women's 4 x 100 sprint track relay team were favored with the Jamaican teams to compete for gold. But, in the semifinal heats, BOTH the men's and women's USA teams did the unthinkable: they DROPPED THE BATON!
It doesn't matter that the Americans had some of the fastest sprinters in the world, and a great chance at gold. They had no chance to win because they didn't work TOGETHER. Maybe they needed more practice, more repetitions, to get the baton pass "down". Whatever the reason, they didn't do it, and they were disqualified.
The same thing has happened to our men's basketball team during the past 2 Olympics. No question they had the best talent...they just didn't play together well enough to beat outmatched teams that did. Luckily they got the message this year and are playing very well under COLLEGE coach Mike Krzyzewski (coach of my rival Dookies...I'm a Tar Heel you know). Bottom line is they've swallowed their egos in the name of TEAM...and they're winning big as it should be.
Aside: Think about how you can apply these principles in your dental practice. How can you get your TEAM to work together better, to perform like champions? When things are not going as well as you want, do you DIG DEEP or settle?
Lesson #3: Rethink your paradigms. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, monstrous ego aside, has dominated the 100m and 200m events, setting world records in BOTH...and even after "shutting down" at 90 meters in the 100! Man, if he had only kept going...
Bolt is 6'5", and about 5-8 inches taller than ALL the other world class sprinters. Previously, guys his size would never have been considered for the 100m or 200m. But Bolt's coaches saw something magical in him, and he has changed the way people think about the physique of a sprinter.
Lesson #4: Be honest. Sure, push the limits. Take advantage of every opportunity to stack the odds in your favor. Even go against "the norm" or generally accepted "conventions". But don't be dishonest, because you'll lose any temporary gains you got by cheating.
I predict that within the next 30 days, the Chinese gymnastics team will have to forfeit at least 3 gold medals, and perhaps several more, because they competed with gymnasts who are under the age limits for the Olympics. The Americans will win most if not all of those medals after the Chinese are DQ'ed, adding to our own haul. It's a shame, although sadly not surprising.
China has made several questionable moves involving these games. They originally had made numerous promises to clean up their air pollution, but have done very little. Their human rights record is atrocious, and reminds me of the days of "Mother Russia" during the Cold War era. And now they suit up a bunch of 12-13 year olds, falsify their passports, and pass them off as 16...crazy.
Ironically, this was done in the interest of "looking good" on the international stage. Although I think the Beijing Olympics have overall been beautifully done, there will always be this dominant stigma that they won't be able to shake.
OK, that's it for now. Please share YOUR "Olympic lessons" with me, and I'll post them for all to see. The contributor who posts the BEST Olympic lesson will get a valuable surprise gift from me! Simply post your reply to
All my best,
While taking in all the action over the past 2 weeks, I decided to compile a list of lessons that we can all take away from the Beijing games. No way is this a complete list...but a good one to draw from nevertheless.
Lesson #1: "Never give up. Don't EVER give up!" These words were originally spoken by legendary college basketball coach Jim Valvano, shortly before he died of cancer. They rang true during these Olympics.
Countless examples of not giving up abound, but my favorite occurred in the swimming "Cube", where Michael Phelps won a record 8 gold medals. Twice during his quest his back was against the wall, and he faced an almost certain defeat.
In the 100m butterfly, Phelps dug deep in the final 20 meters, behind the Serbian challenger. Even his stroke rhythm was off a bit, but he somehow got his hands to the wall 0.01 seconds earlier than his challenger! That's the slimmest margin possible.
During the 4 x 100 freestyle relay, it was Phelps' teammate Jason Lezak who pulled off the best relay split EVER to save gold for the USA by only 0.08 seconds, beating the trash-talking French team. HAH!
It would've been so easy to give up and accept silver, but the Americans refused, and it paid off big!
Lesson #2: When team is involved, it's ALL about TEAM. The above story is a great example of the good that comes from great teamwork. Here's what can happen if the team doesn't pull together.
On Wednesday night in Beijing, the men's AND women's 4 x 100 sprint track relay team were favored with the Jamaican teams to compete for gold. But, in the semifinal heats, BOTH the men's and women's USA teams did the unthinkable: they DROPPED THE BATON!
It doesn't matter that the Americans had some of the fastest sprinters in the world, and a great chance at gold. They had no chance to win because they didn't work TOGETHER. Maybe they needed more practice, more repetitions, to get the baton pass "down". Whatever the reason, they didn't do it, and they were disqualified.
The same thing has happened to our men's basketball team during the past 2 Olympics. No question they had the best talent...they just didn't play together well enough to beat outmatched teams that did. Luckily they got the message this year and are playing very well under COLLEGE coach Mike Krzyzewski (coach of my rival Dookies...I'm a Tar Heel you know). Bottom line is they've swallowed their egos in the name of TEAM...and they're winning big as it should be.
Aside: Think about how you can apply these principles in your dental practice. How can you get your TEAM to work together better, to perform like champions? When things are not going as well as you want, do you DIG DEEP or settle?
Lesson #3: Rethink your paradigms. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, monstrous ego aside, has dominated the 100m and 200m events, setting world records in BOTH...and even after "shutting down" at 90 meters in the 100! Man, if he had only kept going...
Bolt is 6'5", and about 5-8 inches taller than ALL the other world class sprinters. Previously, guys his size would never have been considered for the 100m or 200m. But Bolt's coaches saw something magical in him, and he has changed the way people think about the physique of a sprinter.
Lesson #4: Be honest. Sure, push the limits. Take advantage of every opportunity to stack the odds in your favor. Even go against "the norm" or generally accepted "conventions". But don't be dishonest, because you'll lose any temporary gains you got by cheating.
I predict that within the next 30 days, the Chinese gymnastics team will have to forfeit at least 3 gold medals, and perhaps several more, because they competed with gymnasts who are under the age limits for the Olympics. The Americans will win most if not all of those medals after the Chinese are DQ'ed, adding to our own haul. It's a shame, although sadly not surprising.
China has made several questionable moves involving these games. They originally had made numerous promises to clean up their air pollution, but have done very little. Their human rights record is atrocious, and reminds me of the days of "Mother Russia" during the Cold War era. And now they suit up a bunch of 12-13 year olds, falsify their passports, and pass them off as 16...crazy.
Ironically, this was done in the interest of "looking good" on the international stage. Although I think the Beijing Olympics have overall been beautifully done, there will always be this dominant stigma that they won't be able to shake.
OK, that's it for now. Please share YOUR "Olympic lessons" with me, and I'll post them for all to see. The contributor who posts the BEST Olympic lesson will get a valuable surprise gift from me! Simply post your reply to
All my best,
Aug 8, 2008
Happy 08/08/08/08!
I didn't want to miss the opportunity to wish you a Happy 08-08-08-08! That's 08:00 on August 8, 2008 if you're still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
We're back from the mountains, and the last weekend in Georgia. Our whole family went to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, then I took Reid and Kenan to their first Major League baseball game. We had a blast...then we spent 5 days in the cool NC mountains. All I have to say is "Man, is it HOT down here in Charlotte!"
Even though I'm still technically on vacation, I wanted to share with you the thought to ALWAYS BE LOOKING for reasons to connect with your patient base. Without a reason to stay in touch, your
communications with them can get boring over time...and that's the kiss of death when staying in touch. The only thing worse than that is NOT staying in touch!
But it's not too late to utilize the 08/08/08/08 theme. Think about what else is going on right now in the world -- The OLYMPICS!
Yes, the 2008 Summer Olympics just got underway in smog drenched Beijing. This is a once in every 4 years opportunity to leverage another world event in your practice.
Be creative about certain promotions you could offer to your patients if they call during the two weeks of the Olympics. Those of you who still do GOLD restorations can do a "Go For The Gold" promotion! Heck, you can even use the term if you don't do gold.
Give out GOLD MEDALS to your top patients, photograph them, and highlight them in your newsletter. Have a contest for patients who can list the names of 8 gold medalists, and offer them an $80.00 Savings Certificate, or 8% off their dentistry. There is truly no limit to what you can do.
Gotta go...the kids are calling me. Have an outstanding 08-08-08!
All my best,
PS: Need to act fast? Use Send Out Cards to get postcards and
greeting cards sent to your patients within ONE DAY! Here's where
you can find more information:
(From there you can sign up and be sending cards TODAY!)
We're back from the mountains, and the last weekend in Georgia. Our whole family went to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, then I took Reid and Kenan to their first Major League baseball game. We had a blast...then we spent 5 days in the cool NC mountains. All I have to say is "Man, is it HOT down here in Charlotte!"
Even though I'm still technically on vacation, I wanted to share with you the thought to ALWAYS BE LOOKING for reasons to connect with your patient base. Without a reason to stay in touch, your
communications with them can get boring over time...and that's the kiss of death when staying in touch. The only thing worse than that is NOT staying in touch!
But it's not too late to utilize the 08/08/08/08 theme. Think about what else is going on right now in the world -- The OLYMPICS!
Yes, the 2008 Summer Olympics just got underway in smog drenched Beijing. This is a once in every 4 years opportunity to leverage another world event in your practice.
Be creative about certain promotions you could offer to your patients if they call during the two weeks of the Olympics. Those of you who still do GOLD restorations can do a "Go For The Gold" promotion! Heck, you can even use the term if you don't do gold.
Give out GOLD MEDALS to your top patients, photograph them, and highlight them in your newsletter. Have a contest for patients who can list the names of 8 gold medalists, and offer them an $80.00 Savings Certificate, or 8% off their dentistry. There is truly no limit to what you can do.
Gotta go...the kids are calling me. Have an outstanding 08-08-08!
All my best,
PS: Need to act fast? Use Send Out Cards to get postcards and
greeting cards sent to your patients within ONE DAY! Here's where
you can find more information:
(From there you can sign up and be sending cards TODAY!)
Aug 3, 2008
Let’s continue the discussion…
I'm SO glad today's Friday! Elizabeth and I are taking the kids down to Athens, GA to visit her mother for the weekend. On Saturday morning we're all going to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, and I'm taking Reid (almost 5) and Kenan (3 1/2) to their first Atlanta Braves game in the afternoon! Big day! Then it's a week in the mountains to unwind...but I still plan to keep in touch.
OK...back to business. Last time I mentioned that I was "not working" so I could "go to work" ON my business. It was a great 2 days, and I got a TON of stuff done.
I made one comment about "break even" marketing that I promised I'd elaborate on, which I'll do here. I said that you want to keep all marketing campaigns going that are "break even" or better. Does that surprise you? I'll bet it does.
Almost all "gurus" I read or hear of proclaim that all your marketing should generate a 3:1 return or better to be worth it. They're almost always WRONG. Here's why.
First, let's talk about the actual calculation of "Return on Investment", or ROI. Almost all docs I know calculate their ROI the wrong way, limiting their calculation to only the amount generated at the patient's first visit. (That's if they calculate it at all!)
Problem is, it doesn't take into account the FUTURE business and income generated by keeping that patient for the long term. What you should be most interested in is the "Lifetime Value" of your
patients...that's where the big growth comes from.
Let's say you place an effective print ad in a local "city" magazine. The ad cost is $1000, and you get 5 new patients. That's $200 per new patient. First visit income generated from those patients is $1200 total, leaving an INITIAL profit of "only" $200. Is the campaign successful? IF you have good systems of communications, follow-up, and referral generation, I say it's a SMASHING SUCCESS. Here's why.
Assume that 4 of the 5 patients stay in the practice, and one just doesn't stick for some reason. Total treatment plan value for the remaining 4 patients may be well over $18,000 or even much more. (MY "average" treatment plan value is around $4500...WIDE range). Even if they all move rather slowly with their treatment, can you see how this proposition becomes wildly profitable over time?
Now let's take it another level deeper. Two of those four patients REFER others to the practice! You may note them in your dental software as "referrals"...but they're really a second-level product of your MARKETING. Three referrals from one patient and one from the other, so now you've got 8 new patients as a result of the initial marketing. Your new patient acquisition cost has now DROPPED to $125 per new patient!
Future treatment plans on these 4 new patients averages out to be another $18,000 in my practice. These averages take into account the less frequent huge cases and the more frequent small cases.
So, from the initial $1000 ad you now have a (hypothetical BUT realistic) $36,000 earnings potential! Now, knowing that, do you think it's a good idea to run that ad again?
And again?
And again?
And then look for ADDITIONAL places to market and test?
The key BREAKTHROUGH in thinking here is the reversal of thought that Dan Kennedy so eloquently stated:
"It's NOT that you want to acquire customers in order to make a sale. You want to make a sale in order to acquire the customer!"
That's why "letting go" a little and Giving To Get is so crucial to wildly successful growth.
"Tomahawk CHOP!" (Go Braves...from a true Red Sawx fan)
All my best,
OK...back to business. Last time I mentioned that I was "not working" so I could "go to work" ON my business. It was a great 2 days, and I got a TON of stuff done.
I made one comment about "break even" marketing that I promised I'd elaborate on, which I'll do here. I said that you want to keep all marketing campaigns going that are "break even" or better. Does that surprise you? I'll bet it does.
Almost all "gurus" I read or hear of proclaim that all your marketing should generate a 3:1 return or better to be worth it. They're almost always WRONG. Here's why.
First, let's talk about the actual calculation of "Return on Investment", or ROI. Almost all docs I know calculate their ROI the wrong way, limiting their calculation to only the amount generated at the patient's first visit. (That's if they calculate it at all!)
Problem is, it doesn't take into account the FUTURE business and income generated by keeping that patient for the long term. What you should be most interested in is the "Lifetime Value" of your
patients...that's where the big growth comes from.
Let's say you place an effective print ad in a local "city" magazine. The ad cost is $1000, and you get 5 new patients. That's $200 per new patient. First visit income generated from those patients is $1200 total, leaving an INITIAL profit of "only" $200. Is the campaign successful? IF you have good systems of communications, follow-up, and referral generation, I say it's a SMASHING SUCCESS. Here's why.
Assume that 4 of the 5 patients stay in the practice, and one just doesn't stick for some reason. Total treatment plan value for the remaining 4 patients may be well over $18,000 or even much more. (MY "average" treatment plan value is around $4500...WIDE range). Even if they all move rather slowly with their treatment, can you see how this proposition becomes wildly profitable over time?
Now let's take it another level deeper. Two of those four patients REFER others to the practice! You may note them in your dental software as "referrals"...but they're really a second-level product of your MARKETING. Three referrals from one patient and one from the other, so now you've got 8 new patients as a result of the initial marketing. Your new patient acquisition cost has now DROPPED to $125 per new patient!
Future treatment plans on these 4 new patients averages out to be another $18,000 in my practice. These averages take into account the less frequent huge cases and the more frequent small cases.
So, from the initial $1000 ad you now have a (hypothetical BUT realistic) $36,000 earnings potential! Now, knowing that, do you think it's a good idea to run that ad again?
And again?
And again?
And then look for ADDITIONAL places to market and test?
The key BREAKTHROUGH in thinking here is the reversal of thought that Dan Kennedy so eloquently stated:
"It's NOT that you want to acquire customers in order to make a sale. You want to make a sale in order to acquire the customer!"
That's why "letting go" a little and Giving To Get is so crucial to wildly successful growth.
"Tomahawk CHOP!" (Go Braves...from a true Red Sawx fan)
All my best,
Jul 29, 2008
Why I’m not working today
I'm not working today. I didn't work yesterday. Well, sort of.
You see, several months ago I blocked out yesterday and today so I could "not work" my practice, that is. In actuality I AM working, but I'm working ON my business instead of IN it!
I know you've heard about this before, but have you actually ever done it? If not, you're really missing out on a KEY to major growth.
Trust me, any perceived "lost revenue" from not "doing dentistry" during these two days will be MORE than made up for by the results that come from what I accomplish AWAY from the practice!
So, what am I doing today? Wanna peek behind the curtain?
Here's a partial list:
STRATEGY: I'm mapping out my end-of-year strategy for 2008. This includes what aspects of the practice I want to focus on and grow.
Right now I'm zooming in on sleep apnea treatment, sedation dentistry, comprehensive restorative dentistry, and periodontal disease therapy. With elective dentistry on the decline over the past several months, I've shifted my emphasis to more "need based" services than "want based" services.
That doesn't mean I've stopped letting the world know about elective cosmetic dentistry. NEVER stop completely! I've just rearranged the order of my marketing mix. Things change very quickly, and it's critical to be NIMBLE with strategic decisions.
MARKETING: Although I'm always thinking about marketing, today I'm putting projects on the calendar. [WARNING: this aspect of your practice is the most variable, and you should always be adjusting as necessary.]
INTERNAL: The overwhelming success of my recent "Freedom Promotion" (July 4th) has actually packed my schedule through August and into early September. The entire campaign was sent in one step via Send Out Cards ( My projected return, counting all scheduled appointments with SIGNED financials, is $18,752 from $545 spent...or a whopping 3404% ROI!! Cool. next move will most likely be right around Labor Day. I'm anticipating a "Back To School, Back To Work" promotion, which ties in nicely with what's on everyone's minds at that time.
From there I'll begin my "End Of Year Insurance" campaign, which should not be missed by ANY dental practice...even if you DON'T accept insurance assignment. Just because you may not doesn't mean your patients don't still want to use it up!
Also, I've set the date for my 4th Annual Patient Appreciation Event in October. Final arrangements will be made from there, including the multi-pronged invitation campaign consisting of postcards, email, and voice blast to my patients. Our goal this year is 350 attendees, up from about 230 last year.
Lastly, I'm working on a few additional projects, including our new Patient Rewards Program (more on that later!), my newest referral initiatives, and a resurrection of our monthly patient newsletter, including a multi-format approach! Other than that, not much going on!
EXTERNAL: I'm going over my current direct response print ads to see what changes I want to make, and if I want to expand into other media. You should always be looking for new "vehicles" to carry your
marketing messages.
Next month I'm beginning a new DIRECT MAIL campaign utilizing a proprietary system I'll be revealing later this year. I can't say much about it now...but I can say that I'm VERY excited! I've invested a TON of money in the technology, and within a few months you'll be able to take advantage of it for pennies on the dollar! I'll keep you posted.
I'm TESTING other media that until now has been virtually UNTAPPED by dentists! In some arenas it's still the "Wild Wild West", and there are patients to be had...and money to be made...using entirely NEW marketing strategies. As usual, once these approaches are "ready for prime time", my Dental Insiders Alliance members will be the FIRST to know, and will save the most. If you're not yet a member, take advantage of my 2 Months Free 'Test Drive' here: If you're only on this list, you'll still be ahead of the curve.
[NOTICE that I'm spending more time and energy now on INTERNAL marketing. During slower, more uncertain times, external marketing is costlier and more difficult. My response is twofold. First, I turn more internally than usual. Second, I RAMP UP my external campaigns. Always TRACK your results, and keep ALL "break even" or better campaigns going!! (More on that tomorrow.)
CE: I've already taken the majority of my CE for the year. But I have an in-office hygiene seminar to block out for 2 1/2 days, probably in November. Since the end of year is especially busy, careful planning of these days is a must. You'll already be missing enough days for the Holiday Season, so you want the working days to be maximally productive.
Miscellaneous: This and that, stuff I seem to never get's gotten to yesterday and today. do you see why these days are SOOOO important? I hope so.
Later today, while it's still on your mind, take a good look at your office schedule. Pick 1-2 "normal" working days and BLOCK them out. Give your team a list of "catch up" tasks to accomplish, or at the very least get a fill-in dentist to check hygiene.
Get AWAY from your office one every 3 months MINIMUM...and work ON it. Just like anything that receives regular maintenance, you'll enjoy better performance EVERY DAY!
All my best,
PS: Don't forget the links: (Send Out Cards) (DIA membership)
You see, several months ago I blocked out yesterday and today so I could "not work" my practice, that is. In actuality I AM working, but I'm working ON my business instead of IN it!
I know you've heard about this before, but have you actually ever done it? If not, you're really missing out on a KEY to major growth.
Trust me, any perceived "lost revenue" from not "doing dentistry" during these two days will be MORE than made up for by the results that come from what I accomplish AWAY from the practice!
So, what am I doing today? Wanna peek behind the curtain?
Here's a partial list:
STRATEGY: I'm mapping out my end-of-year strategy for 2008. This includes what aspects of the practice I want to focus on and grow.
Right now I'm zooming in on sleep apnea treatment, sedation dentistry, comprehensive restorative dentistry, and periodontal disease therapy. With elective dentistry on the decline over the past several months, I've shifted my emphasis to more "need based" services than "want based" services.
That doesn't mean I've stopped letting the world know about elective cosmetic dentistry. NEVER stop completely! I've just rearranged the order of my marketing mix. Things change very quickly, and it's critical to be NIMBLE with strategic decisions.
MARKETING: Although I'm always thinking about marketing, today I'm putting projects on the calendar. [WARNING: this aspect of your practice is the most variable, and you should always be adjusting as necessary.]
INTERNAL: The overwhelming success of my recent "Freedom Promotion" (July 4th) has actually packed my schedule through August and into early September. The entire campaign was sent in one step via Send Out Cards ( My projected return, counting all scheduled appointments with SIGNED financials, is $18,752 from $545 spent...or a whopping 3404% ROI!! Cool. next move will most likely be right around Labor Day. I'm anticipating a "Back To School, Back To Work" promotion, which ties in nicely with what's on everyone's minds at that time.
From there I'll begin my "End Of Year Insurance" campaign, which should not be missed by ANY dental practice...even if you DON'T accept insurance assignment. Just because you may not doesn't mean your patients don't still want to use it up!
Also, I've set the date for my 4th Annual Patient Appreciation Event in October. Final arrangements will be made from there, including the multi-pronged invitation campaign consisting of postcards, email, and voice blast to my patients. Our goal this year is 350 attendees, up from about 230 last year.
Lastly, I'm working on a few additional projects, including our new Patient Rewards Program (more on that later!), my newest referral initiatives, and a resurrection of our monthly patient newsletter, including a multi-format approach! Other than that, not much going on!
EXTERNAL: I'm going over my current direct response print ads to see what changes I want to make, and if I want to expand into other media. You should always be looking for new "vehicles" to carry your
marketing messages.
Next month I'm beginning a new DIRECT MAIL campaign utilizing a proprietary system I'll be revealing later this year. I can't say much about it now...but I can say that I'm VERY excited! I've invested a TON of money in the technology, and within a few months you'll be able to take advantage of it for pennies on the dollar! I'll keep you posted.
I'm TESTING other media that until now has been virtually UNTAPPED by dentists! In some arenas it's still the "Wild Wild West", and there are patients to be had...and money to be made...using entirely NEW marketing strategies. As usual, once these approaches are "ready for prime time", my Dental Insiders Alliance members will be the FIRST to know, and will save the most. If you're not yet a member, take advantage of my 2 Months Free 'Test Drive' here: If you're only on this list, you'll still be ahead of the curve.
[NOTICE that I'm spending more time and energy now on INTERNAL marketing. During slower, more uncertain times, external marketing is costlier and more difficult. My response is twofold. First, I turn more internally than usual. Second, I RAMP UP my external campaigns. Always TRACK your results, and keep ALL "break even" or better campaigns going!! (More on that tomorrow.)
CE: I've already taken the majority of my CE for the year. But I have an in-office hygiene seminar to block out for 2 1/2 days, probably in November. Since the end of year is especially busy, careful planning of these days is a must. You'll already be missing enough days for the Holiday Season, so you want the working days to be maximally productive.
Miscellaneous: This and that, stuff I seem to never get's gotten to yesterday and today. do you see why these days are SOOOO important? I hope so.
Later today, while it's still on your mind, take a good look at your office schedule. Pick 1-2 "normal" working days and BLOCK them out. Give your team a list of "catch up" tasks to accomplish, or at the very least get a fill-in dentist to check hygiene.
Get AWAY from your office one every 3 months MINIMUM...and work ON it. Just like anything that receives regular maintenance, you'll enjoy better performance EVERY DAY!
All my best,
PS: Don't forget the links: (Send Out Cards) (DIA membership)
Jul 18, 2008
Are you calling me on Tuesday night?
This is your reminder for this month's Dental Insiders Alliance "Executive Insider" Teleseminar. Unlike almost all calls that are "Members Only", this call is open to non-members too. If you're not a member, here's your chance to experience one of DIA's best monthly benefits. Then you should just join!
Title: People Hate Dentists...But They'll Love You!
An Interview With Mac Lee
Join me on Tuesday, July 22 at 8:30pm EST as I "grill" Dr. MacHenry Lee, one of dentistry's most legendary communicators.
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 22nd at 8:30pm EST
(12:00pm CST; 11:00am MST; 10:00am PST)
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast)
PHONE #: 218-486-3696
PIN #: 970926#
For Webcast, CLICK THIS LINK...
"Mac" has appeared on national TV with medical celebrity Dr. Mehmet Oz, who was made famous by none other than Oprah Winfrey. He is also the author of the brilliant book, "I Hate Dentists!", which in reality serves to help reverse dental fears by connecting with and educating patients about
dental health issues.
Dr. Lee has helped dentists and dental teams nationwide with his innovative coaching programs that emphasize the utilization of the Patient Care Coordinator. He is also spearheading a massive movement to educate children about dental health at an early age. His organization Dentists Who Care is leading the charge to reduce tooth decay in school age children.
Dr. Lee will share with us his most profound secrets to success that have allowed him to consistently collect more than twice the national average among dental practices.
By the way, he does this with a "massive" team the tiny town of Edna, TX. He commands astronomical fees in a rural community named after a lady!
Listening to Mac is always a learning experience, and this opportunity will be no exception. Here is a small list of what he and I will discuss on this learning event:
- How he established his working relationship with Dr. Mehmet Oz, Oprah's darling heart surgeon
- Why he wrote the I Hate Dentists book...and what he learned from the public's reaction to it
- Mac's answer to public education about dental health, and why it's so important
- Why thinking differently than most dentists is crucial to success
- How to divide your patient base into separate "income centers"
- Should the dental team really help with communication, education, treatment plan explanations, etc...and if so, how much?
- The difference between diagnosis, patient education, and treatment presentation (it's not what you think!)
- Do dentists (or team members) really know what's going on in the practice?
- What the TRUE PURPOSE of the practice should be...and what is required to achieve it
- The crucial importance of protocols in the practice...and how to set them up
- How to (and not to) operate team meetings for maximum productivity
- How to monitor the practice...and who should be doing it
...and much much more!
Again, here are the call in details:
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 22nd at 8:30pm EST
(12:00pm CST; 11:00am MST; 10:00am PST)
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast)
PHONE #: 218-486-3696
PIN #: 970926#
For Webcast, CLICK THIS LINK...
We'll "see" you then!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
2 Free Months of Preferred Membership at:
Title: People Hate Dentists...But They'll Love You!
An Interview With Mac Lee
Join me on Tuesday, July 22 at 8:30pm EST as I "grill" Dr. MacHenry Lee, one of dentistry's most legendary communicators.
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 22nd at 8:30pm EST
(12:00pm CST; 11:00am MST; 10:00am PST)
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast)
PHONE #: 218-486-3696
PIN #: 970926#
For Webcast, CLICK THIS LINK...
"Mac" has appeared on national TV with medical celebrity Dr. Mehmet Oz, who was made famous by none other than Oprah Winfrey. He is also the author of the brilliant book, "I Hate Dentists!", which in reality serves to help reverse dental fears by connecting with and educating patients about
dental health issues.
Dr. Lee has helped dentists and dental teams nationwide with his innovative coaching programs that emphasize the utilization of the Patient Care Coordinator. He is also spearheading a massive movement to educate children about dental health at an early age. His organization Dentists Who Care is leading the charge to reduce tooth decay in school age children.
Dr. Lee will share with us his most profound secrets to success that have allowed him to consistently collect more than twice the national average among dental practices.
By the way, he does this with a "massive" team the tiny town of Edna, TX. He commands astronomical fees in a rural community named after a lady!
Listening to Mac is always a learning experience, and this opportunity will be no exception. Here is a small list of what he and I will discuss on this learning event:
- How he established his working relationship with Dr. Mehmet Oz, Oprah's darling heart surgeon
- Why he wrote the I Hate Dentists book...and what he learned from the public's reaction to it
- Mac's answer to public education about dental health, and why it's so important
- Why thinking differently than most dentists is crucial to success
- How to divide your patient base into separate "income centers"
- Should the dental team really help with communication, education, treatment plan explanations, etc...and if so, how much?
- The difference between diagnosis, patient education, and treatment presentation (it's not what you think!)
- Do dentists (or team members) really know what's going on in the practice?
- What the TRUE PURPOSE of the practice should be...and what is required to achieve it
- The crucial importance of protocols in the practice...and how to set them up
- How to (and not to) operate team meetings for maximum productivity
- How to monitor the practice...and who should be doing it
...and much much more!
Again, here are the call in details:
DATE & TIME: Tuesday, July 22nd at 8:30pm EST
(12:00pm CST; 11:00am MST; 10:00am PST)
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast)
PHONE #: 218-486-3696
PIN #: 970926#
For Webcast, CLICK THIS LINK...
We'll "see" you then!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
2 Free Months of Preferred Membership at:
Jul 17, 2008
Here’s the answer to Question #2
The other day I answered the first of two great questions I got shortly after my previous message about my "Freedom Promotion". This second question speaks to a few important issues I want to point out to you...some direct and some indirect! Here's the question:
Hi Chris,
What happens to the patients that were already scheduled for treatment and received the card? If they call, Do you honor the discount for them as well?
Dr. Ronald J Sherstoff
[This type of question is what I call a "What If" question. I'm going to comment about that type of question in a minute, toward the bottom.]
Wouldn't ya know it...the first 2 people that called about my 4th of July "Freedom Promotion" were patients that were already scheduled for treatment. And to be scheduled in my office, financial arrangements are already signed, with a deposit made to secure the appointment time (another topic, another day).
They asked a reasonable question: can they save more than they were saving by prepaying already? Well, probably not. In the text of the greeting card it says that this offer can not be combined with other offers. VERY important! In some cases the savings listed would be a bit more than the 8% they were saving, in which case we allowed the higher savings. But they couldn't have both.
Now, you may be thinking it's dumb to give away more than you've already agreed to. If you think only in the near term, you're right. But if you think LONG term, that chunk of change will come back to you many times over in the form of a stronger relationship, more referrals, etc.
Another caveat is that we stated on the card that "full payment is required to receive savings". In other words, patients couldn't use the savings as a "credit" to lower their balance...UNLESS they were paying it off in full!
The limitations of the offer were clear, but we did not overwhelm the offer with rules that diminish its impact. That would not be good! How many times have you seen or heard a great offer in an ad, only to be followed by about a page worth of legal gobble-de-gook? Dumb.'s the BIG, indirect point I want to make about what I call "What If" questions. First, anyone has every right to ask questions like this... and they should so they can think through the possibilities of what COULD happen. Sounds like Dr. Sherstoff is ready to act, and he wants clarification on a particular circumstance. Very smart.
Here's what you must watch out for with "What If" questions. You can't let them BOG YOU DOWN! It's so easy to get caught up in the "What If's" that you never make any progress. Of course that did NOT happen here, but it reminded me of this principle called "analysis paralysis".
In the past I would stew over every conceivable scenario that I'd delay getting going, or sometimes not get started at all. That was until I realized that the "What If's" will ALWAYS be there, and it's impossible to think of them all.
So my rule now is: if I feel confident that anything I do in my practice will work for 85-90% of my patients, then I do it NOW. I don't worry any more about "that one patient" that may do this or that. It's very liberating, and I get a whole lot more done nowadays.
Do we run into "that one patient" occasionally? Of course we do. But the benefits we got from moving forward always far exceeded any headaches we may have suffered from the "What If's"!
All my best,
PS: We've had a rush of dentists checking out Send Out Cards in the past few days. If you have any trouble getting through, just wait about 10 minutes and try again. Here's the link to learn more:
PPS: If you've already looked and you're ready to sign up, go to:
Hi Chris,
What happens to the patients that were already scheduled for treatment and received the card? If they call, Do you honor the discount for them as well?
Dr. Ronald J Sherstoff
[This type of question is what I call a "What If" question. I'm going to comment about that type of question in a minute, toward the bottom.]
Wouldn't ya know it...the first 2 people that called about my 4th of July "Freedom Promotion" were patients that were already scheduled for treatment. And to be scheduled in my office, financial arrangements are already signed, with a deposit made to secure the appointment time (another topic, another day).
They asked a reasonable question: can they save more than they were saving by prepaying already? Well, probably not. In the text of the greeting card it says that this offer can not be combined with other offers. VERY important! In some cases the savings listed would be a bit more than the 8% they were saving, in which case we allowed the higher savings. But they couldn't have both.
Now, you may be thinking it's dumb to give away more than you've already agreed to. If you think only in the near term, you're right. But if you think LONG term, that chunk of change will come back to you many times over in the form of a stronger relationship, more referrals, etc.
Another caveat is that we stated on the card that "full payment is required to receive savings". In other words, patients couldn't use the savings as a "credit" to lower their balance...UNLESS they were paying it off in full!
The limitations of the offer were clear, but we did not overwhelm the offer with rules that diminish its impact. That would not be good! How many times have you seen or heard a great offer in an ad, only to be followed by about a page worth of legal gobble-de-gook? Dumb.'s the BIG, indirect point I want to make about what I call "What If" questions. First, anyone has every right to ask questions like this... and they should so they can think through the possibilities of what COULD happen. Sounds like Dr. Sherstoff is ready to act, and he wants clarification on a particular circumstance. Very smart.
Here's what you must watch out for with "What If" questions. You can't let them BOG YOU DOWN! It's so easy to get caught up in the "What If's" that you never make any progress. Of course that did NOT happen here, but it reminded me of this principle called "analysis paralysis".
In the past I would stew over every conceivable scenario that I'd delay getting going, or sometimes not get started at all. That was until I realized that the "What If's" will ALWAYS be there, and it's impossible to think of them all.
So my rule now is: if I feel confident that anything I do in my practice will work for 85-90% of my patients, then I do it NOW. I don't worry any more about "that one patient" that may do this or that. It's very liberating, and I get a whole lot more done nowadays.
Do we run into "that one patient" occasionally? Of course we do. But the benefits we got from moving forward always far exceeded any headaches we may have suffered from the "What If's"!
All my best,
PS: We've had a rush of dentists checking out Send Out Cards in the past few days. If you have any trouble getting through, just wait about 10 minutes and try again. Here's the link to learn more:
PPS: If you've already looked and you're ready to sign up, go to:
Jul 16, 2008
Yes, I'm runnning for President!
Well folks, the cat's out of the bag. I am indeed running for President of the United States.
After much deliberation, I decided that what America needs is a solid, plain talking, values based DENTIST to lead this great land. And who better to guide the U.S. of A. in the right direction than me...if I may say so myself. NOW is the time to abandon the politics of old and support the dawning of a new era. Join me and "We the People" will bring America back!
Here's the first of many press releases to come:
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman (Indep.)
Dental Insiders Alliance
After much deliberation, I decided that what America needs is a solid, plain talking, values based DENTIST to lead this great land. And who better to guide the U.S. of A. in the right direction than me...if I may say so myself. NOW is the time to abandon the politics of old and support the dawning of a new era. Join me and "We the People" will bring America back!
Here's the first of many press releases to come:
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman (Indep.)
Dental Insiders Alliance
Answers to 2 great questions
Within just a short time of shooting out yesterday's E-Alert, several savvy doctors went straight to the link ( and checked out the Send Out Cards system. Very smart. If you haven't done this yet, you need to!
I also got 2 great questions from subscribers, and I wanted to share them with you because they're both instructive in more ways than one. Question #1 is addressed in this message...question #2 will be covered tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled.
Question #1- Dear Chris,
Very interesting, I was wondering if you can show the percentages of discount based on the dentistry performed. It'll give me a better idea of how to work my future promotion.
Dr. Joe Simaie
Great question...better reason for the question! Dr. Simaie sounds like he's ready to IMPLEMENT my idea now. I'm guessing that he would apply a similar promotion to an upcoming "reason why" date or event, and not wait till next year. That's a mini lesson itself.
My answer has a couple parts, and is instructional too. First, the savings in this promotion are:
$50 off $500-$999; $100 off $1000-$1499;
$150 off $1500-$1999; $200 off $2000 or more
So, the most I'm giving away is 10%, down to about 5%. Guess what...I routinely give away up to 8% for those patients who pay in full one week in advance! So, I'm not giving up much more than normal, and in some cases less.
When the savings from the promotion is less than the savings acquired by paying in full one week in advance, we always offer the higher savings. Another "victory" for the patients.
[By the way, my fees are POSITIONED high enough that I can afford to offer savings like this to my patients. Everyone loves a sale. When you put your fees on sale, you stimulate more "YES's" from your patients.]
Here are the bigger lessons. First, a promotion like this will act as the TRIGGER that causes a patient to act on a decision to move forward. The results are greater when patients are aware of their problems, and have been presented the solutions. This is the "nudge" that pushes them to call us.
Second, some patients prefer to pay only their portion of the total fee, and have their insurance pay us the difference (you MUST estimate low, low, low benefits from insurance). When they see how much they can save, they often SWITCH to prepaying us in full, one week early. Cool.
Lastly, the fact that I've reached out to them with a tangible, compelling offer TIED TO a reason for contacting them is something that BUILDS A RELATIONSHIP with them. Remember that I thanked them for choosing us to be their dental office in a 4th of July card. Even for those who don't respond, I've "touched" them, and they'll remember me for it.
OK, that should get you going! Stay tuned for tomorrow's message, when I answer question #2...which is VERY important.
All my best,
PS: Here's the link once again for Send Out Cards info:
I also got 2 great questions from subscribers, and I wanted to share them with you because they're both instructive in more ways than one. Question #1 is addressed in this message...question #2 will be covered tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled.
Question #1- Dear Chris,
Very interesting, I was wondering if you can show the percentages of discount based on the dentistry performed. It'll give me a better idea of how to work my future promotion.
Dr. Joe Simaie
Great question...better reason for the question! Dr. Simaie sounds like he's ready to IMPLEMENT my idea now. I'm guessing that he would apply a similar promotion to an upcoming "reason why" date or event, and not wait till next year. That's a mini lesson itself.
My answer has a couple parts, and is instructional too. First, the savings in this promotion are:
$50 off $500-$999; $100 off $1000-$1499;
$150 off $1500-$1999; $200 off $2000 or more
So, the most I'm giving away is 10%, down to about 5%. Guess what...I routinely give away up to 8% for those patients who pay in full one week in advance! So, I'm not giving up much more than normal, and in some cases less.
When the savings from the promotion is less than the savings acquired by paying in full one week in advance, we always offer the higher savings. Another "victory" for the patients.
[By the way, my fees are POSITIONED high enough that I can afford to offer savings like this to my patients. Everyone loves a sale. When you put your fees on sale, you stimulate more "YES's" from your patients.]
Here are the bigger lessons. First, a promotion like this will act as the TRIGGER that causes a patient to act on a decision to move forward. The results are greater when patients are aware of their problems, and have been presented the solutions. This is the "nudge" that pushes them to call us.
Second, some patients prefer to pay only their portion of the total fee, and have their insurance pay us the difference (you MUST estimate low, low, low benefits from insurance). When they see how much they can save, they often SWITCH to prepaying us in full, one week early. Cool.
Lastly, the fact that I've reached out to them with a tangible, compelling offer TIED TO a reason for contacting them is something that BUILDS A RELATIONSHIP with them. Remember that I thanked them for choosing us to be their dental office in a 4th of July card. Even for those who don't respond, I've "touched" them, and they'll remember me for it.
OK, that should get you going! Stay tuned for tomorrow's message, when I answer question #2...which is VERY important.
All my best,
PS: Here's the link once again for Send Out Cards info:
Jul 15, 2008
My 4th of July “Freedom Promotion”: Early Results In
I wanted to share with you the preliminary results from my "Freedom Promotion" that we tied in with the 4th of July.
Here's what we did. Using Send Out Cards -- which is THE coolest marketing tool I've ever used -- we sent our "Top 500" patients a 4th of July greeting card. Send Out Cards allows you to send postcards, greeting cards, and even tri-fold cards, plus various other things with the cards. I chose the greeting card here because I wanted to use two inside panels for my text.
On the left, I recognized that our patients have the "freedom to choose" their dentist...and I thanked them for choosing us to care for their dental needs. This ties in beautifully with July 4th, our US Independence Day.
On the right, I made them an offer to call us by July 17 to schedule any treatment they need...and we'll give them a savings of about 10%, depending on the amount of dentistry. All the %'s are spelled out on the card.
Before I reveal early results, let me explain one of the biggest marketing principles at work in this promotion. It's called "Reason Why".
When there is a specific, defined REASON WHY you are contacting your clients or patients or customers, your response will likely be significantly higher than if you simply send a promotion for seemingly no reason other than to promote your services. The reason connects an event or date with the promotion, and thus makes the promotion somewhat of a celebration instead of a sales pitch.
Any time you notice a chance to provide a reason why, you should take advantage of it without hesitation. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, news events, milestones, you name it. If your patients can identify with it, it's a reason why.
Always be on the lookout for opportunities to use "reason why" marketing. If implemented properly, it'll virtually always boost reponse, and sometimes double or triple the results of your marketing efforts.
OK, now about my "Freedom Promotion". We spent only $1.04 per card sent, to 506 households...or $526.24. By the way, the entire promotion took only 35 minutes to create and send the cards to my list from start to finish! It's still 2 days before the deadline to call, and we've already scheduled over $7200 worth of dentistry for patients who far!
That's a 1368% far!
So, when's the next event or holiday that you can use as a reason why in your marketing to your own mpatients? Be creative, and DO IT!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: If you haven't checked out Send Out Cards, you really need to. Go to for more info.
PPS: Here's a copy of the front of the card:
Here's what we did. Using Send Out Cards -- which is THE coolest marketing tool I've ever used -- we sent our "Top 500" patients a 4th of July greeting card. Send Out Cards allows you to send postcards, greeting cards, and even tri-fold cards, plus various other things with the cards. I chose the greeting card here because I wanted to use two inside panels for my text.
On the left, I recognized that our patients have the "freedom to choose" their dentist...and I thanked them for choosing us to care for their dental needs. This ties in beautifully with July 4th, our US Independence Day.
On the right, I made them an offer to call us by July 17 to schedule any treatment they need...and we'll give them a savings of about 10%, depending on the amount of dentistry. All the %'s are spelled out on the card.
Before I reveal early results, let me explain one of the biggest marketing principles at work in this promotion. It's called "Reason Why".
When there is a specific, defined REASON WHY you are contacting your clients or patients or customers, your response will likely be significantly higher than if you simply send a promotion for seemingly no reason other than to promote your services. The reason connects an event or date with the promotion, and thus makes the promotion somewhat of a celebration instead of a sales pitch.
Any time you notice a chance to provide a reason why, you should take advantage of it without hesitation. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, news events, milestones, you name it. If your patients can identify with it, it's a reason why.
Always be on the lookout for opportunities to use "reason why" marketing. If implemented properly, it'll virtually always boost reponse, and sometimes double or triple the results of your marketing efforts.
OK, now about my "Freedom Promotion". We spent only $1.04 per card sent, to 506 households...or $526.24. By the way, the entire promotion took only 35 minutes to create and send the cards to my list from start to finish! It's still 2 days before the deadline to call, and we've already scheduled over $7200 worth of dentistry for patients who far!
That's a 1368% far!
So, when's the next event or holiday that you can use as a reason why in your marketing to your own mpatients? Be creative, and DO IT!
All my best,
Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance
PS: If you haven't checked out Send Out Cards, you really need to. Go to for more info.
PPS: Here's a copy of the front of the card:
Jul 1, 2008
It’s about the elephant in the room
As you can see from the subject of this email, it's about the so-called elephant in the room...the economy, and the dreaded 'R' word (Recession). Economists are arguing over technicalities. The news media has had us deep in a recession for months. People do seem troubled by gas and grocery prices.
In order to address the elephant in the room and as a special thank you for being one of our valued Online Subscribers I've arranged a special, one-time only free gift for you (well, actually, TWO GIFTS if you want both of them).
Here's what this is all about:
A month ago Marketing Guru and Millionaire Maker Dan Kennedy released his first of two new books he's written in his best selling 'No B.S." series.
NOW...he's released his second one which is extremely timely, given what's on everyone's mind....the economy.
This book is titled: NO B.S. MARKETING TO THE AFFLUENT (The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Guide To Getting Really Rich.)
In short, Dan says that "recession" is a big, fat, over-broad, over-simplified generalization. There are plenty of consumers, plenty of investors and plenty of business owners spending plenty of money - and that's one of the things he wants to talk to YOU about in a 'no-charge' Tele-Phone Seminar he's conducting related to his "newest book.
This FREE Tele-Phone Seminar will be conducted at two different times on Tuesday July 8th where he will be discussing the BIG Lessons learned from his latest publication.
As soon as I heard about it, I contacted his office and arranged to get a limited number of the reserved phone lines to offer to my Online Subscribers.
If you hurry, you can grab one of these limited spots at no cost to you.
Here's the best part: I was also able to arrange for you to get a second free gift from Dan when you register for this call of over $613.91 of his MARKETING & MONEY-MAKING resources.
Just wait until you see what's waiting for you!!!
To register for the call, choose the best time that works for you, and claim your additional free gift, just click on the link below NOW:
By the way, in case you're curious, this call contains NO warm 'n fuzzies, NO academic theories: just hard core strategies from the real word trenches... for successfully re-positioning your business, products, services and self to attract customers or clients for whom "price" is NOT a determining factor in their purchasing decisions.
Here's some of what Dan will be covering on this "not-to-be-missed" free tele-seminar.
* IMMUNITY TO RECESSION... How to find, attract and sell to "the LEAST and LAST affected"
* HOW THE MASS-AFFLUENT TRADE UP.... Where the missed opportunities are to increase transaction size
* WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ANYWAY... are there really that many of them?
So if you haven't already taken care of this, I urge you grab one of the limited spots and claim your free gift by clicking onto the link below now:
OH...Did I tell you about the Q & A time with Dan Kennedy himself?
People always go absolutely "ga-ga" with the opportunity to be able to get their specific questions answered by Dan Kennedy himself and on this call, Dan is offering an E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D- opportunity to be able to ask him your specific questions.
If you don't think this is a big deal, just listen to this...Dan currently charges his clients $2,000.00 an hour for his advice.
So, you can see what a rare opportunity this is. Learn from "THE" man and ask your own question to "THE" man.
Now if you haven't yet registered for the free tele-seminar and claim your additional free gift ... do it NOW!
All my best,
P.S. Once you sign up for the tele-seminar you'll get all the details. Don't wait to sign up.
PPS: If you're a Power Hours Formula / Instant Team Meetings member, keep
in mind that our Monthly Series call is at 1pm EST (12pm CST; 11am MST; 10am PST)
on the same day. So you won't miss our call, you have three options:
1- Register for the 7pm EST time slot for Dan's call. Then you'll hear both on time!
Once registered, your team can listen to Dan's call too.
2- Have your TEAM listen to our PHF/ITM call, while YOU listen to Dan at 1pm EST.
Then you can listen to the recording of our call, available immediately after
it's completed....and update your team on Dan's content.
3- Listen with your team to Dan's call at 1pm EST...then listen to our PHF/ITM
call with your team at another time, as the recording is available immediately.
Either way, be sure to catch BOTH!
In order to address the elephant in the room and as a special thank you for being one of our valued Online Subscribers I've arranged a special, one-time only free gift for you (well, actually, TWO GIFTS if you want both of them).
Here's what this is all about:
A month ago Marketing Guru and Millionaire Maker Dan Kennedy released his first of two new books he's written in his best selling 'No B.S." series.
NOW...he's released his second one which is extremely timely, given what's on everyone's mind....the economy.
This book is titled: NO B.S. MARKETING TO THE AFFLUENT (The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Guide To Getting Really Rich.)
In short, Dan says that "recession" is a big, fat, over-broad, over-simplified generalization. There are plenty of consumers, plenty of investors and plenty of business owners spending plenty of money - and that's one of the things he wants to talk to YOU about in a 'no-charge' Tele-Phone Seminar he's conducting related to his "newest book.
This FREE Tele-Phone Seminar will be conducted at two different times on Tuesday July 8th where he will be discussing the BIG Lessons learned from his latest publication.
As soon as I heard about it, I contacted his office and arranged to get a limited number of the reserved phone lines to offer to my Online Subscribers.
If you hurry, you can grab one of these limited spots at no cost to you.
Here's the best part: I was also able to arrange for you to get a second free gift from Dan when you register for this call of over $613.91 of his MARKETING & MONEY-MAKING resources.
Just wait until you see what's waiting for you!!!
To register for the call, choose the best time that works for you, and claim your additional free gift, just click on the link below NOW:
By the way, in case you're curious, this call contains NO warm 'n fuzzies, NO academic theories: just hard core strategies from the real word trenches... for successfully re-positioning your business, products, services and self to attract customers or clients for whom "price" is NOT a determining factor in their purchasing decisions.
Here's some of what Dan will be covering on this "not-to-be-missed" free tele-seminar.
* IMMUNITY TO RECESSION... How to find, attract and sell to "the LEAST and LAST affected"
* HOW THE MASS-AFFLUENT TRADE UP.... Where the missed opportunities are to increase transaction size
* WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE ANYWAY... are there really that many of them?
So if you haven't already taken care of this, I urge you grab one of the limited spots and claim your free gift by clicking onto the link below now:
OH...Did I tell you about the Q & A time with Dan Kennedy himself?
People always go absolutely "ga-ga" with the opportunity to be able to get their specific questions answered by Dan Kennedy himself and on this call, Dan is offering an E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D- opportunity to be able to ask him your specific questions.
If you don't think this is a big deal, just listen to this...Dan currently charges his clients $2,000.00 an hour for his advice.
So, you can see what a rare opportunity this is. Learn from "THE" man and ask your own question to "THE" man.
Now if you haven't yet registered for the free tele-seminar and claim your additional free gift ... do it NOW!
All my best,
P.S. Once you sign up for the tele-seminar you'll get all the details. Don't wait to sign up.
PPS: If you're a Power Hours Formula / Instant Team Meetings member, keep
in mind that our Monthly Series call is at 1pm EST (12pm CST; 11am MST; 10am PST)
on the same day. So you won't miss our call, you have three options:
1- Register for the 7pm EST time slot for Dan's call. Then you'll hear both on time!
Once registered, your team can listen to Dan's call too.
2- Have your TEAM listen to our PHF/ITM call, while YOU listen to Dan at 1pm EST.
Then you can listen to the recording of our call, available immediately after
it's completed....and update your team on Dan's content.
3- Listen with your team to Dan's call at 1pm EST...then listen to our PHF/ITM
call with your team at another time, as the recording is available immediately.
Either way, be sure to catch BOTH!
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