Jul 29, 2009

TONIGHT'S "More New Patients With Google PLUS" Webinar...

Get More New Patients With Google Adwords...PLUS What's NEXT!

Join us for a Webinar TONIGHT at 8:30pm EDT
(7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)

NOTE: If you can't make the scheduled time, register anyway
so you can get the LINK to the recording and watch
this webinar when it's most convenient for you!

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

You've got a website, right? If so, then you absolutely,
positively need to be in on this webinar! I'm going to be
interviewing Certified Google Adwords expert Kelly Muldoon,
who is my external marketing "secret weapon". Kelly is
responsible for generating tons of "traffic" to my websites...
and she's going to reveal her best traffic generation secrets
for you here on Wednesday, July 29th at 8:30pm EDT.

Kelly is one of the few Certified Google Adwords Specialists
who works independently with dentists! She understands how
Google Adwords works down to the last detail...and she under-
stands dental marketing too! More specifically, she has mastered
the Pay Per Click process as it relates to dentistry.

With Google Adwords you can literally generate traffic to your
website within minutes...provided that you know what you're
doing. Kelly will show you how on this call!

Kelly will be sharing how she catapulted me to the TOP
of Google almost overnight! Since Google now controls 70%
of all internet search traffic, you'll want to know this.

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Here's more:

- How to set up your own Adwords account in minutes
- Google and internet marketing lingo demystified
- How Pay Per Click really works in Google
- What the "top" (most desirable) position on Google is
(it's not what you think!)
- 3 reasons why being the "high bidder" is a BAD idea
- How you can bid lower and still be listed higher (!!)
- Headline and ad copy secrets that convert like crazy
- Leverage your Adwords results to multiply new patient flow
- Testing, tracking, and tweaking with Adwords and Analytics
- and much much MORE!! This is a HUGE topic.

And...WHAT'S NEXT...Kelly and I will discuss how to be sure that
your website can CONVERT visitors into patients. This the critical
"MISSING LINK" that causes most dentists to LOSE potential new
patients that land on their websites.

Register now...don't miss this exclusive learning event!

Get More New Patients With Google Adwords...PLUS What's NEXT!

Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Time: 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

After registering you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the Webinar.

We'll "see" you then!

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Jul 28, 2009

Tomorrow Night's "More New Patients With Google PLUS" Webinar...

Get More New Patients With Google Adwords...PLUS What's NEXT!

Join us for a Webinar on Wednesday, July 29 at 8:30pm EDT
(7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

You've got a website, right? If so, then you absolutely,
positively need to be in on this webinar! I'm going to be
interviewing Certified Google Adwords expert Kelly Muldoon,
who is my external marketing "secret weapon". Kelly is
responsible for generating tons of "traffic" to my websites...
and she's going to reveal her best traffic generation secrets
for you here on Wednesday, July 29th at 8:30pm EDT.

Kelly is one of the few Certified Google Adwords Specialists
who works independently with dentists! She understands how
Google Adwords works down to the last detail...and she under-
stands dental marketing too! More specifically, she has mastered
the Pay Per Click process as it relates to dentistry.

With Google Adwords you can literally generate traffic to your
website within minutes...provided that you know what you're
doing. Kelly will show you how on this call!

Kelly will be sharing how she catapulted me to the TOP
of Google almost overnight! Since Google now controls 70%
of all internet search traffic, you'll want to know this.

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Here's more:

- How to set up your own Adwords account in minutes
- Google and internet marketing lingo demystified
- How Pay Per Click really works in Google
- What the "top" (most desirable) position on Google is
(it's not what you think!)
- 3 reasons why being the "high bidder" is a BAD idea
- How you can bid lower and still be listed higher (!!)
- Headline and ad copy secrets that convert like crazy
- Leverage your Adwords results to multiply new patient flow
- Testing, tracking, and tweaking with Adwords and Analytics
- and much much MORE!! This is a HUGE topic.

And...WHAT'S NEXT...Kelly and I will discuss how to be sure that
your website can CONVERT visitors into patients. This the critical
"MISSING LINK" that causes most dentists to LOSE potential new
patients that land on their websites.

Register now...don't miss this exclusive learning event!

Get More New Patients With Google Adwords...PLUS What's NEXT!

Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Time: 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM EDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

After registering you will receive a confirmation email
containing information about joining the Webinar.

Jul 22, 2009

Wednesday Webinar: 7 Patient Attraction Strategies + Instant Team Meetings!

Don't forget tonight's Webinar! Register if you haven't done so:

Instant Team Meetings...Your Formula For Success
Wednesday, July 22 at 8:30pm EASTERN TIME
(7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)

During this webinar I'll reveal my 7 CORE Patient Attraction
Strategies that have helped me grow my practice into the exact
business I want, spinning off plenty of profit in the process.
I'm including specific content that you can literally use
the NEXT MORNING in your own practice for immediate benefits!

In challenging economic times, the difference between practices
that continue to grow and those that struggle is the IMPLEMENTATION
of effective, proven systems and strategies that promote positive
outcomes. The ONLY way to ensure that doctors and team members
are on the same page is to have regularly scheduled team meetings.

I'm also going to share with you how I've learned to take what
WERE ordinary, dull team meetings...and transform them into
what I call true "Power Hours" that immediately impact our
practice revenues in a BIG way!

Do you currently have regularly scheduled team meetings?
If so, do you get frustrated when you spend a full hour or
more together, yet very little if anything seems to get
accomplished? Worse yet, do your team meetings sometimes turn
into tense, unproductive "gripe sessions" that leave everyone
tired and irritated?

Still worse, have you abandoned team meetings altogether
because they seemed to be nothing more than a "waste
of time"?

If your answer to any of those questions was a YES, then you
really should make a point to be on this webinar! I'll show you
how you can take advantage of my new Instant Team Meetings strategy
to train your team effectively and consistently...month after month...
for STUNNING profit increases!

When you put this simple yet powerful strategy to work in your
practice, your team meetings will never be the same again. You and
your team will emerge from future team meetings energized, focused,
and motivated to IMPLEMENT new concepts, systems and strategies NOW!

The result: an IMMEDIATE positive impact on your bottom line!

Reviews on this presentation are among the best I've received...
so don't miss it!

All my best,

PS: Here's the link to register once again:

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Jul 21, 2009

Audio Ready: Dental Assistant Schools Made Easy & Profitable...

Teleseminar recording available now...here's the link:

What a great call we had with my guest Dr. Mark Costes tonight!
He laid out all the details on what has made his Dental Assistant
Schools (yes, more than one!) so successful. More importantly,
he left no questions unanswered in describing how you can have
and profit handsomely from your own Dental Assistant School too.

After interviewing Dr. Costes, and spending time with him
face to face, here are my thoughts.

Dr. Costes has spent over 3 years preparing what I consider to
be THE most comprehensive Dental Assistant School program
available...and I've seen three other programs to use as a basis
of comparison. In fact, his program covers all the bases,
including a complete direct response marketing system and
"hold you by the hand" assistance with state licensing.

I should know...I have his program myself! And I'm going through
the licensing process right now, with ample help from Dr. Costes'
expert team. Once licensed, I'll enjoy yet another revenue
stream that will also serve the community by helping to train
future dental assistants, thus providing area dentists with an
emerging pool of talent to choose from.

The best part is: I won't have to actually run the school!
Although I may choose to teach a class or two (optional for
the doctor), one or two of my team members will operate this
business for me. I'll pay them well, but I'm also expecting
to clear about 75-80% PROFIT, which can add up to over
$100,000 ANNUALLY.

How much extra dentistry do you have to produce to result in
$100K profit? Well, if your overhead is 65%, you'd have to crank
out $285,714.28 in dentistry to do it. How long would that
take in your practice? Would you be tired? Sore?

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be sipping a tall cool
drink somewhere fun, knowing that my well-paid team member(s)
are producing that income FOR me, while also helping their
students prepare for a career in dentistry as an assistant.
It's a win-win-win.

Or maybe I'll be hanging out with my wife and kids more, playing
an extra round of golf at Eagle Point, or whatever else I feel
like doing. How would you rather NET an extra $100,000?

Alright, enough of that already. You can see I'm pumped about
this, because I can see the opportunity. And here's something
interesting: I think the opportunity is BETTER in areas that
are suffering through WEAKER economic conditions right now!

Regardless of where you are, the potential for not only recouping
your investment quickly, but also profiting significantly and
quickly, is enormous. And it's still in the field where you
are the obvious expert.

So, if you're curious, or interested to learn more about Dr.
Mark Costes' Dental Assistant School program, go here:

All my best,

PS: Remember, the audio recording of my interview with Dr. Costes
can be found here:

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Tonight's Teleseminar & Wednesday's Webinar Info...

Listed below is all the information you need to connect
with me on Tuesday (Jul 21) and Wednesday (Jul 22) nights,
as I rev up my Dental Insiders Alliance "Summer Teleseminar /
Webinar Blitz"!

Just to clarify, Tuesday night's learning event is a teleseminar,
or audio only. You can join via telephone or webcast. Wednesday
night's event is a webinar, so you've gotta be at your computer,
with either the sound turned up or your phone in hand.

1) Dental Assisting Schools Made Easy & Profitable
Interview With Dr. Mark Costes (teleseminar)

EVENT: Dental Assisting Schools Made Easy & Profitable
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, July 21st at 8:30pm EDT
(7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast)
WEBCAST: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=ECEMN&m=1ZiGaKCKX_hxOT&b=bl0jNK7q7i53bVRTx1s69A
PHONE #: 704-804-5068 (Backup #: 513-233-7881)
ID#: 970926#

2) Instant Team Meetings...Your Formula For Success (webinar)

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, July 21st at 8:30pm EDT
(7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)
REGISTER: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=ECEMN&m=1ZiGaKCKX_hxOT&b=9hHRSycZCZF9xq7HOxcrsg

Register here, then get your webinar link. If using the
phone option for audio, you'll get the call-in number and
PIN# when you join the webinar.


Here are the descriptions of both events:

1) Tuesday, July 21 at 8:30pm EASTERN TIME
"Dental Assisting Schools Made Easy & Profitable"

Join my expert guest Dr. Mark Costes, as he takes a concept
you've probably heard about to the next level. Dr. Costes is
helping dentists across the US demystify the DA School process,
so they can start profiting rapidly. Even if you've heard
about this additional stream of revenue before, you'll be
impressed with how Dr. Costes has literally reversed the weaknesses
of previous DA School systems and turned them into opportunities.

You'll learn not only about what's involved in a solid dental
assistant school curriculum, but also how to get through the
licensing process with ease (including help from Dr. Costes)...
and how to market for qualified students who are eager to pay
the $2500+ tuition to attend!

If you're even remotely interested in this topic, you've gotta
be in on this call!

2) Wednesday, July 22 at 8:30pm EASTERN TIME
Instant Team Meetings...Your Formula For Success

During this webinar I'll reveal my 7 CORE Patient Attraction
Strategies that have helped me grow my practice into the exact
business I want, spinning off plenty of profit in the process.
I'm including specific content that you can literally use
the NEXT MORNING in your own practice for immediate benefits!

In challenging economic times, the difference between practices
that continue to grow and those that struggle is the IMPLEMENTATION
of effective, proven systems and strategies that promote positive
outcomes. The best way to ensure that doctors and team members
are on the same page is to have regularly scheduled team meetings.

I'm going to share with you how I've learned to take what
WERE ordinary, dull team meetings...and transform them into
what I call true "Power Hours" that immediately impact our
practice revenues in a BIG way!

Do you currently have regularly scheduled team meetings?
If so, do you get frustrated when you spend a full hour or
more together, yet very little if anything seems to get
accomplished? Worse yet, do your team meetings sometimes turn
into tense, unproductive "gripe sessions" that leave everyone
tired and irritated?

Still worse, have you abandoned team meetings altogether
because they seemed to be nothing more than a "waste
of time"?

If your answer to any of those questions was a YES, then you
really should make a point to be on this webinar! I'll show you
how you can take advantage of my new Instant Team Meetings strategy
to train your team effectively and consistently...month after month...
for STUNNING profit increases!

When you put this simple yet powerful strategy to work in your
practice, your team meetings will never be the same again. You and
your team will emerge from future team meetings energized, focused,
and motivated to IMPLEMENT new concepts, systems and strategies NOW!

The result: an IMMEDIATE positive impact on your bottom line!

Reviews on this presentation are among the best I've received...
so don't miss it!

All my best,

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Jul 15, 2009

"Just the facts, ma'am"...ALL the facts, that is...

As an extension of yesterday's message, I mentioned that I would
describe today the importance of including ALL relevant information
when helping patients make good decisions about their dental health.

I barely remember seeing reruns of the old TV show "Dragnet",
where two detectives would always investigate a crime. The
only quote I remember from the show is: "Just the facts, ma'am."

The detective knew that he usually couldn't solve the crime until
he had all the relevant facts...and only the facts. Many times
the same is true with your patients. They often can't (and won't)
arrive at the best "dental decision" unless they have access to
EVERY fact related to their situation.

And it's up to you and your team to be SURE they have all the
facts at their disposal. After all, no one else has the
professional dental expertise to guide your patients through
the important decisions they must make about their health...
except you and your team.

I'd even contend that your MOST important job is to ensure
that your patients have all the info, every time. It's much
more important than that one remaining little speck of tartar.
Have you ever had a patient call with a "tartar emergency"?

Patients have little chance of making smart dental decisions
if they don't have all the data. Most important among the facts
usually is a detailed explanation of the RISKS involved in not
moving forward with treatment. A realistic assessment of the
risks of losing more tooth structure, the whole tooth, or needing
more extensive and expensive procedures than they need now is
critical, helping patients understand the urgency of their problems.

If patients aren't having symptoms, the perceived urgency is
low. Add to that the natural tendency to avoid or put off "going
to the dentist", and you're starting with an uphill battle at

Even if they said "no" or "not now" last time, they deserve the
same opportunity at EVERY visit to REvisit that decision. And
at every visit they need a COMPLETE review of all the details!

Please don't think they'll remember what you told them last time.
And don't think that they'll automatically say no this time if
they said no last time, because that will influence your
presentation of the facts.

I'd rather have the patient say, "Yes, I remember that photo,"
than for him/her to say "I didn't know that tooth was cracked"
the day it breaks...and you told them a year ago but not most

Fact is, people aren't sitting around all day thinking about their
teeth! I know it's hard for us to swallow that, but it's true.

I know it gets boring sometimes to have to go over the same things
again and again...but it's a NECESSITY to do so, period. And it's
best BY FAR if it starts with the team, and then the doctor
verifies the findings as the "second opinion" in your own office.

When you and your team are in the habit of communicating with
patients about their dental conditions consistently, as if
each interaction were the FIRST interaction, your CONVERSION
RATE to "yes" will reach its optimal level.

So again, give your patients the opportunity to say yes or no
every time...but make sure they have all the info first.

All my best,

PS: Next week my Dental Insiders Alliance "Summer Blitz" Teleseminar
and Webinar Series begins, with two exclusive learning events:

1- "How To Profit From Your Own Dental Assisting School"
Tuesday, July 21 at 8:30pm EDT (7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)

Join my expert guest Dr. Mark Costes, as he takes a concept
you've probably heard about to the next level. Dr. Costes is
helping dentists across the US demystify the DA School process,
so they can start profiting rapidly. Even if you've heard
about this additional stream of revenue before, you'll be
impressed with how Dr. Costes has literally reversed the weaknesses
of previous DA School systems and turned them into opportunities.

2- "Instant Team Meetings - Your Formula For Success"
Wednesday, July 22 at 8:30pm EDT (7:30pm CDT; 6:30pm MDT; 5:30pm PDT)

Back by popular demand! Yes, the first time I did this webinar it
was filled with technical glitches. So I did the "Mulligan" version
of the webinar, and the digital recording somehow got botched by
the webinar service. Sheesh!

Still, the reviews were great, and I've had more requests for an
"encore" presentation of this content-packed webinar. So I'm
doing this once again, for the LAST TIME. Registered attendees
will have access to the recording, which I'm committed to capturing
this time (I'm using two sources!).

During this webinar I'll reveal my 7 CORE Patient Attraction
Strategies that have helped me grow my practice into the exact
business I want, spinning off plenty of profit in the process.
Also, I'm including specific content that you can literally use
the next morning in your own practice for immediate results.

Reviews on this presentation are among the best I've received...
so don't miss it!

Registration information will be sent to you tomorrow, but I
wanted to let you know about these events now. Stay tuned.

Dr. Chris Bownman
Dental Insiders Alliance

Jul 14, 2009

I'm baaack...with another BIG idea!

I'm baaaack...with another BIG idea!

I'm also back in the saddle again, after a fantastic long
vacation with the family at beautiful Figure Eight Island,
NC. It's a phenomenal private island with miles of
incredible, uncrowded beaches...ultra-safe for the kids.

Two weeks of the beach, golfing at Eagle Point Golf Club
(Golf Digest #83 in the US), the pool, and a little fishin'
and I feel like I've "reset" myself. Now I'm ready to
rock for the remainder of the year! Just in case though,
there's that next week off coming up in August...sigh.

OK, now for the BIG idea. This one may seem obvious at
first, but when you think about it, you may realize that
you and your team need to work on it quite a bit. It is:

"ALWAYS give your patients the OPPORTUNITY to say 'yes' or
'no' to your absolute BEST treatment, no matter what!"

When it gets right down to it, that's what allows me to:

- experience continued practice growth in ANY economic climate

- find out what they really want, and what means most to them

- discover my patients' true motivations behind their dental goals

- find out what true limitations they have, financial or otherwise

- not worry about US trying to figure out what they're thinking,
or whether they can afford it, or whatever else

- sleep well every night, knowing that my patients have the freedom
make their own decisions about their care...with ALL the relevant
information of course!

That last point is perhaps most important to me...and to my patients.

By the way, don't miss the IMPORTANT CAVEAT I threw in there
about being certain that you and your team have given your
patients ALL the relevant information they need to make wise
decisions. I'll discuss that in more detail tomorrow.

Until then, be sure to share this message with your team...
and hold them accountable for following through.

All my best,

PS: Be on the lookout for a flurry of communications from
me over the next several weeks and months. Since I haven't
been in touch in a little while, it'll seem like a lot.
Don't worry though, I won't bug you...I'll make sure that
every message I send has a solid purpose.

Case in point: Soon I'll be announcing my 1st Annual
Dental Insiders Alliance "Summer Blitz" Teleseminar &
Webinar Series. I have an impressive lineup of guests
gathered to help you learn and implement new ideas and
strategies in your practice. While most of the events
will be reserved for Dental Insiders Alliance members,
I'm opening some up for non-members as well

However, the ONLY way to get the schedule for the upcoming
DIA Summer Blitz Teleseminar & Webinar Series is to be a
subscriber here! So stay tuned.

Dr. Chris Bowman
Dental Insiders Alliance