Dec 2, 2008

In case you weren't looking...

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend (US doctors).
Canadian docs, I hope yours was great too back in October.
Not to be left out, cheers for a fantastic holiday season
to the international doctors who subscribe to this E-letter!

In case you weren't looking...I've recently unveiled TWO
breakthrough resources that will help you and your practice
continue to grow, regardless of any external economic forces.
I recommend that you take advantage of both now if you haven't
already, before these opportunities go away.

Today I'm going to review Resource #1...tomorrow I'll
cover Resource #2.

Resource #1: Brevity Small Business

My friend Rick Raddatz recently launched this tremendous online
learning center that SHORTCUTS the process of reading and
absorbing the content of the world's best business books.

Here's where you can check it out: [see PS if link doesn't work]
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if
you don't want to see it)

Rick has solved three problems with Brevity. First, his
concise, to-the-point summaries of the world's best business
books save you hours of time. Second, he goes one step
further...he applies big business concepts to SMALL business
(aka YOU). Third, he gives you actionable steps to take for
explosive breakthroughs and rapid growth.

Here are the details of Brevity Small Business:
- Small ONE-TIME fee of $97...NO recurring fees.
- Membership through March 15th of 2010!
- Every WEEK you get a new 10-minute Brevity Brief:
+ Wisdom from a major business book, or guru's product
+ Analysis from a small-business owner's perspective
+ Life-changing A-Ha!!! moments
+ Specific business-building action items
+ Delegation instructions
+ Wisdom & feedback of Brevity members

Join today...don't miss out on the next great book! [see PS if link doesn't work]
(Click the "Skip the Business Song" button on the right if
you don't want to see it)

All my best,

PS: If the above link didn't work for some reason, try the
"secret back door" link:

PPS: Don't forget to look for tomorrow's message, when I
explore Resource #2. This one is shaping up to be one of
the best practice builders for me EVER...and I'm just now
scratching the surface!

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