Jan 11, 2008

What Is “The Greatest Danger”?

How ya doin' today? Fantastic I hope!

What is "The Greatest Danger"? I'll reveal
it in a minute. But first...

It's 11 days into January already.
Have you set your goals for 2008 yet?

If so, great. NOW is the time to REVIEW them
and REVISE them...but not until you read this
whole message.

If not, that's OK, but let's get on it right away!
In fact, immediately after this message is the BEST
time to finalize your goal setting.

How HIGH have you set the bar in 2008 for your practice?
Is it high enough? There's one easy way to know.

Take a look at your goals as you have them WRITTEN DOWN
(hint hint). If you're thinking to yourself, "Yeah,
I can do that", then they're TOO LOW!

If you're thinking, "Wow, that's going to be a big challenge",
then your goal levels are better...but not quite there yet.

But if you examine your 2008 goals and you're thinking,
"Holy Cow! That seems virtually impossible! We would
have to do everything perfectly, AND the planets and stars
would have to line up, for us to hit those goals"...
well, NOW you've got your goals at the right level!!

I know, you may wonder why I'd encourage you to set goals
that may seem unachievable. It may drive some of you CRAZY
to think that you may not hit your goals. But actually
hitting them is NOT the biggest deal, when they're properly
set. In fact, you avoid "the greatest danger", as defined
by the great Michelangelo:

"The greatest danger for us is NOT that our aim is too high
and we miss, but that it is too LOW and we achieve it."

Even if you just miss STELLAR goals, when you look back
you'll realize thay you're a whole lot farther ahead
than you ever thought you would be!

All my best,

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