Apr 28, 2008

Here’s More Of “40 Ideas In 40 Days”!

I hope you had a great weekend. This past Friday night we had my
"Second Annual 39th Birthday Party" to celebrate my April 19 B'day. It was a blast, with friends and family, including some who flew in from L.A. to be there. After the party a few of us couples went out for a little while longer...but not that much longer. I can't stay out too late these days, especially with three little ones
counting on me the next day!

40 Ideas In 40 Days...Ideas #6-10. Remember that I'm sharing 40
ideas that will help boost your practice over the next 40 days.
Put these together and over the next month and a half you should
notice some significant positive changes in your practice!

(Please FORWARD this message to any dentists who may be
interested in this information. Have them join this free E-Alert Network at www.DentalInsiders.com. Thanks!)

OK, let's jump right in.

Idea #6 (Apr 24) Look OUTSIDE of dentistry.
This one's HUGE! I recently invited dentists to participate in a
teleseminar on how to "Be THE Expert Dentist On Your Own TV Show". My guest is a very successful chiropractor, Dr. Jeff Hockings, whom I admire for reasons you'll discover on the call. (If you haven't yet registered, you can at www.DentalInsiders.com/tvteleseminar.)

Jeff's been using 30-minute TV interview shows for 11 years to build 4 massively successful chiropractic pratices, 3 of which he has sold successively for huge profits.

Well, one bonehead dentist responded to my invitation publically
with a vile, ridiculous general indictment of all chiropractors
as quacks. I didn't give him the dignity of a direct response.
But regardless of his feelings about chiropractors, he missed the
biggest point. Here it is.

If a professionally produced TV show works for a chiropractor, it'll
very likely work for DENTISTS! I don't have to see a dentist doing
a show...I'll adapt what's working for Dr. Hockings, and apply it
to my industry.

The same concept applies to just about any business concept. You
should be on the lookout for what's working not only in dentistry,
but OUTSIDE the profession as well. Chances are you'll find MORE
good stuff that's applicable to your practice from elsewhere. All
it takes is alertness and some ingenuity.

Idea #7 (Apr 25): Visit 10 dental practices this year.
Don't forget to look INSIDE the profession as well. Each year I
try to visit several dentists that I haven't visited before. When
coaching dentists in their offices all around the U.S., I find that
I ALWAYS learn something there that I can apply in my own practice. And I 've been in a BUNCH of practices.

But you don't have to travel coast to coast to get the same benefit.
Start locally. Give a few colleagues a call and offer to meet them
at their office, then take them to lunch. Show up early and ask
for a TOUR of their office. You'll build new and strengthen existing
relationships with your local doctors, and you'll no doubt learn
something in the process. Just keep your eyes and ears WIDE OPEN!

Idea #8 (Apr 26): Visit your OWN practice. Invite non-patients too. Once per year minimally, you should make a point to walk in the FRONT door of your own office, and just look around. Sit in a few different chairs in the reception room for a few minutes. What do you see? What do you not see? Surprised?

Then walk through your office as a patient would. Enter each treatment room from reception and sit in the dental chair. LEAN BACK and LOOK UP. Go to the patient restroom(s). Check everything out with a critical eye.

This is how your patients see your office. I guarantee you'll find NUMEROUS things that you'll want to change and improve instantly. Have a non-patient friend (an honest one) do the exact same thing. Your team too. Then fix what's not right and feel more confident knowing that you're taking better care of your office. It'll take better care of you!

Idea #9 (Apr 27): Dress up the restrooms.
Studies have shown that people most often rate a place of business
in direct correlation to how they perceive the restrooms! Not
the treatment rooms, believe it or not. The restrooms.

This is one of the most neglected rooms in many businesses, and
dental offices are no exception. Aside from your reception area,
your restrooms are the most critical rooms in your practice to
make as nice and clean as possible. Scented nicely too.

A couple quick tips: First, add several hygiene items for your
patients to use in the restroom. Free toothbrushes, mouthrinse,
floss are givens. But also add some perks, like hand lotion,
wet face wipes, feminine products (in a closed container), air
neutralizer, q-tips...maybe even some mini-lipsticks. Lastly, DON'T SKIMP on the TP...Charmin Ultra, baby!

Your patients will appreciate the fine touches in your restrooms,
and that satisfaction will carry over into other areas of your

Idea #10 (Apr 28): Ditch the magazines...and broadcast radio & TV. One of my biggest pet peeves when I visit other dental practices is the proliferation of magazines and other irrelevant types of media, like local radio or CNN Headline News. BIG mistakes, all.

Magazines, radio and TV all have ADS for other stuff that your
patients may want to buy...INSTEAD of dentistry. Out of date
magazines get trashed, and insinuate an out of date practice. Local
radio is 99% stupid, and is littered with ads, sometimes for other
dentists! And broadcast TV is simply dumbed down, and the commonly displayed news networks report nothing but BAD news. Depressing... and not what you want your patients experiencing in your office.

Should you have PURELY dental information in your reception room? You surely can, as long as it's interesting. Start with information about the most desirable procedures you offer. Then include nice leather bound albums of before and after pictures of YOUR work. My most popular reads are our testimonial albums (3), each stuffed with emotional testimonials from happy patients. Any articles or other press you've received in the past should definitely be prominently displayed. Finally, extra copies of your monthly patient newsletter should be easy to find in your reception area.

How about NON-dental material? OK, I'll cave in...but be very
careful here. I limit my non-dental material to "dollar books"
and cookbooks. I go to Barnes & Noble every few months and raid
the "dollar" table, picking out big books with lots of pictures.
They can be about any topic, except travel destinations or cars
or other expensive stuff. You'd be surprised what you can find,
including recipe books as well. Never more than a buck or two.

These books will satisfy the patients who don't want to read
anything dental. In fact, one side benefit is that whenever a
patient expresses interest in a book, we just GIVE it to them.
They LOVE it, and they'll remember it when it's time to refer!

Well, that wraps up this edition of "40 Ideas In 40 Days".
Be on the lookout later in the week for my next installment.
Enjoy and prosper!

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

PS: $2173 Worth of FREE Resources Plus
2 Months FREE Preferred Membership at:
Go there now!

“TV Teleseminar” Tomorrow Night…A Few Slots Left

If you haven't already, you need to register for tomorrow night's
Dental Insiders Alliance "Executive Insider" Teleseminar. This
month the title is:

Be THE Expert Dentist On Your Own TV Show

If you are NOT a DIA member, you can register here:
www.DentalInsiders.com/tvteleseminar (follow all instructions)

I've reserved 200 lines for this call, and I already have over
164 reigistered. I'm not sure exactly how many, because my
DIA members are automatically registered. I have 164
NEW registrants that are not members, so you can see
that this call will likely fill up today.

My special expert guest this month is Dr. Jeff Hockings, founder
of "Leading Experts" and "Phenomenal Health". Dr. Hockings
has successfully been using 30-minute TV interview shows for 11
years to build recognition and expert status in his AFFLUENT
community of Palm Springs, CA. If you think TV advertising
must be cheesy or hokey, or too expensive to do right, think again.

Dr. Hockings will reveal how he has cornered his local market
using television...and how you can too. You can star in your own
30-minute television show, interviewed by a professional CBS
news anchorwoman. This is NOT a fluke...it is the real deal. I'm
actually scheduled to film THREE shows this summer, for use
here in Charlotte, NC.

With the US economy being a little shaky, and the nation uncertain
over who the next President will be (don't EVEN get me started on
that), savvy dentists recognize that they need to "step out" and
differentiate themselves from the pack in order to thrive. Television is perhaps the most impactful way to do so, if done properly. Dr. Hockings will share with us how to do just that.

Again, here's the link to register:
www.DentalInsiders.com/tvteleseminar (read all instructions)

"See" you then!

All my best,

Apr 23, 2008

Get 40 Ideas In 40 Days…#2-5

If you remember, I sent you a message on my 40th birthday
(Saturday, Apr 19). In it I proclaimed that I would share
with you 40 great ideas for your practice in 40 days, as a
way to celebrate my 40th birthday with you. Also, I started
by giving you Idea #1: "Do The Opposite". Today I'll give
you Ideas #2 through #5, since today is Wednesday. Then I'll
continue at a clip of about 2 messages per week, each containing
the proper number of New Ideas in succession. Cool, huh?

[NOTE: Please do me a favor and FORWARD this message to your
dentist colleagues, with this link for them to sign up for future
messages from me: www.DentalInsiders.com. If they have a pulse
they'll immediately recognize the value in this message...and
they'll want to be in on the rest. Thanks!]

Idea #2 (Apr 20): Be SPECIFIC. This one's HUGE, and I myself got a lesson in this very idea yesterday. Remember the "40th Birthday" message you got last? Well, I asked my virtual assistant to send the message to my entire list. That may not seem to be a problem, BUT...I didn't specify that I meant my entire list of DENTISTS!

You see, recently I had my PATIENT list uploaded into my CRM
(client relationship management) software, so I can use it to
send them messages like I send you messages. I'm sure you can
guess what happened. That "40th Birthday" message was also sent
to ALL of my PATIENTS. OOPS! All because I wasn't specific.

At first I was worried that some of my patients might be a little
disturbed to see this type of a message, especially since it
contained content about "tactics and strategies" and "building
your practice". But the feedback from the few that commented
about it was actually GOOD!

Aside from a little ribbing I got from a patient who also owns
a successful business (he "gets it"), several patients mentioned
that they didn't know I coached other dentists...and they thought
it was GREAT. They were actually impressed that "their dentist"
teaches other dentists how to build their practices. WHEW!

This brings me to Idea #3 (Apr 21): Don't ASSUME without PROOF.
In this case I assumed that the reaction from my patients would
be negative, when in fact it has been overwhelmingly positive.
Now, there may be some patients who didn't like what they saw,
and they either haven't or won't mention it to me. But I'm certain
now....based on the positive feedback...that my error will have
little to no negative implications.

How many times have you assumed something about a patient that turned out to NOT be true? Me, too many times to count. Have you ever had a patient whom you thought would be a great patient, but he never completed any treatment? How about someone whom you were "sure" would be a complete deadbeat, but she paid IN FULL for ideal treatment and completed it all in a flash? We've all had both happen.

Bottom line is that it's DEADLY to make assumptions about anything without facts and proof to back them up. Doing so influences your handling of certain situations...and thus your outcomes. More often than not you'll end up with egg on your face if you base your actions on unsubstantiated assumptions.

Idea #4 (Apr 22): ASK for what you want! This one SEEMS obvious, but I see so many situations where it isn't practiced. Part of the reason may be Idea #3...you assume that your patients know what they are supposed to do. Problem is, they don't.

Ask if your patients understand the nature of their dental problems, and that they'll get worse if not treated. Ask if they are ready to begin correcting them NOW. Ask for the payment BEFORE the treatment is started. And...ASK for their REFERRALS!

Over 80% of your patients have NEVER referred others to your
practice...because you've never ASKED them! Many think you're
too busy...others think you don't need them, want them, or just
don't care. Still more don't even think about it, because you
didn't ASK them. God is right: "Ask and ye shall receive."

Idea #5 (Apr 23): Happiness Attracts Money. And vice versa.
Not long ago my wife Elizabeth and I spent a rare night away from
home, just by ourselves. It was a great little break from the
wonderful craziness that is our home with 3 kids under 5 years old.

We went to brunch at a great local restaurant...but the only problem was that the waitress was a 100% DOWNER. From the moment she approached our table, she made it clear that she was unhappy, and that we shouldn't be. So we got up and reseated ourselves in another section. I refuse to associate with unhappy people. They suck the life out of you.

So we sat in Jenny's section. Man, was she a TREAT! Upbeat,
friendly, just an all-around happy person. Jenny smiled the
entire time we were there, and it was clearly genuine. She made
our brunch experience very enjoyable. You think she got a big
tip? Yep...I left her $20 on $43! No, I usually don't tip almost
50%...but Jenny earned it simply by being a good, happy server.

Like it or not, doc, YOU control the mood in your office. If you
set a happy tone, chances are the team will follow suit. Show up
cranky, chances are the team will follow suit. Either scenario
will have a positive or negative impact on your patients' experiences in your practice, respectively. This in turn will impact their decisions, including those involving money.

All happy people want a happy environment. With so much negativity out there, it sometimes requires work to keep your office mood upbeat. But in the end it's worth it, because you'll attract more patients...and their friends...and they'll invest in you!

Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, share these ideas with your
team, and ACT on them!

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

PS: $2173 Worth of FREE Resources Plus
2 Months FREE Preferred Membership at:
o there now!

Apr 22, 2008

Be The Expert Dentist On Your Own TV Show!

This is your reminder for our April DIA Executive Insider
Teleseminar titled: Be The EXPERT Dentist On Your Own TV Show!
...with special guest Dr. Jeff Hockings of "Leading Experts" and
"Phenomenal Health"

Date/Time: Tuesday, April 29th at 8:30pm EST for 60-75 minutes
(7:30pm CST; 6:30pm MST; 5:30PM PST)

Simulcast: Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice

My special expert guest this month is Dr. Jeff Hockings, founder
of "Leading Experts" and "Phenomenal Health". Dr. Hockings
has successfully been using 30-minute TV interview shows for 11
years to build recognition and expert status in his AFFLUENT
community of Palm Springs, CA. If you think TV advertising
must be cheesy or hokey, or too expensive to do right, think again.

Dr. Hockings will reveal how he has cornered his local market
using television...and how you can too. You can star in your own
30-minute television show, interviewed by a professional CBS
news anchorwoman. This is NOT a fluke...it is the real deal. I'm
actually scheduled to film THREE shows this summer, for use
here in Charlotte, NC.

Here's a partial list of what Dr. Hockings will share on this
innovative learning event:

- Why television is such a powerful marketing medium

- The 5 major benefits of producing a 30 minute TV show

- 8 ways to promote your show WITHOUT airing it once on
broadcast TV

- Why the cost to air a 30-minute TV show is MUCH LESS than
you think

- The secret of LEASED ACCESS, and how can this save you over
300% off normal "infomercial" rates

- How you can actually air your show on TV for FREE

- The 4 simple steps to secure airtime in your area, region, or
even nationally

- How the entire production process requires a much smaller
investment than expected

- ...and much much MORE!

Title: Be The Expert Dentist On Your Own TV Show!
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 29th at 8:30pm EST for 60-75 minutes
(7:30pm CST; 6:30pm MST; 5:30PM PST)

Simulcast: Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice

Even if you can't make the live call, you'll be sent the audio
recording almost immediately after completion, so you can listen
at your convenience. However, I highly recommend that you be
there live, because I expect that you'll have a question or two that
you want answered by Dr. Hockings. We will have time for Q & A
on this call.

We'll "see" you then!

All my best,

Apr 19, 2008

What My 40th Birthday Means To You

At 11:59am today I officially turn 40. That's FORTY...
The Big Four-Oh...Wow! Just yesterday it seems I turned
30. But hey, 40's the new 30, right? Anyway...

I thought I'd share with you how my 40th birthday can and
should relate to the growth and development of your practice.
I'm going to do this in TWO ways, and I think you'll enjoy it
as well as benefit from it.

1- The date in history - April 19th, 1775 was the day of the
"Shot Heard 'Round the World"...or the start of the Revolutionary
War between the upstart US colonies and the feared British Redcoats.

While British soldiers marched in plain view, the rebel colonial fighters hid behind every available object. 93 Americans were lost. But the Reds lost 273, and were handed their you-know-whats during the first battles of the war they would eventually lose.

The ONLY way the upstart American colonial army could defeat the British contingent was to "break" the rules of engagement of the time. In doing so they redefined the rules to their advantage, and came out on top.

The Americans threw out "conventional thinking" and used innovative ideas to win the freedom that we enjoy in the US today. Today we call these tactics "Guerilla Warfare".

Well, you can use "Guerilla Warfare" in your dental practice...in
fact you NEED to in order to thrive in today's volatile marketplace.
This means using strategies and tactics that are unconventional,
and that most dentists are unwilling to do. That's what truly
will set you apart from your local competitors...and it's what
also will bring you practice growth and wealth beyond your

So, when in doubt about what to do in just about any given
situation, look around at what most of your colleagues are doing...
and do the OPPOSITE! This holds true especially with marketing,
and with getting more referrals and retaining your patients for
life. Those willing to BREAK FREE from conformity almost always
come out on top.

2- 40 Ideas in 40 Days! - Throughout the next 40 days, I'm going
to share with you FORTY different ideas, concepts, and strategies
that you can implement immediately in your own business!

Don't worry, I'm not going to be sending you 40 messages. Instead
I'll group the 40 ideas together in messages that I'll send 2-3
times per week. That way you won't get your Inbox crammed, but
you'll still benefit. How 'ya like that?

By the way, if you weren't counting, today is "Day 1", and I just
gave you Idea #1 above...and it's a BIGGIE! Enjoy!

So now, if you're keeping track, I'll be spending the next 40 days
covering 40 great ideas for you and your practice. I'll also
maintain an emphasis on Referrals and Retention, which in a
volatile economy are the KEYS to maintaining a thriving business.

My next message will come on either Monday or Tuesday. For now I'm going to enjoy some special time with my wife Elizabeth, my kids Reid, Kenan, and Olivia...and I'm also going to enjoy my birthday! I'll let you know how it went.

All my best,

PS: Will you do me a favor? Please FORWARD this message to your
colleagues. Make sure they sign up at www.DentalInsiders.com
for more free E-Alerts. They'll appreciate it, and so will I!

Apr 15, 2008

It’s Tax Time, …Bill Your Patients!

Here we are at what many here in the U.S. call the worst day of
the year ... April 15th. Yes, it's pay-day for our state and federal
governments, whose spending habits make even the most talented
Beverly Hills shoppers look like penny pinching misers!

I'm absolutely disgusted with our tax system, but one thing's for
sure: if you're paying a lot in taxes, it means that you made a lot
of money! That's the ONLY good thing about a big tax bill.

But there's MORE good news. You can "send the bill to your own
PATIENTS." How? Do what I'm doing right here, with you...
COMMUNICATE with them! Stick with me here and I'll tie it all

I mentioned in my last email that I would be focusing on
REFERRALS and RETENTION...how to BOOST your practice
using the leverage of your own patient base. Well, here we go.

The BIGGEST KEY to retaining your existing patients...active and
inactive...is to stay in touch with them. For every month that
you don't, you lose 10% of your influence over them, and many will drift away quietly, never to be seen again.

BUT...if you do communicate with them CONSISTENTLY and
CONTINUOUSLY, you KEEP them. Better yet, the more you
stay in touch, the more BUSINESS you'll get from your patients.
And if you send them the right messages, they'll REFER more
people to you too!

Yes, it's a "slow build", meaning that you can't expect everything
to happen right away. But the sooner you start, the sooner you
enjoy the benefits...and some gains will be immediate.

Start by making sure you have ALL of your patients' contact info,
including their EMAIL addresses. If you don't, start collecting
them TODAY.

In the meantime, use DIRECT MAIL to connect with your patients
when they're not in your office. It's THE most powerful way
to build a stronger relationship with them.

Send a postcard, a letter, a newsletter. Make an OFFER with a
deadline that'll save your patients some money if they act now.
If your offer strikes a chord with just a few of them, you're
well on your way to getting that tax bill taken care of...by
your patients!

More on this soon.

All my best,

PS: OK...if you haven't joined Dental Insiders Alliance yet,
now's the time, because I'm giving away even more stuff than I
have ever given away. If you join before April 30th, I'll throw
in 2 ADDITIONAL CD's on top of those listed on my website:
www.DentalInsiders.com/testdrive (scroll through to see them all)

1. "How To Make 2008 Your Best Year EVER!" (it's not too late)
2. "Your NEW Fees...How To Charge What Your Worth!"

I've never made this offer before, so jump on it now!

Apr 10, 2008

How “R & R” Can Double Your Practice!

I know it's been a little while since I've written you.
I've been quite busy working on some exciting NEW resources
that will CATAPULT your practice to new levels. Now is not
the time to talk about them yet, but rest assured, you'll
be PUMPED when you learn about what's in store for you very
soon! I'm not trying to tease you...I just don't want to let
the cat out of the bag just yet.

How "R & R" Can Double Your Practice!

One of the top 3 questions I get from my Dental Insiders Alliance
members is: "How can I get more new patients?" It's a great
question, and there's no shortage of people and companies who
will leap at the chance to answer you. Heck, I'm one of those
people...HOWEVER...I think we should also be focusing on an
additional question that I almost NEVER get:

"How can I KEEP more of my own patients?"

Here's the best part. The answer to that question is part of the
answer to the first question! Let me explain by defining what
my version of "R & R" is.


Yes, RETAINING your patients will most certainly lead to
ATTRACTING new patients...IF you actively WORK at not
just retaining them, but turning them into "raving fans".
There's a big difference. Plus, the benefit of having them
return over and over to your practice is HUGE, and multiplies
the "lifetime value" of each patient. That's the KEY to
growing your practice like crazy.

So what do you do to ensure that your patients will stay
COMMITTED to your practice, and not just run off to the
next dentist that offers free whitening?

What do you do to ensure that your existing patients will be ENERGIZED and MOTIVATED to refer their friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to you?

I don't have enough room in this email to thoroughly address
these questions, but I am going to dedicate the next several
E-Alert messages to this very topic. In fact, from this point
forward I'll be dedicating considerable time and energy to the
concept of:


While I won't abandon other topics that contribute to the growth
and development of your business and well-being, I will shine
the spotlight frequently on systems and strategies that you can
employ to BOOST your patient RETENTION rate, and simultaneously SKYROCKET the number of REFERRALS you get from your active patients...and from NON-patients as well!

Be on the lookout for my next E-Alert message in a few days,
when I begin to uncover several secrets to keeping your patients
"for life", and getting them to happily refer others to you.

All my best,
Chris, your "Retention and Referrals Expert"

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance