Mar 2, 2009

More detail on "whatever it takes"...

[Note: I'm getting some great replies to my question
that I posed to you in the last message. To see the
question again and share your answer, go here:

I'm extending the deadline for replies to this Friday,
March 6. Then I'm going to reveal the answers that
you all gave, and break them down one by one in my
subsequent messages to you Don't delay... answer now!]

Well, the past 24 hours have been very interesting in
the Bowman household. We've had a very unusual March
snowstorm, and we lost power overnight and into this
morning! Not normal for Charlotte.

Needless to say, we get crippled by snow down here, and
my day at the office is canceled. But at least I got to
get outside with the kids and play in the snow... that is
until little Olivia (2 y.o.) started freaking out when
her hands got cold. Didn't quite finish the snowman.

OK... back to business...

More detail on "whatever it takes":

Last time I left you with the charge to "get going" on
that thing or those things that you've been holding back
on, and thus they are likely holding you back.

Today I want to expand on that thought with a couple of
guiding principles and a BIG TIP. If this doesn't get
your creative juices flowing, have someone nearby check
your pulse.

First, a friend of mine recently pointed out an extremely
important fact about recessions and economic downturns.
It's that "spending doesn't just 'stop' during economic
downturns. People are more selective, and they work harder
at getting value for their money -- but they're still spending."

"So you want to make sure you're out there where they can
see you, and that you offer a superior value to them."
(Yanik Silver)

That's HUGE! On Saturday night Elizabeth and I had a date
night, and we went to dinner at a great local restaurant.
It was PACKED. All day I noticed that no parking lots were
empty anywhere. Not all full, but none barren.

There IS money being spent out there, folks. Not as much,
though, and it's saved for those who motivate, inspire, and
attract it the most. But how do "us dentists" do that, when
dentistry is not necessarily at the top of everyone's lists
of "favorite things to do"? Keep reading...

Second -- and here's the BIG TIP -- focus NOT on elective,
wants-based services, but on NEEDS-BASED services at this time!
This speaks to Yanik's second paragraph. You want to position
yourself and your practice so that you become the "obvious
choice" when people need you to fix their problems.

I know it's not as "sexy" to market problem-fixing dentistry
as it is to market gorgeous cosmetic smile makeovers. But
the stubborn fact is that when economic selectivity goes up,
elective procedures go down. Ask any cosmetic plastic surgeon!

What am I focusing on right now? In no particular order,
sedation dentistry, sleep apnea solutions, periodontal disease
recognition and treatment (and it's connection with systemic
diseases), and solutions for broken and missing teeth, including
implants. Oh, oral cancer detection too.

Does your current marketing mix EMPHASIZE these solutions?
Just having them on a laundry list of the "things you do" is
NEVER good enough. In fact, it's best to focus on only ONE
of these per marketing piece or campaign. Then you'll be
recognized as THE choice for THAT problem.

Now I realize I'm speaking mostly here about marketing to
prospective new patients. Or am I?? No, this too applies
to your existing patients! If you haven't started on that
monthly newsletter, what are you waiting for? And if you're
wondering what to write about... well, you can start with
one of those topics two paragraphs above this one.

OK, you've got the point. Now, third, another guiding principle:

Outproduce your future tax liability!

Yes, I'm ticked off to no end about what's happening in
Washington too. Yes, I'm concerned about where the markets
are heading (Dow down 250 today at time of writing). Yes,
I'm concerned that we may not be "turning the corner" for
quite some time AS A NATION. That's "THE economy", though,
and there's not much you can do about any of that.

However, you can and do control "YOUR economy"! Your practice,
that is. You can make all the difference you need to succeed
wildly, and you can do it NOW. No need to wait for "things to
get better"... why give so much power to external forces?

Step up to the helm, grab the wheel, and steer your practice
in the direction of success! Even in stormy weather, with
the right navigation, the proper plan, and a good crew, you
WILL get to your intended destination. All ahead FULL!

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

PS: If you haven't joined Dental Insiders Alliance yet, this
may be the best time ever to do so. I'll help guide you to
more fertile ground through application of the innovative
concepts, strategies, and ideas I share with my members.

Right now I'm sharing my Patient Attraction Collection with
new Dental Insiders Alliance members that join now. Curious?
Go here:

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