Feb 26, 2009

The Time is NOW

The time is NOW.

Here's a very pointed quote by someone
you may have heard of:

"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right'.
Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools
you may have at your command, and better tools will
be found as you go along."
- Napolean Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich"

Wow. If you're a self-proclaimed perfectionist like
I am -- and chances are, you are -- those words should
hit you right between the eyes.

In today's economic climate, decisiveness and action
will prove to be the defining characteristics of those
who continue to grow and excel, versus those who struggle
and suffer.

All to often, I feel like I have to get things "perfect"
before moving forward. Next to complete incompetence,
this is perhaps the biggest impediment to success there is.

Unfortunately, others have instilled in us the FEAR
of making mistakes. A scolding, a bad grade in school,
disapproval of a dental school instructor (!), or even
public embarrassment and humiliation are all legitimate
reasons why you or I would want to avoid making mistakes.

Well, I've got news for ya...


So... you might as well make mistakes doing things that
get you closer to your goals, instead of making the BIGGEST
mistake of all:

Failure to take actions that move you toward your goals

Times like these instill fear and uncertainty in us all.
It's not whether or not we have fears, but how we MANAGE
them that makes all the difference!

Go ahead, make some mistakes. Make a mess of things while
moving forward... you can clean up the mess later. But
for the sake of success, MOVE FORWARD!

All my best,

PS: Here's another quote for you:
"There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they
are far less than the long-range costs of comfortable inaction."
- John F. Kennedy, 35th U.S. President

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

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