Apr 14, 2009

"Pure persistence is vastly overrated"...Plus, G.A.D. SOLD OUT!

Today's quote: "Pure persistence is vastly overrated".
More on that in a minute, but first:
Google Adwords Domination for Dentists is SOLD OUT!
Kelly has reached her maximum of 20 sharp doctors who
want to capitalize on the new leading (and growing)
method used by people searching for a dentist.

These dentists, and the 15 before them, have LOCKED OUT
their local areas from other dentists. Kelly's Adwords
services are exclusive to each area, because she can't
"compete with herself" by helping more than one doctor
per local market.

My strong suggestion, if you want the BEST Google Adwords
specialist in dentistry CERTIFIED by Google, is to keep
your eyes peeled for when Kelly opens her doors again. I
can't say exactly when , but it'll be after she gets these
doctors' Adwords accounts up to a "cruising altitude" of
new patient traffic. My best guess is 45-60 days.

"Pure persistence is vastly overrated".

The above quote, credited to marketing and business building
icon Dan Kennedy, must be read VERY carefully. The operative
word in the sentence is "Pure"...in this context meaning "alone"
or "by itself".

It would be easy to misread this and conclude that Dan's
saying that you don't need to be persistent. Ahh, quite
the contrary! Persistence is a MAJOR key to success. Not
taking "no" for an answer, pressing farther than most are
willing to press, being resourceful and finding new avenues
when most around you claim there are none, etc.

But PURE persistence cannot lead you along the path to higher
levels of success without consideration of other key principles.
Simply put:

Be sure you're barking up the right tree first!

In other words, are your business systems in order? Are you
targeting the right market with your messages, and are you sending
the correct messages that match that market's wants and needs?
When someone responds to your persistent messages, are they
being handled properly to move them through the "buying" process?

All BIG questions to handle before you rev up your persistence!

It makes little sense to JUST be persistent when there are
significant issues with bigger business practices that thwart
your results. Without proper attention paid to your entire
"business funnel", and how prospective and existing patients
are to travel through it, your dogged persistence will likely
result in little more than amplified frustration!

All my best,

PS: Recently I've been asked by several dentists if I run a
more comprehensive coaching or mastermind program. For a few
doctors it was more of a request, as I have not previously
had such a program.

Well, right now is not the time...and right here is not the
place...to answer that question directly. However, I will
indeed provide "the answer" very soon, in more ways than one.
Stay tuned.

And, over the next few days I'll be outlining what I consider
to be THE most important elements of a great coaching and/or
mastermind program...because I feel it's crucial for dentists
to connect with and invest in the essential NON-clinical
training necessary to succeed in any economic climate.
Consistent with the theme of today's message, finding the
right program that "sticks" for you is of utmost importance!

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

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