Mar 31, 2009

More on Google...Organic vs Pay Per Click

Lately I've been discussing how Google is my
#1 external source of new patients. Today I
want to clarify a few things about that so it's
clear exactly what I mean by that.
Tonight's Webinar, by the way, is almost full.
As of this writing, 94 of the available 100 slots
are register now if you want a seat.

Title: Get New Patients NOW with Google!
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Time: 8:30 pm EDT for up to 90 minutes
(7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

This webinar will not be repeated or shown again for
those not registered.

When you search for something on Google, you get results
on the left side of the screen, and the right side too.
Results on the right side and the top 2-3 results on the
left are "Pay Per Click" results. Businesses pay Google
to be positioned there when people search for terms that
the businesses bid on (called keywords).

Google prioritizes the order of the ads (that's what
they really are) based on how much each business bids
for each "click" on their ad, and something called the
"Quality Score" of the website where searchers are taken
if they click on that ad. That's why some ads are always
positioned higher than others...there's no "rotation".

This is technical stuff, and Kelly Muldoon will be covering
all this tonight, so I'll stop there.

On the left side of the screen are the "organic" results,
meaning that Google's search formulas (called "spiders")
crawl all over the web looking for RELEVANT websites that
best relate to the keywords entered.

Once again, the formulas and algorithms used by Google and
other search engines are very complex. But there are certain
ways to design a website -- and to distribute content on it --
that make a website more "attractive" to Google.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of designing a
website so that Google is more likely to recognize it as being
relevant to the desired keywords. There are tons of tricks
and tactics used to make this happen.

While being listed on the left side of Google is free,
most people don't know how to "optimize" their websites...
so they should invest in a true SEO expert that knows how.
Beware though, because there are a ton of services out there
that don't deliver what they promise! Tonight Kelly will
touch on what to look for in an SEO service.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the act of marketing a
website using Google Adwords, banner ads, or other means.
This is usually a paid function. Google charges you every
time someone clicks on your ads in Adwords, for example.
Unless you're an Adwords expert, it's always best to have
a true expert handle your Adwords account as well. Any
money invested in Adwords services is returned many times
over in higher conversion rates!

And then there are the Local Business listings, which have
been around for close to 2 years. Interestingly, they have
actually pushed down the organic results farther down the
left side of the page. In my opinion this hurts the value
of organic listings somewhat, since they require scrolling
down the page in most cases. Soon I'll discuss more about
Local Business listings, which are an emerging force.

So...which should you do? You know my answer:


Your website needs to be EVERYWHERE...and it can be with
the right help. My dental websites have 1st page listings
on the organic side, the Adwords side, AND in the Local
Business listings! I didn't do it all myself. I have
expert help.

If anyy of this is still fuzzy, you really should join us
tonight. Kelly will break it all down for you in much
more detail.

All my best,

PS: Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

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