Mar 26, 2009

Your biggest concerns revealed...and handled...

OK, here we go. I promised a while back that I
would begin to reveal YOUR top concerns about your
practice, taken from the responses to that question
I posed to you:

What's THE biggest concern you have about your practice?

I also promised that I would break down each one of
these and propose solutions for you. Today marks the
start of this journey. But first, a preliminary note.

IMPORTANT: It's one thing to identify your concerns,
your problems, your roadblocks to achieving success
at higher levels. However...

It's another to find, to discover, to peel away the
layers of the SOLUTIONS that solve those issues. However...

It's yet another to IMPLEMENT those solutions in your
business, to defy the inherent fear that impedes progress,
to overcome the procrastination and hesitation that can
defeat you and your team. Now THAT'S the BIG idea!

Don't worry if it makes you uncomfortable...that's natural.
Just accept this challenge from me to fight through all the
obstacles that are appearing on your path. And don't think
for a minute that you need to take all this on by yourself.
In fact, you probably shouldn't.

Think about it for a minute. Even the BEST have people
that help them reach and maintain their positions at the
top of their game. Thought leaders, mentors, coaches that
assist and give frank analysis along with sage advice.

And when even the best feel they can "go it alone", and
disconnect from their guides, they falter. They lose ground
to their competition. They fail to realize their full

My point: Keep on being a "seeker" of the answers you need
not only for your practice, but also in your life. It's made
all the difference in my'll do the same in yours!

Now...back to the topic.

BIGGEST CONCERN #1: More New Patients!

Surprised? Didn't think so. More business owners feel that
the best solution to their problems is more new clients,
customers, patients. Sometimes they're right, but often
they're not.

If you don't believe me, go back and read the last two
or three messages I've sent you. You can find them at

Trusting that you'll address the issues outlined there
(which I'll also assist you with over time), I'll move
on to more new patients.

I'm not going to jump right in with tactics and strategies
yet, because I need to set the table with a broader concept.
That is, the need for you to establish in your practice a


What's that? Consider it to be the THEME of your practice.
It's the theme of mine...a copyright protected term...
but you can in essence have it too.

Everything in your practice -- I mean everything -- must be
designed with the intent of contributing to the ATTRACTION
of patients to your practice. New and existing and departed.

Patients that feel attracted to your practice WANT to be there.
They WANT you to be their dentist. This contrasts greatly
with "asking" people to be patients, or worse begging and

So you want to develop an environment and culture in your
practice that makes it attractive, desirable, THE choice...
for the RIGHT people you want as patients.

That's it. I'm going to let that sink in a bit. On Friday
I'll touch base with you again and reveal my LEADING external
strategy for attracting patients in my practice.

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

PS: Have you joined Dental Insiders Alliance yet? If not,
you're missing out on the biggest giveaway I've ever put
together. I'm pulling it off the table in early April, so
go here now to find out more:

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